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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. amen brother! thanks for your input! (and for supporting the bills!)
  2. that is the thing that absolutely frosts my a$$., LOSING THE HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE! that is what so irritating, sacrificing the advantage of playing in the ralph for extra cash. when is enough, enough , for ralph? that is why the organization's commitment to winning can come into question , for that, and other dubious decisions made over the years.
  3. absolutely! just a money grab, no matter how they spin it. torontonians prefer coming to the ralph, brandon is spitting into the wind.
  4. did i see you with my seester last night..
  5. i agree, those were golden years for sure! as we commiserate home-run throw back,"just give it to them", "no goal", i will give you a braves moment that can hold its own also! friggin darrel garretson calling a foul allowing jo-jo white to go to the foul line with no time left on the clock during the celtics-braves playoff series in 76, i believe. i was in the oranges and the emotions were running as high as i have ever witnessed in buffalo sports history! i will submit that it ranks very high in buffalo sports infamy.
  6. jeez!, not sure if the players will abide, could be split . in actuality, didnt the NFLPA disband? in essence, they do not exist, right?
  7. this is indeed sad news.. as a former ticket holder from 70-1980, i saw rico, grew up with rico, going to the aud as 18 yr-old in 1970 with my season ticket, i saw rico come in as rookie in 71 and watch him develop into a bona-fide star. glad to have seen him skate with the french connection that one last time when pegula came on board. who would have known or thought ! wow.. i am stunned.. r i p rico..
  8. i have been saying that for years. the NFL has become the "mtv" of sports. hate the pre-game shows also. i am old enough to remember the half-hour pre-game shows that focused entirely on the game or games to be played. now we watch michael irvin interview T O. Who, with half a brain, gives a sh-t about what T O thinks. the whole game is very much a "me" spectacle. the chest thumping after a routine tackle, etc. i will still watch, just not happy where the game has gone.
  9. lol!, i remember that!, that is when the throwback craze started. i could not wait to see how the bills would handle it, what did they do?.. put tape over the helmet and went bargain basement cheap. it was a letdown, but not surprising, guess it was before russ and co came on board and could convince ralph and the detroit people that money could be made on the throwback craze.
  10. absolutely!, i am not a fan of the charging buffalo, prefer the classic look of the standing buffalo, but all things considered, i will take the return to the white helmet AND, dumping those atrocious uni's of the recent past. i cringed watching them play in them, it is probably a good thing that they were as sh-tty on the field as were the uni's they wore. hopefully not much of the country had to see those atrocities as we did. they seemed to be wearing the throwbacks when they got national exposure , i e : the cowboy game on monday night.
  11. could not agree more! how greedy can these S O B'S be! the league is what it is due to the foresight of the original AFL' owners and later brought to great heights by pete rozelle. the league grew because of the revenue sharing. i highly doubt people across the country would be interested in seeing dallas play new england in the super bowl every year. snyder, jones, and kraft should not be allowed to ruin the game !!
  12. i think another galling example of suspscious officiating was the pittsburgh v seattle superbowl, really made me wonder!
  13. i was wondering how they will handle the draft if they do not unveil the uni's before it. will they hand newton, whoever, the sh-tty dark jersey?you would think they would unveil before the draft.
  14. it really makes you wonder what games these NFL honchos watch, i agree, ("just give it to em" game aside"), i think he is a weak official.
  15. that game he was referring to, ranks in my top five of the most horrific games to have witnessed and suffered through as a bills die-hard. to this day, the name walt coleman makes my blood boil. the sound of his voice , when explaining a penalty,is the proverbial "nails on a chalkboard". that game was criminal. it was grand theft in plain sight of millions.
  16. you beat me to it!.. see!, i told you the football guru's would come out!
  17. i agree, whats to lose?? but get ready for all the "experts" on here to tell you why we shouldnt!
  18. curious?, if miller was a liberal, would you enjoy him? would he be funny ?
  19. my feeling is that if they werent replacing the turf, i would be concerned .keep upgrading, improving, i have no problem. the stadium is in a good location for tailgating, access, etc. it affords a great opportunity to experience a game. buffalo does not need the "bells and whistles" . give me the outdoors, crisp fall day, nothing better, snow, cold, that is football to me. if the "jerryworld"type of stadium is the new wave, i want no part of it.
  20. true, that is a whole other topic, one that i am too lazy to get into now.
  21. i guess the thing that irks me about maher's show is that the studio audience totally endorsing him , and whatever he expresses by hooting, hollering, applauding like a bunch of trained seals. i thought he was better when he first started on that "politically incorrect" show.but his "calling out of obama" is strictly based on his political ideology though, he is calling him out for "caving in", not espousing rhetoric and acting like the liberal maher wants him to be.
  22. ok, no problem, believe it or not, you probably are a guy i would like to have beers with. i admire people that actually take a stance, or get involved in the process, rather than those who shoot their mouth off just be heard. discourse is good and i know this is a forum for expressing our feelings about our beloved bills and glad it is here. if it goes off track and becomes political once in while, "oh well", it breaks the monotony for me, especially as it gets closer to draft day when i overdose on mock drafts.
  23. why the name-calling?? "bozo"??, i actually enjoyed having a respectful dialogue with you, but when you have to resort to name-calling, it is pretty much over.
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