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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. e make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
  2. probably weill come down to the wire on that ..
  3. where do the funds come to finance them?
  4. They are based on..?? socialism? really..
  5. i wish i could just answer your request with a two word response the first word beginning with the letter f.. look it up ..
  6. werent you inquiring about "what is marxism"?
  7. i suppose it comes down to definition.. and yes your points about social programs , etc.. valid.. but they , the programs you enumerated are based/funded by capitialism
  8. REALLY thought we were a capitalist country .. something change since yesterday?
  9. or calling for the lack of the need for the father in the household! please read their agenda!
  10. Be prepared for the onslaught ..
  11. NICE! not sure of your glib point.. i was just offering a comment in relation to the topic.
  12. My barber gave me his "social justice message"today.. so another one tommorow from NFL players.. which one carries more weight ?
  13. Wonder what aspect of "science" this rule is based on ..especially since he gets tested, doesnt have covid..
  14. When? never mind.. not wasting time ,.. i get your agenda.
  15. my point is that compared to "breaking the law" trying to attend a football game or looting and throwing frozen water bottles at the police should be enforced equally!arresting a friggin guy wanting to watch a football game ? maybe a warning??
  16. no offense , but have no idea what point you are making
  17. Compared to the "Peaceful protests"?
  18. that is your opinion and that is what others also offer up on here
  19. ok guess i "learned" something today!
  20. the operative phrase is "law abiding" .. "score some sneakers" from looting.. i grew up in south buffalo , may not be as "smart" as you What is your point?
  21. How so? "Enlighten me" "ya got me"!i guess?
  22. i suppose but it actually should involve "past practice" do you start busting people for trying to attend a football game? ok. what is the protest?
  23. good for you! to be commended! have you noticed that some have stole more than one pair?"
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