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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. WOW .. Arrest law abiding citizens for trying to attend a football game ! better off going out and loot a store and score some sneakers unreal
  2. JMHO.. aspects of the behavior of the players before the game could be deemed "political" and if people are p-d off about it , it is there right to be..
  3. Get Ready for "Imagine".. by John Lennon
  4. Let the fans attend for crissakes.. silly
  5. Covid practice squad kickers? Huh? i would think in the event that need arises , you just pick one up .. enough of them out there
  6. Hope the money he makes is not all based on Tips..
  7. Thats it in a nutshell.speaking for myself , i dont care what people in sports or entertaiment think about politics , whatever. . stick to your profession , thrive in it .. but dont tell me what to think .. or assume i should give a s ----t what you think..
  8. nah .. you are way too smart , can compete with a person like you when it comes to "grammar" Touche'
  9. the "academic" big word, not sure what it means, but THANK YOU! always a learning experience on here
  10. what "tired schtick:" i (assumed you spelled schtick right) just sick of politics in sports because its all disjointed, and based on emotion , not fact
  11. AS FAR AS? You nailed it as always Jauronimo
  12. i will offer an opinion.. on the right side.. the correct side.. Triggered me? jesus.. stop , you sound like a snowflake for crissakes..
  13. Awesome ! such an obvious fair question that somehow gets sidetracked.. pushed aside
  14. Whoa! "a confused old man" ? nice! thanks for the insult! and yea im :"embarrassed" such a perceptive individual .. you a comedian per chance?
  15. WOW! that is "groundbreaking! must have lotsa deep thinkers there
  16. BLM Is a marxist group.. dont google it , because they took it down. anyway , the NFLshould steer clear of it.. JMHO.. and could care less about BLM And what anybody thinks about it or my opinion
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