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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. fit where?, in philly, or your mother's basement? please clarify?
  2. i think one could draw those conclusions, the pack looks good, colts just seem be too banged up.
  3. if you say so champ!, why not start a thread yourself, like: " in my opinion, i like to pass judgment from my position in my mother's basement"
  4. dude!.. lighten up!, it is message board. do not particpate if you feel the topic is not up to your "standards"!
  5. i would hope not, but it was the THIRD pre-season game and that is one that teams usually use to very weakly try to assess the REAL team, so my answer is no, with the obvious caveat that the colts were missing some quality starters.
  6. i think it is a tribute to the people of WNY, plain and simple! if all the naysayers want to come forward and offer up the predictable " what else is there to do in buffalo?", or " attendance doesnt mean that it is going be a viable market" , let them come forth. buffalo is a football town, great tradition, great fans. the pub about the team, the region, fans , etc, has stopped because of the p-ss-poor product the last 10 years, but it should just fire up the base even more, we are buffalo bills fans, we take sh-t continuously , but we are here and we wont give in! i defy any player that has played for the bills since the inception of the ralph , to say that there isnt a special feeling when you are coming out of that tunnel before kickoff, that kind of stuff is what built the NFL, just a shame we have to keep defending ourselves, our team, our town.
  7. rex ryan came charging hard last year, backed up his bullsh-t to an extent, ESPN and the NYC media, being what they are, fed into it. i find the revis contract dispute and the jets hype nauseating. i obviously hope they fall on their A$$,nothing would be sweeter. all that being said, i sure wish the bills would have hired rex ryan. i hate saying that, thinking that, and am so jealous i am ashamed of myself!
  8. you are most likely correct, but i guess i am just ticked off that the bills picked him , just wonder what kind of thinking went on there. i also agree that wendling is missed.
  9. absolutely!i see buddy grabbing a player at an obvious need position, i e: linebacker, tight end, line depth. a surprise may be in a QB.
  10. excellant analysis! i think the bills will add a body here or there , but your point is on the money. i agree, i think "names" will be out there and the urge of us fans will be for the bills to go for some of them. it will be interesting for sure.
  11. i have long espoused the same mantra. the NFL is now "pop culture", not a weekend diversion played by guys who get bloodied and muddied. i am not saying the players arent tough or physically capable, i am saying its a "rap video" mentality. take a look at the pre-game shows, (i think fox's is unwatchable), but ESPN'S has evolved into a combination of access hollywood and TMZ. i used to look forward to it , now i barely pay attention. i guess my point is that unless you are "sexy" like the COWBOYS, or the latest fad, the THE JETS, or have a hotshot rookie, you mean nothing . it is all about appealing to demographics, not necessarily football fans. at the present time the bills have absolutely nothing relevant to offer, hence the ridicule. i hate it, it is painful and other than just winning, it will continue.
  12. i think the chances of edwards getting hurt are very high. i think they keep three, brown to the practice squad, then to the active roster by week 2 r three, can just feel that injury coming. but who knows, sometimes cut day is wild, maybe buddy will surprise us. maybe they dont like any of them. but not many QB'S out there really. maybe they trade for troy brown, nothing in stone, as i see it.
  13. it does explain the lack of a real "buzz" about him though. he didnt seem in the forefront much during his time here
  14. yessirre!, i know, again, sorry.. hope it just fades away.. but i hope nelson isnt a waste also..
  15. per PFT , shawn nelson has been suspended(4 games). guess we now know why he lasted until the 4th round last year!, i see another thread, sorry, but was very very surprised.
  16. thanks! good info.. just backs up my case.. and good for you!.. you hit the nail on the head!
  17. i look at this whole deal from a bills fan's perspective. the loyalists lose a home game due to the apparent greed of littman and the detroit gang. ralph makes a very decent profit and why this was ever implemented is beyond me. i have said that anyone in toronto who ACTUALLY likes the bills, roots for them, prefers to come to the ralph and do the whole experience. the rest of the people probably could care less . the bills, in their arrogance, the arrogance that permeates throughout the NFL, assumed people would race to the rogers center just because it is a team close by and it is the almighty NFL!. i am glad it is a total flop. end it! if the powers that be are saying the long term viability of the team depends on one game up there, i am not buying it. it was a money grab and a kick in the a$$ to bills fans.
  18. i really thought at the time that he was being an arrogant jerk before congress. one certainly didnt have to be columbo to know that he was lying, just mildly surprised the FEDS are actually going after him..
  19. if and when they decide to re-evaluate the ralph's viablity, i hope it is done thru a retro-fit, re-configuration, what have you. building a stadium just is not right , nor needed! these past two stadium deals in NY and dallas should not be the bench-mark for a franchise's viablity. look at what KC is doing and that is hardly a "big" market. we must think realistically, not "pie in the sky" stadium bass-pro type panceas!
  20. i totally join you in your jubilation!, could not happen to a pair of better teams!
  21. as for toronto, the fans that are bills fans from T O, would much rather come to the ralph and take part in the game day experience than be force-fed a game in the rogers center. the lack of tailgating, atmosphere, etc, is totally to blame and was a pure money grab on the bills part. that fan base WANTS to come to the ralph!, keep it that way, and the support will always be there.
  22. so that is where the league is headed?, strictly corporate?. it is a shame. well , if that is truly the case, then i hope the league can survive with 3 teams in chicago, two in boston and philly, 4 in nyc, 3 in LA., one in london, one in mexico. no more green bay, buffalo, cleveland, pittsburgh and the like. see what the television ratings will be! that is what drives the league, who will watch a league like that!??
  23. Lmao!, i agree with that ! why not raise the prices, it is the NFL for crissakes! i cannot believe how low, in this day and age, the bills prices are!. you hate to sound like you are talking out your a$$ in wanting prices to be raised, but it would be totally justified.
  24. exactly!.. and also.. sh-tcan that toronto nonsense!, what a kick in the pants to bills fans!
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