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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. ESPN is just pop-culture, TMZ sports. it sure does not seem like "old school". it is slammin-jammin, thug, NBA crap. i think that the NFL may be headed in that direction due to the impetus that ESPN gives to the show-boating antics.
  2. agree!.. what is 3 million when you compare it to the realities of a "make or break" scenerio?. it is small potatoes really, just something to give the chicken littles of the world something to fret about! i still maintain that as long as we keep up the support , the bills will not go anywhere , if only because there is no place else to go.
  3. like some on here, i was born into it. went the first year of their existence to the rockpile, saw the denver broncos in the horizontal socks, loved the ambience of the old rockpile, just loved the sport, the thrill of being a fan. just a way of life for me. since the glory years of the kelly era every game becomes an event. it is a chance for buffalo to compete on a national stage , be , in essence, on equal footing with the big boys. i am a buffalo booster, although the politcos make it very difficult for the city to succeed.
  4. my feeling is that it will be a contrived circus, just what the pre-game shows want and i am sick of. ocho, t o, sick of that nonsense.
  5. just read mark gaughn's post in the news. anyone care?
  6. why not?, sure i am aware of the realities, but i like to watch every game as if there was hope. as much as i was optimistic during the jauron era, i have to admit that most games were unwatchable. i have been in on the bills since the inception, always view the "glass as half-full" , so as the season approaches i like to hear optimism and the afore-mentioned was nice to read.
  7. minus the cost of a new stadium
  8. or charlie warner!, excellant return man from the championship years..
  9. totally agree promo!, the stadium does have some character after all these years. in addition, it is paid for! the economic realities are going to hit the ALMIGHTY NFL soon and i think the fact there is no debt load is going to be a huge plus for the region and its ability to keep the team.
  10. born in buffalo in 1952, graduate of south park high school in 1970. went to college at hilbert, buff state, rec'd degree from UB.. worked for the govt until 2007 and retired at 55. moved to the philly area in late 2008 to be near children (and grandchild) who naturally had to relocate for job reasons. the pizza here sucks, philly cheesesteaks are overrated in my opinion, did get a wegman's near my home to make eating bearable. have the ticket, get the center ice package and really jealous of the flyers.
  11. i agree, the game was decided by an illegal forward pass, case closed! i think the bills were capable of beating Jax, but would have lost to the rams in the super bowl. the rams had it all working that year.
  12. was sharpton at the espys?
  13. so true!, be we do pretty good regardless. if this product was IN los angeles, they would have drawn 25,000 people after the first half of the season, but we keep going because it is in our souls!
  14. i could not agree more!, we never get the national pub(with good reason lately), but we are as passionate as they come. we accept the product and hope. that is the essence of being a fan. i am hoping beyond hope we get lucky this year, see what happens , and just root! i know it sounds "pollyannish", but what other way can one proceed? i hope gailey can deliver and keep us from being the laughingstock as most expect.
  15. just happen to being reading STEINBRENNER, by bill madden presently, seems a bit weird now. i highly recommend it if you are a yankee or steinbrenner fan. it is an honest portrayal.
  16. when did he ever have a good day?
  17. love it!.. the humor is grade A!,.. all the aforementioned were genuine LOLS!..tonight at nine, i probably will be passing gas.. no formal announcement needed.. (just a feeble attempt).. but keep them coming!
  18. no problem, certainly realized your point, in my case i probably got a little riled over the term "moronic", i just cracked my first cold one!.. i would highly recommend you do the same!.. enjoy..
  19. ok.. fair enough!, i have kids, one grandchild, i just didnt think that far into it... was a remark geared more for a couple of guys sitting around talking about it and what i would perceive would be said.. that is all..
  20. please explain.. are you that self-righteous.. "save the whales " type!.. if so , no explanation is necessary.. go sit and meditate and look for a cause!..it was a remark made in jest , lighten up for crissakes!
  21. it is a shame, just too bad he works for ESPN, if only he was on the JETS payroll.
  22. profootballtalk.com says philly is interested in him, will be cutting vick..
  23. i am an optimist, but after seeing that line-up, not too fired up. kinda made me face reality.
  24. has anybody said anything about picking vick up?
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