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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i cannot believe the B S i am reading on here!, the ralph is a great venue for football. its buffalo! its tailgating. no sterile dome is needed, build some luxury boxes where the current press box sits, as they were going to, and be done with it!.. no WNY , OR NIAGARA FALLS BILLS!what is the matter with some of you. buffalo is unique , the experience on game days is great, why change it? i think some on here are trying to be way to trendy.
  2. i agree, no rooting interest, or a team to root against, just made it ho-hum for me. i know it will never happen, but i hate the starting time. i like sunday afternoon games, 4 o'clock would be ideal. in addition, i know its been a long time, but having the bills in would obviously help!. all playoff games up to the super bowl are actually the best, no staged feel, just football. that being said, all the domes in the playoffs sucked , love the weather being a factor, seeing the breath of the players, snow, i sure hope that outdoor football does not become a thing of the past!
  3. yea, my point is i want our defense to have an edge, an identity. for once i would like to see a team from buffalo have the nastiness, toughness, that goes with the town. the sabres are pussies, the bills have no identity. just once i would like to hear the rest of football acknowledge the toughness of the bills in some form.
  4. pft is reporting both joey porter and adulius thomas are going to be cut soon. i think both would bring the attitude we are looking for the defense to have..
  5. you really forget what a great era the knox one was! i maintain that if fergy did not get hurt in the san diego game the year before, they go to the super bowl and win. had they beat san diego, they would have hosted the raiders the following week and im sure they would have beaten them, then the eagles in the super bowl. still think about those teams.
  6. it is the cowboys solely because of jones. in buffalo he is the anti-christ, possible reason we are fretting over the long term future of the bills. since he came in, it has been nothing but a culture of greed in the N F L.
  7. I tend to believe that a threat of toronto getting the rams will have little effect on the bills situation.i say let it play itself out. they have no stadium and in addition, the possibilty of politicans going to court to protect the CFL interests exist. the bills and the fans should concentrate on protecting our interests. i see a defeatist attitude by some members of the media that was never there a few years ago. it seems to get fans in a negative mindset also. i truly believe there is enough money in the area , (one way or another) to secure the franchise after wilson dies. the only reason it is not being done proactively is wilson, obviously. the NFL goes out of their way to be the "LEAGUE", no willy nilly franchise shifts, teams having goofy nicknames(wild, heat, lightning) and to let a storied franchise just disappear would go against their history and overall image.
  8. i really think it is a no-brainer as far as switching to the the throwbacks full time. it involves marketing, as all on here are aware. i also think they have to give the league notice (one year in advance) of any uniform change. i seem to remember it being said by donohoe the last time they changed. its a shame that both of our major league sports teams have the world's worst uni's. i do think the sabre's are changing back, but the bills, who knows?, if they are selling a good amount of the current one's, you can bet russ and co will bleed it dry .
  9. i think dehaven is actually better than april.it seem like lots on here must be too young to remember dehaven, but he was the best. i see a lotta love for april, but for my money, dehaven all the way.
  10. i could not agree more..
  11. i say you go to the throwbacks full time, jets and giants did it, both look good.. classic. classic is better than trendy.
  12. i do not get all the negativity on the RALPH!.. it is a great venue to watch a game(tailgating goes without saying). i think new ownership would be wise to tweek the stadium the way the folks in green bay did to lambeau. it does not help that the media is "gloom and doom" about the bills long term future in buffalo. i may have my head buried in the sand but i just refuse to believe the bills will move. they have a storied legacy and the reason they are not "relevant" is not due to the fans or profitabilty. it is because of a meddling owner.. plain and simple..
  13. they have seriously gone from being the interviewer to the interviewee!.. it seems like they will have to impress the candidate. how sad is that? instead of listening to what the propective coach has to offer, OBD must now sell themselves.. its tragic..
  14. how about charlie dingboom?, the coach from riverside.. he coached joe erhmann in high school, or how about art serrote .. he won at grover!
  15. i am 57 years old, went to bills games at the rockpile starting in 1960. i have enjoyed the highs and lows, the lows seem to be much more prevelant. you look at the history, saban leaves (twice) because of a falling out with wilson, then knox, then polian, then butler. it seems the franchise is always going thru cycles, with the most recent being the longest. we are made to feel that we owe ralph gratitude for keeping the team in buffalo. sure, its laudable, but he has gained financially also. the elephant in the room , as we all know, is ralph, i see nothing changing as long as he is calling the shots. but, i could never not want the best for them, to much a part of my soul.
  16. the fans in philly are as fickle as they come. if you win, they want to erect a statue to you, you lose next week, its essentially "get out of town!", lots here in philly are secretly hoping the eagles lose so they will in fact, dump mccnab. being a lifelong buffalo guy who just moved here, cannot figure these people out.. but i would love to see mccnab in buffalo...
  17. i agree with the original poster, not interested in a coordinator at this point. we have been there, done that, obviously. its time to be accountable and at least offer the fans a bone. no more "busines as usual", just hire billick for crissakes rather than try to be the discoverer of the next "hot coordinator". tired of that scenerio.
  18. do not get frazier... i want billick, cowher or marty, just keep fewell, if you are going to look at the likes of frazier, does not make sense...
  19. booth lusteg, preston ridelhuber, ken lee, richard trapp
  20. cannot see it happening. first off, the NFL is smart enough to know that it needs the culture and character that small markets , (with a fan base) have. they do not want to be major league baseball , where all you have are the same big markets competing every year. secondly, i think the ralph is a great venue for football. television likes the snow, personally , i feel the bills and the area should market the ralph like what they do with lambeau. it was the site of the greatest comeback and other games. the area has to stop with the inferiority complex and start thinking, be proactive.
  21. his name is collier, coached the bills in the 70's..
  22. SORRY!.. just not paying close enough attention, will try to be on my toes at all times and beware of all internet rules ... i did not realize just how sharp everyone is on here.
  23. jesus!.. thats a reach,.or i am just not "hip" to this board's mindset, computer dialogue.. ACCEPT MY APOLOGY!
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