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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i absolutely love it! it could not happen to a better organization. stephen ross is starting to resemble daniel snyder and it is just great!
  2. smokin the weed?? maybe, just maybe,it was a dose of a of sarcasm.. for crissakes dude!
  3. ship mccargo and maybin to denver for orton. if you want to sweeten it, throw in kelsay.. should seal it..
  4. i truly think the D needs to develop an identity. blue collar, northeastern city, ryan has the pedigree to do it.
  5. cleveland's D was actually pretty good this year. he will be available, i am guessing, with a new coach coming in .
  6. promo, let me preface my remarks by saying i think your take and comments are usually on the money and appreciate the fact that your contributions to the board do not contain any caustic overtones or correcting of people on grammar and that nonsense. i think vegas would be out because of the NFL'S transparent approach to gambling, but i agree with your gist, it will never stop , an owner will always try to leverage one city against another. it is a shame, but at least the NFL is not like the NBA, or the NHL,where franchise shifts occur quite a bit. i think the the NFL does not want to be anywhere near being labeled a vagabond type of league. that is what gives me hope about the bills.
  7. i am of the mind that the bills are not going anywhere simply because there are no other places to go, other than L A. i feel that a franchise other than the bills will ultimately end up there. we all know the "usual suspects", but in reality, once the L A "threat" is removed, doesnt the city thats franchise moves to L A, now become the new bargaining chip for an NFL owner? once minnesota builds a new facility, if they move to L A , they become the next destination point of a owner trying to squeeze an area for more.
  8. the only reason jesse palmer is remotely relevant is because he was on that all time television CLASSIC, "the bachelor". other than that, who gives a sh-t what he thinks! this in no way is meant to disparage the poster but is meant to disparage jesse palmer.
  9. i kinda agree, about the trent factor. the miami game was very much there, i think that if fitz was there, we win.
  10. if the current trend keeps up, i think the NFL will essentially be a "studio" game, staged in empty stadiums with only corporate suites filled. as stated many times, in many ways, they are killing the proverbial golden goose. the greed is getting outta control. ralph's money grab in toronto, a prime example.
  11. i am in total agreement! the greed of the NFL is certainly turning me off and i am a die-hard. the mindset of squeezing every last nickel they can is becoming nauseating. i will not bore everyone with obvious examples, but the understated attempts at holding fans and cities hostage to their greed will, in the end, destroy them. everyone is to blame , the players, owners, politcos, when will it end. the way things are going in today's society, the NFL should be kissing the populace's a$$, not trying to go for the knockout punch.
  12. i am in total agreement with fans on here concerning ralph's money grab . it sickens me every time i am watching these fiascos in toronto . say what you want about jerry sullivan, but his article today sums up my feelings about the game yesterday, and what my thoughts were during the game. the competitive edge that the team loses every time it goes up there frosts my a$$. we have discussed ralph on here ad infinitum, but this really tips the scales for me, i hate what he has done to the loyal fan base in WNY. long term viability be damned!, it is total bullsh-t. this team can survive in WNY without the toronto series. do i have any facts or figures to back that premise?, no, but it is pure conjecture to believe otherwise.
  13. witless?? sarcastic? hmmmm... if you say so.. not quite sure if your point is really legit, but o k.. you want me to leave so "brainiacs" like you are rid of guys like me, you know, guys who just want to comment on various aspects of the bills that perhaps may be devoid of spot on accuracy, proper thread heading, use of capital letters in the right context..etc.. ok.. well at least your lamp shade avatar is novel , you are..TRULY .. comically "creative". must be a treat to be around you on new years eve..think about your response to the poster.. you forcefully pointed out EXACTLY the number of years the guy was off by!, do you think anybody really gives a sh-t about what you were so quick to point out???
  14. no problem! you would think that people like tim graham, john wawrow(noted reporters)getting p-d off and leaving would stem the tide of the "grammar and content" police, the sarcastic jackasses that are on here, but it seems not to affect them. i do think the board serves a very useful purpose for all of us that have left the area and are dedicated bills fans.
  15. i think everyone knew what you meant, but fair warning, there are some on here that just wait to correct spelling errors, improper thread headings, stupid sh-t. just beware.
  16. thanks for making my case!. good thing the board has "guys like you" on it!, language acumen, punctuality, far outweighs content !. get a life pal! save the pomposity. take it elsewhere. p s.. i did not start the thread, re-read who did, i just commented on the "alleged" import you seemed to place on a historical reference that you found to be a tad inaccurate.
  17. i agree with all your thoughts. im 58, and i would obviously prefer ANYTHING, but the current ones. the fact this subject is talked about often on here means a great deal of people think about it, care about it. if it wasnt a topic, it would mean we were satisfied. i envy the packers, the bears, the browns, all classic uni's. both of the NYC teams wisely went back to their originals, just wish we would.
  18. i know this topic is discussed quite often on here and i am in total agreement regarding the uni's from 64-65. you wonder what the heck are they thinking at OBD!. right now, i cringe as much looking at the uni's as i do the team.
  19. to answer your question, no, the throwbacks that they wear from the sixties, are the only one's.
  20. the gist of the thread is about how good the throwbacks would look in comparison to the sh-tty uni's being worn now. who cares about irrelevant details concerning exactly when they were worn. this board is tiresome with all the fact-checkers and grammar police permeating it.
  21. i am just glad the thread is properly in context, worded, with proper heading.. i originally started a thread about the subject, but apparently it had a misleading heading and was critiqued because of it. sure glad that kind of stuff is so strongly emphasized on here .. not surprising that TG left, JW left,WAY TOO MANY caustic jackasses on here more interested in trying to be the hip smug guy..
  22. i think it doesnt happen.. i think the timing of this announcement is eerily suspect..
  23. ok ace.. sorry.. next time i will try and get it right..thank god for sharp guys like you!
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