posted this for old timers like me who remember him.. as a kid being glad we got him after watching him on the oilers .. seeing George Blanda throw to him.
I Will just say this , i dont care about masks .. i got on here to exchange thoughts about my beloved Bills .. and for the most part its not bad.. but the hyper-politcal stuff i have commented on and have found that i :"didnt toe the line" politcally i was shut down.. me.. i like talking about the old bills at war memorial when i was a kid. or offer an opinion about the current state .. but not hat easy but my 30 day suspension is over
not sure , have not thought it thru that much .. but fauci ? do you trust him? wear a face mask ? dont wear a mask mask? tell me .. enlighten me .. who should i listen to about infectious diseases .. do u have inside info?
Fair point ..totally get it , but right or wrong , how can politicians not be included in the discussion? again.. not shooting "you the messenger" .. just rhetorically asking?
My comment about Cuomo was taken down , but just read an interview that Aaron Rodgers gave ,says he feels under house arrest.. totally agree , the sooner this stuff ends , the better off we will all be. just my opinion.