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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i agree, its going to take more, but i just need that first one, feel like im going to explode! READY TO PLAY MYSELF..
  2. im hoping!, i cant take much more of the negativity, just kick miami's a$$ on sunday and maybe the pundits will at least lay off us for a while.
  3. i love the optimism of this post and for the most part, TBD. i want a nice win, feel it, 35-10. i know all the football "guru's" think otherwise, i like the team, lets keep it positive.
  4. absolutely!, i love it.. i hope the greed bites these guys in the A$$ HUH???? are you seriously trying to draw any comparison between the NYC market and the WNY market?? that is ludicrous! as is your negativity about bills fans.
  5. good for jimbo!, if the media in buffalo, i e, jerry sullivan and GR, would quit minimizing his efforts to keep the team in buffalo, it would help. the naysayers seem to get the pub, but my reality says the bills will stay and being a positive guy, i work with that..
  6. it doesnt bother me, just do not think it will happen, not high on my list of priorites. way more concerned about just keeping the team in buffalo. as for "rollerball", just seems like the league is all hype, glitz, lacking in substance. too much extraneous bulls-t going on for me. i am old school, just line em up and play. i am not into reality shows, michael irvin interviewing randy moss.. just give me a half-hour pre-game show, not goofy terry bradshaw yucking it up with jimmy johnson.
  7. while a good idea in theory, never going to happen.. the league is on the fast track to becoming rollerball and buffalo is not in any super bowl mix of cities to host . i know that if the bills left buffalo, my interest in the NFL would diminish, just do not care for the direction and priorites of the league.
  8. for the umpteenth time: buffalo does not need a new stadium. articles like the one posted here just continues to back that up. tweak the ralph in whatever way, but it seems like it could be serviceable for many years. do what green bay did, add a little charm, the place has a bit of history , promote that. any new owner would be at an advantage from a stadium debt standpoint.
  9. it couldnt happen at a better time to a better team and a better guy!
  10. based on what??? he spouts "talking head" drivel! i hate wasting time talking about him!.. really, as bill tobin said about mel kiper, "the guy next door to me cutting his lawn knows as much as mel kiper", exactly the way i feel about peter king!.. talk to the guy sitting next to you in a bar, or the guy checking out next to you in the grocery store, ask them their opinion..hardly think it would be less credible than peter king!
  11. why wouldnt he say that!, the guy is making a living doing what all of us would love to be doing, and could do. we just didnt have the timing. what "special knowledge", "insight" does he have?. he just talks to various radio stations all week long, making it up on the fly. who really gives a sh-t what he says.. or thinks?
  12. maybe to upgrade our depth?, i think edwards goes down, just depends when. i also didnt mean that the QB added would be another teams "cut". maybe they make a deal, im not convinced this regime is in love with any of the bills QB'S.
  13. i agree with those who said TE and LB, but it would not surprise me if a QB is added. just a hunch..
  14. yes, but if the flag was thrown, was their evidence to overturn the pass being illegal? the official throws the flag, could luckett see enough to say the pass was legal?, but it is moot and your original premise of the official responsible to throw the flag not doing so is correct and i guess luckett is off the hook in my eyes now!
  15. i appreciate your comments. i agree about boston being out of position, but luckett was the referee and i am not sure what the replays rules were back then, as far as overturning a play with no flags, i am quite sure you are right however. the game was just so painful that reality got in the way of emotion and feel we were royally screwed. i am quite sure if it happened today, the result would not change as the officiating seems to have gotten even worse with each year.
  16. i know they are not players, everyone stated good ones, but i hate walt coleman and phil luckett. two officials who really screwed the bills!
  17. i got a blue spiller throwback...
  18. yep, that is exactly what i am hoping for!, it would be a positive step , but we have a long "recovery" after all the suffering we have endured. i do not know if i speak for anybody else on here, but it is all the more agonizing to not only lose the entire decade, but to be ridiculed , labeled "irrelevant" etc , by the media. just hoping beyond hope, that it finally turns our way.
  19. i know it is way too early to even speculate about how the season plays out, but after 2 pre-season wins, i am kind of pumped. (of course anything positive will do that). i am just wondering what all the "experts" , all the "talking heads", ESPN, would do if the bills are very good while the jets sh-t the bed, dallas does not do much, favre sucks, all the usual media favorites just do not do it, at least early. it would be exhilerating to watch all of them squirm.
  20. nice ... what is the purpose of that put- down?, do we have to hear it from people we would assume to be buffalo friendly by the mere fact that they participate on here?.. dont you think we get it enough from everybody?, you must like being miserable.
  21. funny, i just moved here after i retired and feel the same way about philly people as you, after spending the first 55 years of my life in buffalo.
  22. fit where?, in philly, or your mother's basement? please clarify?
  23. i think one could draw those conclusions, the pack looks good, colts just seem be too banged up.
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