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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i get tired of the overt bashing of buffalo. there are lots of people who come to buffalo kicking and screaming , and once they get accustomed to its singular charm, refuse to leave. we all know the people, just a shame we dwell on it. the best cure would be to ignore it. i left because of family reasons.. i e: kids getting jobs out of state, would move back in a heartbeat. i say forget about shanahan and his happy horsesh-t, let him "enjoy" the hot, humid summers of the D C area.
  2. anytime pal!.. all in a days work!
  3. Lmao!.. that is funny!
  4. could not happen to a better network.. ever since they dumped the NHL, i find that network annoying. they have a smug, have to be hip attitude that goes way over the top for me. i am a purist , dislike the "pop culture " twist to their coverage.
  5. just had to reply to one item, otherwise, you guys are getting stale, i did not inherit anything!..i worked for everything i have, live rather nicely. but the motor home comments, that bullsh-t, just makes my point even further!.. make fun, judge people, but heaven forbid, disagree with them, all the "compassion" that liberals supposedly stand for.. out the window!.. lets start calling people morons, idiots, etc.. but a conservative 'labels" someone.. the term BIGOT , seems to manifest itself!
  6. it depends, are they instant ones?
  7. ask markin sd.. he hates taxes!
  8. i thought at first you may actually , have a clue, but i guess i was wrong, your failure to comprehend is frustrating..
  9. why do you say that, i think i explained myself very well, (if you do not take into consideration some apostrophe,minor punctuation mistakes), who decides which opinion is "valid"?, most people failed to grasp the gist of my point, cannot help that, then lots disappear when i question them..
  10. who says i am lacking in good judgment?.. you?.. are you daniel webster?
  11. guess you "win".. strong case pal...
  12. DC TOM.. tell me, how is health care doing, sounds like you better get to work, based on what i have read on here..
  13. what is a moron?.. someone whom you do not agree with?.. enlighten me
  14. usurp?.. impressive, like that elitist term..
  15. ok.... illegal taxes?.. wow, did you hear that people?and you all thought i was crazy!
  16. i think he was serious.. sorry KD, clueless, care to tell me why? is that an opinion?
  17. spoken like a true democrat.. the govt owes you health care!.. FORGET ABOUT PERSONAL RRESPONSIBILTY!
  18. "Damn, how did I not see that coming." "should have known you'd be unemployed. ", guess you missed your calling.. i know someone who is selling a crystal ball
  19. people like me are hoping people like you are saving the world for us.. rock on guy
  20. i agree with everything you said except "acting like a teenager", not sure about that one, other than that.. you got me ace!
  21. HELLO.. anybody there?.. hello.. HELLO
  22. Do you believe in miracles? Locally, the coverage of Team USA's 5-3 victory over Team Canada Sunday night carried on cable's MSNBC out-drew NBC's coverage of the Vancouver Olympics coverage that was on Channel 2. MSNBC never out-rates its bigger brother NBC, which makes this "victory" almost as astonishing as the 42-save performance by Buffalo Sabres goaltender Ryan Miller for Team USA. kinda makes my case.... nice call NBC...
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