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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. why would you say that?/ hope i am kidding??.. please explain..
  2. hey name caller!.. it IS about politics!.. FYI, NBC is the most liberal network on the planet, HENCE, HENCE!, the reason they cannot get the olympic coverage right, get it JACKASS!???, LIBERALS GET EVERYTHING WRONG, MUCHLESS HOW TO COVER SPORTS.. what the f- is olbermann on sunday night football?. he is a clueless liberal, brings his liberal mindset to the table on that coverage..
  3. that is what you get when liberal's run anything!,,.look at what friggin obama is doing to the country, then you can understand why you get a cluterf----- when the olberman's of the world run anything, its not him, but his way of thinking permeates nbc's!
  4. isnt the "guru", rob johnson's father?
  5. chris ellis on defense, dockery on offense
  6. i have been saying that very thing for a couple of years now. the greatest comeback, the legacy of the 4 straight super bowl teams, tearing down the goalposts after beating miami in 1980, smerlas, haslett coming out on the field after a snowy victory over the rams in the early 80's. there is much history to that place. it started out as a very sterile , spartan stadium in 1973. now, after being the stage for a region's soul, it should be celebrated and preserved. it has now developed it's own charm now. the new stadiums in cleveland, baltimore and cincy are all cookie cutter stadiums, much like the round, multi-purpose monstrocities built in the early 70's. the race has been on to re-create the character of yesterday, i think we have a gem in the ralph, if the powers that be make it happen and think creatively. the fact it is debt free helps!
  7. couple whitner with lynch, a 4th, ship to philly for d-nice..
  8. would somebody , i mean some of the "experts" on here, who keep saying you "need more revenue to survive", show us the figures, do you have a projected amount ? based on?.. the stadium is fine, buffalo and the region can support the franchise, as is.
  9. i think its actually more the league, rather than L A per se. i know the league will not admit that, but we all know they want a team there strictly for the T V ratings. its all about advertising revenue based on market size, all that mumble . again, i do not think buffalo has to worry. the stadium can, and will if need be, upgraded. there is money to buy it from ralph. i just think the negativity that the media thrives on, gets the masses worked up, is just causing worry, worry that is manifesting itself into a sense of possible reality that should not exist
  10. everyone you mentioned is in a less favorable position as the bills.
  11. thats silly, the niagara frontier bills?, the wny bills?, come on!
  12. totally agree!.. an attitude adjustment for sure, town is clamoring for it!
  13. highly doubt it!.. that is too much of a captialist thought!.. you must "share the wealth" perhaps you can buy it with a group of investors and divide up the profits with everybody.. under that scenerio, maybe he would!
  14. i do not think it is realistic to think of the area getting a new stadium in niagara falls, or anywhere. as an earlier poster said, money will, and should, be poured into the ralph . its there and seems to have the infrastructure to be able to sustain the upgrades. any "pie in the sky" stadium building would happen on the buffalo waterfront. again, it is reality, but i respect other's right to speculate.
  15. why the big deal of hosting a super bowl? do not get it! i want the long term future of the bills secured in buffalo. i think , realistically that happens due to the ralph, and if need be, improvements to it. who gives a sh-t about an elitist crowd, its really football's version amateur hour. i think football essentially ends with the conference championship games(if the bills arent in the super bowl).
  16. i think the ralph clears out well, considering the amount of people consistently attending. i think the tailgating helps a great deal, both before and after games. i cannot imagine those snooty pat's fans, liberal new englander's , knowing how to tailgate. i am sure they are more concerned about the "dangers" of charcoal, than actually enjoying life!
  17. get him signed russ!,, the start of a defense that will bring an attitude.. sign him NOW!
  18. really? last time i checked, i have not heard of anyone remotely interested in moving to portland or louisville. how could a better economy translate into picking up stakes to actually move there? not enough to justify a move. better economy?, does that mean psl's, a debt load from a presumed new stadium?.. i think it is "divorced from reality " to think in those terms.
  19. by the look of you , and your inane comments, i hardly think you would know the difference between tailgating and tea-bagging.. the latter im sure you excel at!
  20. i respectfully disagree. the way the economy is, i do not believe this team just picks up and moves. where? forget LA, toronto?, i suspect they are obvious places, but will never happen. there are too many factors tipping the scales in buffalo's favor. if L A does get a team , it will be the jags, then what?, what other cities can owners use as leverage? please do not say san antonio. jerry jones would never let it happen. so where else could they go?
  21. i know the stadium is not within the city limits of buffalo. i was an original season ticket holder. my point is the "chicken little" mentality that some on here seem to be espousing. the stadium carries no debt for the owner , or new owner. just because its not what dallas built does not mean its outgrown it's usefullness. the bills, rightfully so, sell the game day experience, there is no better place to tailgate than in, and around the ralph. when the players start walking down the tunnel before kickoff, its exciting(as in most stadiums), but in buffalo, the wind, the snow, the beautiful late fall days, what is not to like. i think they should raise the ticket prices, do whatever takes, but keep much the same.
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