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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i know, that thought is quite alarming, but again, do we want a sh-tty team, or no team at all? lousy options, i know, but that is the reality if tom G gets in.
  2. yea, at one point it was, ahh! the good old days! "rife" was actually a college end out of michigan, believed he caught a pass in the rose bowl in the forties. he was all substance and no pazazz!, would never last today!.. sure miss his style!
  3. LMAO! , thought the same thing!
  4. i want to compete every year. i always have hope that this "is the year". i want things to fall into place and have them at least sniffing the playoffs into december. i live for the present, not easy though being a buffalo sports fan.
  5. he certainly was, but again, what is the criteria for consideration, much less selection? i can suggest guys from the early 60's. i feel it is just ralph , in his own mind, reconizing loyalty first and foremost.
  6. lou saban not on the wall only lends credence that the wall is not necessarily a collection of "all-time great buffalo bills", but a reflection who ralph feels is worthy. that is why i am in agreement with the poster who said, "why have a wall of fame committee" ?
  7. very much on the money my friend!.. toronto would get a team for all the wrong reasons. the NFL is coming to represent greed, not football, or the experience that goes with being a fan. it has been talked about on here incessantly, no need to get into it , but it is shameful.
  8. just nonsense, really, new orleans?? that is where the credibility of the story comes into question.
  9. i hear ya! the accuracy "police" on here are tiresome , just another internet "tough guy", has to insult someone to prop himself up..
  10. i concur.. very troubling observing the drafts leading up to this past one. the days of john mccargo and chris ellis type picks are over. i sometimes think levy thought he was "the smartest guy in the room" with some of the his picks. still cannot understand the whitner pick. but again, hopefully those days are gone!
  11. i like the emphasis on defense. i have maintained the bills need to develop a nastiness, an image, whatever, on defense. we are in the northeast, weather is a factor, use it. cannot find fault so far with nix and gailey. i actually have come to really appreciate gailey and his ability. as for the board's mindset on here, could care less. the grammar and accuracy police are annoying, but overall i like what most have to offer.
  12. i could not agree more! its always about NYC pizza or chicago pizza!.. b s!.. GIVE ME BUFFALO PIZZA!.. nothing like it! once you cannot get it , you really appreciate it. living in philly, you get paper thin crust, ketchup and thuringer essentially.. .. sucks.. i like all the places mentioned, but pasquales in west seneca or derby is good also..
  13. I AGREE.. ralph keeping the team here and being lauded for it unrealistically so much is getting old. i dont want them to leave , but feeling like we continually have to kiss his proverbial ring frosts my a$$. enough, sell it then! IF YOU FEEL IT IS NOT FINANCIALLY VIABLE! yea right!
  14. i live in montgomery county, outside philly and i was going to suggest the above. sunday ticket, but i know, it sucks that you have to get direct t v to get it, but, you can google buffalo bars in your area, try buffalo bills backers on google.
  15. why the negativity?.. for crissakes, i am glad they would do something like that!
  16. totally agree with everything you stated.. maybe its the pessimistic , ingrained, buffalo sports mentality i have, but i still allow myself the thought that pegula will be doing a perp walk, or something bad will happen because he seems just to good to be true. this is what happens in other cities, good owners(rooneys), but buffalo!come on! BUT, i am feasting on it .. and hope that he will be in position to some day buy the bills..
  17. the attitude that permeates the bills thinking regarding the fans is that "we are just lucky to have a team" , that kind of stuff! more or less, keep your mouth shut, or the team will be moved. it sucks, but that is the reality. the NFL is "king", we are a depressed area, keep quiet ! they use the possible loss of the team constantly, it is a scare tactic, it works and we swallow it! as a previous post stated, until ownership changes, this what we will get.
  18. that is what is so scary.. just do not know which way to go, get football back, or wait it out till the deal is made assuring competitive balance. just fearful of jones, snyder, and kraft types..and how much influence they will exert.. we know they do not think in terms of what is good for the league.. only for themselves..
  19. just throwing this out there because i am not sure .. if the lockout is lifted and ultimately upheld on appeal, we will have football.. sounds good, but, if the owners get it handed to them, will the small markets ultimately suffer? i would like to hear some informed opinions.. thanks
  20. i agree, we come on here for the expressed purpose to find out stuff like uniforms changes, etc.. rumours, anything bills related,,. i do not fault the original poster for being curious, people should learn to lighten up.
  21. i have resided in the philly area the past three years after having lived in buffalo my first 55 years. i have come to the realization that philly sports fans have an inferiority complex. they constantly have to remind themselves how "tough" they are. it is laughable and i loved it when they canceled that football game this year because of snow! are you kidding me? these pansies could not even sit in a snowstorm. having sat thru all kinds of conditions at the ralph, these fans in philly could not even be considered to be in buffalo's league.
  22. i would submit that it can be attributed to the "game day experience" at the ralph. fresh air, grilling, beer, all adds to the mix. sure the team has sucked overall, but going to the game , cant beat it. tailgating is the best i have ever been a part of. ask those that went to the games in toronto about "tailgating"!
  23. amen brother! thanks for your input! (and for supporting the bills!)
  24. that is the thing that absolutely frosts my a$$., LOSING THE HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE! that is what so irritating, sacrificing the advantage of playing in the ralph for extra cash. when is enough, enough , for ralph? that is why the organization's commitment to winning can come into question , for that, and other dubious decisions made over the years.
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