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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. You lost me.. channels? In all due respect.. WTH are you talking about ?
  2. OK.. that "seals the deal" for me!. good work!!!!!!!
  3. Washinton Post story? .. hmmmmm .. read lately about that particular media outlet having cred problems.. so be it ..
  4. All political.. make it miserable .. and that is my opinion
  5. I agree, fights among teammeats in camp are commonplace..Thomas is a prototypical doosh.. IMHO..
  6. YEP.. seems the Gov's Wolf, Murphy, and King Andrew , were greatly responsible for needless deaths due to their behavior.. decision to send people to nursing homes to die
  7. Absolutely! totally agree .. CASE CLOSED!
  8. Sad.. another good guy leaves us.. a decent nice guy and an exceptional talent..
  9. I think the SEC will play.. they are the heartbeat of college football and wont give in.. JMHO
  10. When in doubt , taken right from the progressive playbook , call the other a party a name.. good work ! Huh? i just mentioned that Trump exercised an established business practice.,. IMHO !
  11. I would respectfully assume that is your opinion ..
  12. Listen i dont give a sh*%^T what you or anybody thinks about Trump or politics on here.. i try to come here for updates , convos on the Bills , football .. but when i see it turn political, i will offer my opinion.. Stop now .. you arent getting anywhere
  13. you mean by coninuing to read your "take" on politics.. ? "Heavy duty stuff "
  14. i know being whimisical plays big on here , but you lost me with that one..
  15. Certainly sir! i can tell you are a "poltical genius "i will abide by your guidance ! Sorry i forgot! LOL ,, All that is on Trump! "you are correct"Bet you are glad it isnt 3 billion huh? which what Pelosi and the Democrats want Nothing like a "coming to a Jesus" moment on Football message Board!
  16. Oh well "Trump sucks " "I am convinced now"
  17. LOL! ok have not seen this anywhere.,. dare i say "fake news"?? as for paying his debts? i learned in high school that filing for bankruptcy is a legit business practice.. has that changed? i get it .. you dont like Trump .. not wasting any time on predictable Trump bashing .. jesus
  18. wow.. impressed with all the analysis of a non story!
  19. Curious, if Fromm made past comments "inadvertantly " about support for BLM , would he be facing this ?
  20. Totally agree! move on for crissakes! Slow day for a reporter i never heard of..
  21. To each their own.. but looks like a cry for attention.. this is a football message board ..
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