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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. DUDE. I dont use that term "Dude" but stop ok.. i get it..; the upside down flag, your BS defense of BLM.. Tiring.got it..
  2. Blaze tv is a propaganda network ? based on the BS "fact check" source ? pathetic . let me go find a BS conservative "fact check" and plug in CNN. ABC. MSNBC ..
  3. fascism?? what? are you the "fascist guy" categorizes ? Essentialy that is where BLM belongs IMHO
  4. THANK YOU! Casting judgment on others when you have no point .. if it gets you through the day.. go for it.. was going to say "i salute you" .. but nah..
  5. really spoken like a true "patriot" but clue me in.. WTH are you talking about?"
  6. ok...where did you see "a lot of information" saying they are marxists and want to destroy the nuclear family ? you mean there are others like me that saw it , know it?
  7. Of course not , (btw your pic is a disgrace, flag upside down) they purposely leave out the father in the equation..
  8. For crissakes are you serious? in this country , the father is part of the nuclear family.. enough with your nonsense..
  9. Guess you missed it " We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. We foster a *****‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).
  10. Really ? you read their website?
  11. He is perfectly correct! A tenet of BLM does not believe in the nuclear family..
  12. Go to "black lives matter" All due respect , i think you are full of sh @#t its not about antifa.. its about what "black lives matter" actually is .
  13. Its not about "black lives" matter or any other "cause du jour" BLM is a marxist organization.. look at their website .. All the weenie leagues and Companies giving them money are pathetic.. i guess all the predictable barbs will come..
  14. i wanna see Football obviously.. but call their bluff. let them lose the money
  15. I totally agree , and politics has crept into everything ..
  16. well the "gist" was Trump saying lou saban as opposed to nick saban .. hence the predictable trump stuff.. but hey ,guess it fair game
  17. So .. the Trump mocking wasnt "political rhetoric"
  18. Only if he got a woman on the ticket , like Biden will .. maybe a DeNiro /Striesand ticket . may work
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