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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i was responding to the previous post, part of which dealt with the salaries of college professors. you may want to re- read the entire post before passing judgment. i guess "assine" is in the mind of the beholder. you sound uptight, relax, life is good.. tax time..
  2. really.... interesting, care to elaborate?.. you think college professors are worth it then? always great to be critiqued by a "wild and crazy" CPA..
  3. bingo! university professors make wall street crooks look like choir boys!. they are legally stealing money. to command the salaries and perks , and not have a clue as to what goes on in the real world is maddening.
  4. my total focus is always on keeping the bills in buffalo, where they belong. i know, green bay was grandfathered in as far as community ownership goes, but i think some heat should be generated by the politicians on the league to allow buffalo, if there is interest to do so, be community owned. i am aware of the "jerry jones" type arguments about "franchise value" and maintaining it, but i do not think the NFL wants to be like baseball. they want the small market in their league. i think it should be explored, but if jacksonville moves to LA, then all of a sudden the leverage is gone for the ever threatening owners . outside of san antonio, there will be no more markets to really go to that are realistically viable.
  5. wow!, thank you so much!, i am old enough to remember 1960!, i actually attended 3-4 games that year as a wide-eyed 8 yr old. just looking at old war memorial stadium brought back so many memories. that stadium took lots of PR hits , but i absolutely loved it!. i loved it so much i used to attend double a baseball games in the 80's just to have the chance to go back inside it. the uniforms in 60 were just simple blue and silver, wish they would go back to them even, compared to the clown outfits they wear now.
  6. i could see the old regime picking tebow at 9, the russ brandon 'wow" factor to sell tickets. this group, i dont think so, they seem to possess some football acumen. as for using their second, i would be ok.
  7. i am all for it. why not?, i want "attitude", if it mean a personal foul penalty along the way, i can live with it as long as he is productive. i am sick of all the bullsh-t from the last few years . nothing to lose.
  8. whats a gun possession charge, if the guy can play NT?, just hope it doesnt piss off lynch having a possible dangerous guy on the team
  9. it depends on who you deal him to. a second from an also ran is obviously more meaningful than a second from san diego. i am stating the obvious, but i am sure it is a consideration.
  10. i hear ya, i managed to work an away game in denver into my honeymoon plans.... dont despair, but know the feeling!
  11. i hear ya, certainly do not want to take him too early, but where is the right slot?, does he just keep falling, or has his stock sufficiently improved to warrant a 2nd, third, i, have no idea.
  12. i am feeling the same way about tebow. at first, i was not overly impressed, but as time goes on, and i learn more, it seems he may have the intangibles to go along with the physical skills to answer our QB problem. either way, if we draft him , wont be unhappy, if not, ok also. grab somebody else.
  13. like i said, i started the thread this a m, i DID NOT make this political.. some people are just still rankled by my previous post a few weeks back.
  14. yeppers! me and the mrs are fixin to drink some gin tonight, i may get frisky and we just might attempt the "nasty" ! yee ha!.. i think im going out back and shoot some squirrels now before supper!.. the mrs is frying me some catfish, with some fritters!.. mmmmmmm good!
  15. i think the bills have a national fan base due to natives moving away,and they make up a large majority, but i still think the bills are more relevant than the bengals, bucs and a great many other teams. regardless of the past decade and an owner who has made many blunders, the bills are historic in a football sense. but if you use the MTV, TMZ, pop culture ideology as a reference point, perhaps they come up short.
  16. i was joshing, you know kidding..about tom sawyer.. but you using wikipedia as your reference.. all i can say is .. i rest my case..
  17. i just finished tom sawyer, next on my list is al gore's book, but strangely, the library had it in the fiction dept!, curious...
  18. just because it is hot in san diego doesnt mean the planet is warming "dude", if you believe the climate change non-sense, then i bet you want free health care next!
  19. i can agree with your reasoning about mort's tweet. as for the political commentary, i did start the thread, but in no way lead it to become a political discussion. a while ago i posted an opinion about NBC'S lack of awareness during the olympics that ignited a political rant. some on here remember me and apparently i am the lightening rod that stirs up the liberals . hence, the reason it turned.
  20. i have yet see or hear a member of the tea party refer to themselves as a "tea -bagger", that is an OBVIOUS term that people like you use to mock the movement. i thought you were smarter than that, or you are playing dumb. the chris matthews, keith olbermanns , they use it as a derisive term. do not insult my intelligence by expecting me to believe that bull****. and , assuming people in that movement are just a bunch of gun-toting hillbillies is nonsense. you should change the channel from msnbc once in a while! to answer your question, IT MUST BE THE NORTHEAST!, that is where the uninformed, insulated types reside.
  21. at least you backed it up with "concrete facts".. Lmao!
  22. that has to rank as one of the most smug, typically elitist, liberal posts i have ever seen. at least you do not "stereotype", wow! ps.. "you have to get to work" let me guess: are you a community organizer?, no.. a teacher?, ACORN fundraiser?
  23. if you say so!, FYI, the term is tea party!, TEA PARTY!.not teabagger, but as someone who just referenced balls and "shaft style", i could see why you like, and use , the term "teabagger"
  24. finally, another non-lib, or at least someone who makes sense!, i am with you bill.
  25. you win!, the country has never been so "on board" with this prez.. everyone loved the health care plan!,loved the "transparency" of the process!, you know , the mantra B O ran on.. TRANSPARENCY.. no backroom deals , no siree!.. no division in the usa!.. just look at his "approval" rating, btw, you brought politics into this, not me
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