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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. yea, i do think you are right about that. it is put out, the media feeds into it , or so it seems. i do not think there should be any of the "we know the bills are probably going to leave" talk, but i guess it gives them(the media)something to fill the time.
  2. PFT just reported that tampa has been buying up unsold tickets at 34 cents on a dollar to ensure the game is not blacked out. it also points to a troubled economy in that area. when i see and hear this stuff, i always wonder why the bills are mentioned continuously as being in "trouble". i know of all the drawbacks regarding their "alleged"viabilty in WNY so spare me that, but why arent more teams being mentioned as prominently and as often as the bills are in regard to stability?
  3. i would get rid of any our QB'S , i thought edwards was disappointing, and we know what we have in fitz, and most likely in brohm. probably wouldnt get much. i, certainly , to steal a phrase from hank bullough, "had the sail removed from my winds" , after seeing edwards on friday. very perplexed about the QB position. i never like to tank a season.
  4. i agree!, people spend way to much time "getting offended". also, i thought obama was supposed to bring an end to racism, or last "build bridges" as he says, but i think talk of racism has never been greater since he took office!
  5. i think that "possibility" stems from the fear factor. that is attributable to what is being discussed. the lack of a succession plan. if there was one, the bills would not be a "possibility". you are saying and i agree, that there are people with bucks in WNY and that should negate the bills as a "possibility", but until ralph dies or something changes about what happens upon his death, that "possibiilty" will never go away.
  6. i agree, but i pray that the bills are not on the short list. how can jax, san diego,not be considered the hot prospects?, or al davis? before the bills..
  7. i guess that is somewhat comforting, but i have maintained that if the L A market gets filled (by another franchise), there isnt any viable other places. toronto?, no suitable stadium, none in the works. i have felt that something you are describing was in place.
  8. i feel the same way about "how he feels about his legacy". just think he feels loyalty to the area. he can be both! a loyal man who is SHREWD BUSINESSMAN!
  9. i am aware that ralph is first and formost, a businessman. however, i do think he has established relationships in WNY that he cares about. i would assume he would have an open ear if some of these relationships are informing him that a deal can made with local interests to sell the team to. i cannot believe that he would not consider that somewhat of a priority. i cannot believe that he is not thinking in those terms.
  10. why not, win a couple on the road, win all home games, or go 7-1 at home, one never knows. it is certainly how i go into the season.
  11. that i can certainly believe!, i have gone back and forth in my mind over ralph and thoughts based on that premise does get under my skin. i do think ralph has made many mistakes and going over them doesnt serve a purpose now, his legacy will be determined as to how the bills ownership situation plays out upon his death. if there is a solid succession plan to assure the team stays in buffalo, then it is fine. if not, and they just get sold to the highest bidder, then his TRUE colors will be shown , and all the positives that he did bring to the area will forever be stained.
  12. the obvious is that if it is the bills and it is a L A or toronto investor, the news would not be good. flashback to john y brown. if it is the bills, it has to be a local person, all the usual suspects, jeremy jacobs, jim kelly, golisano, etc. i would view the latter as good news.
  13. that is a reason to "buy in", as some are saying, regarding gailey. he just seems like a "FOOTBALL GUY", a guy from the south who has been weaned on football. i see nothing but a genuine desire to be successful. there isnt any "parcell-type theatrics", "rex ryan blowhardness", or "cowher spitting stuff" to define him. i will take it with open arms, because i think the players are sincerely buying in and that is important. i see some marv-like qualities in regard to the importance of preparation , which i felt had been lacking in recent coaches.
  14. you are right!, but i find i have to pace myself!. i think the game day experience , with all the tailgating has essentially helped out during this dreadful decade. whether they are good or bad, the bills are my team and always will be. i enjoy and inhale every minute of game day, never gets old!
  15. nothing better than 10 o'clock, day of the home opener, the smell of real, buffalo-made italian sausage on the grill, ice cold brews, tunes cranking, the walk to the stadium, the wait and anticipation as the bills are approaching the field, never gets old for me !, and i am old!
  16. that was my feeling. just gathered that brandon felt that the argos and bills could co-exist . the one game in toronto, the argos continuing on. i hate the one game concept, hope it ends, but that is all there was to that article.
  17. i would submit that their "criticism" of the sabres is very well thought out before hand and discussed what is "off limits". do you remember "HOLLYWOOD SQUARES", the stars, were briefed before hand. i am sure the GR program director discusses that with the staff. "dont be too critical of quinn", "leave golisano out of it", they then put forth a generic criticism of the sabres to satisfy people that they are indeed, critical of the sabres! i tried calling numerous times to schopp, the call screener would never put me thru because i was going to hold quinn and golisano 's feet to the fire. it is a fact!
  18. i totally disagree regarding the fact you feel that they no longer "suck up to the sabres". go to their website. i realize their fan polls are assinine, but the mere fact that they have them lends itself to a critique of them. the sabres do nothing in the off-season, for the most part on yearly basis, constantly do salary dumps, directly stick it to the fans with their smugness and the GR FAN POLL TODAY: "do you like brett favre?" huh? how about " do you think the sabres are vindictive? anyone of us could fill in the obvious questions that go begging about the sabres mgmt style. but the bills???, they are all over them in a "back door" critical analysis constantly with poll questions. not sure if i am making myself clear, but i maintain GR has a pro- sabre agenda. any criticism of them is done to appear "fair and balanced" and is totally transparent.
  19. check out their so called "fan polls", always avoid taking on the sabres the way they do the bills!, if the bills pulled what the sabres do on a regular basis with the arrogance, they would be worse than they are now on them ! come on!, it is so transparent , its not funny, their agenda is anti-bills, kiss the sabres ass!
  20. they are so anti-bills its pathetic!, very pro-sabres though. the sabres can do no wrong in their eyes!, they jump all over a bills coach(justified) very quickly, but in the case of lindy ruff, "well he could get a job anywhere". even though he misses the playoffs more than makes them, in a league where making the playoffs is not that challenging!
  21. i think one should just take it one game at a time. forget the pundits, enjoy what the team will show this year , there is always a reason to be optimistic , if for no other reason than it has been done before(going from worst to first). if it seems i am desperately trying to grasp on to something , it is true, but who cares, it is football, its the bills, it is fall, just enjoy it!
  22. i guess my feeling is that BUFFALO is in my soul. i desperately want the city to experience a championship. i know you have to crawl before you walk, in the bills case it starts with realistic hope. contrast with what is transpiring at HSBC with the sabres! the bills have bumbled their way into their current state. the sabres on the other hand, exhibit that smug attitude and continually shove it up the fans dupa. they are becoming increasingly hard to root for.
  23. absolutely feel the same way!, that is the purpose of being a fan. lets see!
  24. i see two other threads started now about this!
  25. baltimore just lost another starter, we are deep at corner, how about youboty, and a pick for gaither
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