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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. corey mcIntyre could caddy.
  2. i think the owners want the L A "card" to play as long as they can. once its played(and its not the bills), people in buffalo should be able to exhale, providing attendance and revenues stay competitive, regardless of the stadium situation. the climate of subsidizing billionaire owners is probably the same as the how the public feels about wall st. but, with these greedy pri-ks, you never know what they will do next to squeeze the fans.
  3. yea really, after L A and possibly san antonio, where will all these franchises go? let these billionaires make it with what is in place!give L A a freakin team (other than the bills) and be done with it!, how much do these owners want to bleed fans and taxpayers?
  4. i am with you on not liking historic franchises being moved, but if it came down to the vikes or the bills.. im sure you know the answer. if L A does finally get a team, what city will the owners now use as leverage?, only one i could maybe see is san antonio, but feel jerry jones would be against that, and like it or not, he has some clout.
  5. i feel the same way!, have no problem seeing jacksonville and minnesota have issues regarding being viable in their respective markets. i also agree with the outdoor stadium. seeing all the dome teams in the playoffs stunk this past year. i like to see the players breaths, the snow, real football weather.
  6. he hasnt been charged or convicted of anything. there are assh-les in every facet of life, before him in football, who cares. i would welcome him at the airport if the bills got him!...DONE!.. QB situation resolved. reading some of the "holier than thou" bullsh-t on here , one would think there should be a friggin litmus test on who should be qualified to take part in sports!, lighten up for crissakes or go enter the political arena where you can decide what is best , and pass judgment !, if he bothers you, so be it, wait for someone who is a model citizen and lobby for him to be on the bills, regardless if he can play or not.
  7. ok, no problem, just thought you went a tad overboard in explaining his posing in playgirl. he was trying to establish a life after football, any pub will do, especially that kind. it was a perfect PR move at the time..
  8. narcisstistic??? are you kidding, who wouldnt! for crissakes, the over analyzing that goes on here is maddening sometimes. he was a just a guy , narcissism , hardly, i would call it "normal male syndrome", if one has to get into labeling everything.
  9. #21.. donald wilson!, the worst football player i witnessed in my fifty years of following bills football. lonnie johnson is the first runner up. finally, one cannot leave out booth lusteg!, the kicker who missed a last second gimme(to win ) back in the sixties, who was later attacked that night by a few fans upset at his miss!
  10. booker edgerson going on the wall has just de-valued the honor in my opinion. as i stated yesterday, he is a fine person, but hardly wall of fame material at this point in time. even if you disregard the cookie, saban angle, there are many more deserving players, way too numerous to mention. you could have 6 different threads going all at once discussing the merits of those that belong, it is apparent that football accomplishment is only part of the basis for selection .
  11. no, thanks for helping me make my case, i would rate butch byrd higher than edgerson. this is just a "feel good" pick.
  12. i think he is a reach! he is great person, good for the community, but not worthy of being on the wall. he had a slightly above average career with the bills. As stated previously, until cookie and saban go on, in my humble opinion , the wall lacks cred.
  13. getting a W right off that bat, certainly seems be the way. hate opening on the road. seems like years ago, we always opened at home, and usually it was two in a row.
  14. TOTALLY AGREE! a big piece is now in place with that position fortified. it seems easy, but we shall see if nix thinks like we do!
  15. REALLY NOW!..." commander in chief", hard to reconcile that when it comes to him
  16. seems like "alot" of people have too much time on their hands .. who gives a sh-t.. really..
  17. i agree, who really gives a sh-t what espn, or any of the national media thinks?, i used to get as pissed as anyone, but i have come to the conclusion, tradition has taken a back seat to glitz. the bills deserve to be ignored, but the love affair with the jets, rex ryan, jerry jones, tony romo, all the usual suspects, does get tiring. it sure makes watching the sunday pre-game shows tedious, as does watching the bills. it seems the glory days were a dream.
  18. i think there is way too much coverage of non-football related stuff!, pft.com is pretty decent, but i think it tries to create, or, overblow , a story.
  19. could not agree more!, this should be a non-story, really, i am quite sure there have been way worse Q&A'S over the course of the "football e v a l" process. too much of a TMZ mentality for me.
  20. get adams or gaither, do not trust bell's injury situation, feel the bills could be competitive, who knows?
  21. i agree with your optimistic outlook. its the only way to approach the season. i feel that if we win the 7 at home, and the T O "home game", anything is possible. establishing the ralph as a place that teams do not want to come to is very important. staying away from the incredible injuries that we have endured would be nice. i am a "half-full" guy about the bills, felt last season was lost in the opener. beating the pats would have set the stage, perhaps changed the mind-set of the team. i, as always, anticipate nothing but the best. have to, or what is the use?
  22. why not, i cannot see him being the problem, after all, the bears gave up alot of picks for cutler, were in a recent super bowl, highly doubt he was a problem. i could see him as modrak's replacement.
  23. i am for anything that will upgrade the team, and adams would be. i am concerned with the present, while not ignoring the future, an attitude must start somewhere, a culture of winning has to start. we had it with kelly and co, must re-establish it.
  24. any chance wang could also be a long snapper?
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