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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. unless there is a current story, like pegula, a bills signing, etc, they are unlistenable. "10 opinions in row","state drafts", pop culture talk, its pure torture.
  2. i agree with the premise that playing in toronto is essentially a road game. i absolutely hate the 12th man taken away, i think the bills would have beaten chicago in the ralph with the crowd into it, possibly rattling cutler. that sterile atmosphere the past 3 years just makes my blood boil. i cannot stand the deal, despite what the pundits say concerning the long term viability, get it over with. they can make it without the toronto series.
  3. im not bills 9999 whatever, and "very christian of you", hmmmm, what if i am not of that faith?, does that mean i am not worthy? or worthy?? .. jeez, that was quite judgment there ! i guess i could say.. " very liberal of you"..
  4. yes, i couldnt care less about war, corruption, or other issues, AND i am concerned which way the bills are going on defense this year. i live a somewhat more simpler life than you , im sure. as long as my feet hit the ground every morning and the beer is cold, i consider it a good day! and i did see the reagan documentary, it was well done, as most things are , on HBO..
  5. yes, i am a football addict.. cannot help it. totally devoted to the buffalo bills, could care less about world peace or other issues . but that is just me, and like always, i agree with you on this point.. GO BILLS! (btw, who is mitch hedberg , jim gaffigan?, never heard of them)
  6. i could not have made my case better!, thanks for the post! i could not have put it in better terms of how i surmised maher and his followers felt!
  7. i agree, those folks on sabrespace are tough on the the buffalo news, bucky gleason etc, anyone who criticizes the sabres. i live and die for both the sabres and bills, but feel the sabres have gotten much better press than the bills. granted, the bills continually shoot themselves in the foot, but the sabres spin the same sh-t year after year and seem very disengenous.
  8. i am glad you said that. aside from his political ideology being not to my taste, he isnt funny, not creative, just has smarmy way about him, very smug, much like larry quinn! i do laugh at comedians from both sides of the aisle. larry david, liberal as they come in his private life, is absolutely brillant!, by far, the most talented writer, producer, performer going!
  9. so does most of america, those with, or without jobs..
  10. thats his idealogy, so be it.. but i hardly think his rhetoric "scares" middle america, i think middle america is scared, with or without beck i e: govt overspending, unemployment off the charts, beck plays off it, no doubt, but why "shoot the messenger"?... (cue the "its bush's mess obama is cleaning up" speech)
  11. i would think as a liberal, you would be praising those that overcame drug addiction, emotional problems etc and have turned their lives around.
  12. so, you made my case! you have judged limbaugh and beck solely on their college attendance, or lack thereof, and praise maher because he went to cornell! if that isnt an "east coast elitist" attitude, i do not know what is!
  13. again, if you have two comedians, one from the left, one from the right, the "funny" one will be the one whom you agree with politically.
  14. today's "elitism" is totally different from the elitism you say was good. the elite today are people who tell us what is good for the populace because the populace is incapable of "figuring it out" , according to their mindset.
  15. i would guess maher vs miller thing that we kinds started is based on their respective political slant. it just boils down to liberal vs conservative, not so much the merits of their comedic talent.
  16. forgive me for being spooked about flynn. as it was said earlier, rob johnson, brohm, have made me shell-shocked about accepting the next "hot prospect" QB off someone else's roster.
  17. i wouldnt get carried away! lol!, we took brohm off your hands, isnt that enough for you!
  18. i kinda of agree with you about his football knowledge, but at the time, "monday night football" was more about entertainment than the purity of the game and i am quite sure that is why they gave him a shot.
  19. welcome aboard! as a "small market" comrade, nice to have a knowledgeable fan from TITLETOWN!
  20. i think that very thing got him booted from monday night football. his vocabulary and metaphors were just too much for the average fan, i would guess. i am not a rhodes scholar, but enjoyed his take while he was on the telecasts.
  21. bill maher is funny??? , i guess, if you think elitist humor is , miller is a guy i would love to have a beer with. loved him on monday night football, maher, probably thinks football is mindless, played by greedy athletes who would be better served working in the peace corps ..usual liberal drivel.."I'm now a conservative" mea culpa. , miller stated he became one after 9/11.
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