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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i really dont listen due to living out of town, i could obviously, but what triggered my response was the originator of the thread's question about the fan poll..the sabres are usually underachieving and they ignore it with inane, predictable bills questions. their lack of hammering the sabres as hard as the bills is what makes me mad.
  2. while agree about them having an anti-bills agenda, their blind eye to the sabres woes is laughable!you can see how they are so afraid of larry quinn , and what he might do to them if they come down hard on their "beloved" sabres. any organization that has kept the same mgmt-coach regime for 13 years , without any great success should be called out !, called out big-time! that is the major problem i have with them, the obvious double standard, when it comes to the bills and sabres.
  3. just a question to die hard, did you know bob tatarek?, i think he played around that time, i believe he was a d-lineman , out of florida, maybe?.. just wanted your thoughts about him.. also, a WR, richard trapp, was around that time? also, from florida, not sure, maybe fla state? did you know these guys?
  4. i agree about donahoe also. he gets a bad rap because he didnt kiss the buffalo press's a$$, plus he missed on gregg williams.
  5. i know polian has roots in buffalo, i think one of his daughters married a buffalo guy, one of his sons coached at U B for a short time. i truly think he has a love for the area and what he accomplished professionally as well. i think he would return without too much convincing, under the right circumstances, which is the key, obviously.
  6. i think the mere fact it is being speculated that kelly wants to buy the team is a positive. think of the alternative!at least we have something to hang our hats on. my only other hope was jeremy jacobs, but you do not hear much from him, but maybe he is working with kelly, who knows. all i know is that there is a reasonable chance they stay, because of kelly.
  7. totally agree.. never thought he should have been shown the door in the first place!..
  8. wow!, not to create an aura of diversion.. but that is just me..
  9. i agree with everything you say except the dome part. but you are on the money, have felt that the ralph should be updated as necessary, but never replaced.
  10. jimmy's , in herndon, it is a true blue buffalo bar!
  11. EVER SO RIGHT!.. i like the term "it" crowd. it seems that unless you "get" rome OR like him, you are not hip! he is predicable, not all that creative and the callers try so hard to be "it". who cares, we as bills fans, have heard it all, we can take all that rome and the national media can dish out. !
  12. i am 58 yrs old, saw my first bills game in 1960 against the denver broncos, they of the vertically striped socks fame. i think it is an interesting question about whether the past decade is the "lowest of the low".through out bills history the valleys outnumber the peaks by a large margin, but in all honesty, after sitting through this past decade, i would consider it the worst of the worst. the brand of football that i have witnessed has , for the most part, been unwatchable. up to now, the bills would get on a couple of runs, the mid-sixties, the saban-O J years, the knox era, and of course the super bowl runs. nothing has been as futile as this past decade due to the brand of bad football and the obvious duration of it.
  13. that has been said by me on here numerous times. one has to wonder what they are thinking out there at obd! the uniforms they wear now are a disgrace and seem to be in lock-step with what the franchise has been doing for 10 years. is brandon that stubborn?, hamstrung by detroit?, somebody should wake up out there and get a clue.
  14. i think donahoe should have stayed also. he did not kiss the buffalo media's a$$ and wound up getting a bad reputation as a result. a great deal of fans were swayed because the media perception of him was fostered upon the fans. i think his two major problems were : he never hit on the coaches and picked johnson over flutie. he could still be here based on his accomplishments, but too many variables (pressure from the media) contributed to his being in a place where ralph pulled the plug on him, which was unjustified.
  15. why would ralph wilson leaving buffalo 30 years ago be considered "a smart business decision"?the man has sucked the area dry for half a century, making an enormous sum on his investment!
  16. i like the optimism, i certainly go into every game hoping that. why not? i do think a turnover would be nice!it seems like watching this team is more agonizing as each game passes, how can it get any worse? i mean losing, ok!, but for crissakes, to be almost unwatchable while doing it, when will it end? here is hoping , (like every other week) its tomorrow!
  17. you wait all year for the season to start and to give it all up now, seems like an exercise in futility. it has actually been a decade of utter futility. the blame rests on ralph and the detroit "circle" who advise him . we are the innocent "victims"because the bills are our passion, our reality. the franchise since the "illegal forward pass" has been a total clusterf-k. i agree, all the blame is on ralph. he just gets bad advice, or is just too set in his ways, as he and his minions count the money.
  18. sure cannot argue with that assessment!it really is hard watching other games after subjecting yourself to three hours of the "ralph made bills". he has royally f-d up over the years, but this last stretch is unbearable!i have no alternative either, we all know is what reality is concerning the bills and it just sucks.
  19. i think its obvious its simm's jersey, as someone said previously, the uni's were similar back then.
  20. i agree, i find it hard to watch the 4'o'clock games after a bills 1pm loss.i was so ready yesterday, but as the game progressed, it felt like groundhog day. S O S!.. i am as optimistic as one can be, but i wonder the same things. yesterday, for example, i am watching clay matthews run around like a madman for green bay ! i think, how did we pass on him , i know , i know, hindsight is 20/20, but i do sit and compare other teams to the bills as i watch other games.
  21. i cant sleep, its 5-55 am.. i am as ready as i have ever been.. one at time, starting today..
  22. i just like talking about the bills, buffalo, and buffalo food, usually find good conversation about those things on here and will not let the "grammar and thread police" deter me.
  23. that is the impression i am also getting. i loved it when i found TBD when i moved away, but notice a large amount of posters that just like to correct the grammar as you say, sarcastically put others down if they feel the opinion is not "worthy". i will continue to participate and make the best of it. let the miscreants continue to get their "jollies" at the expense of others.
  24. i know, love it, hope they stay in disarray all season, forever. could not happen to a better team, franchise, and city!
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