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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. if your premise is correct, then we as a society are pretty pitiful and weak.
  2. hardly!, so if the NFL does indeed miss a game and during that sunday, we should assume a percentage of crimes committed was by head cases who just cannot stand being without football. that is not what you are saying, i know, but the implication in what you are saying feeds into the presumption that there will be a ready made excuse for people unable to lawfully cope with society.
  3. please! i am quite sure law-abiding citizens , who compliment their lives with NFL football will find other ways , (other than resort to crime), to fill the void. there is NO rationalization for the correlation you or lewis are making.. its boardline foolhardy! there is no justification for criminal activity.
  4. why not just blame the individuals who commit the crime(s)? why does there have to be a "reason" some jackass commits a crime. ever here of personal responsibility?
  5. i met jerry butler at a training camp one time, he was one of the nicest men i have ever met. he was genuine , just a nice guy. hated to see him leave the bills, was actually surprised he did. does anyone know if he had a falling out back then?
  6. ralph thought the christians got a bad deal during negotiations with the lions..
  7. glad to see that, but i was wondering more of a "big picture" type of thing, not specifically, if guys are working, or groups, but generally, if all teams have to scramble to get started, what happens next?
  8. i cant really come to a definitive conclusion that's why i am asking. once camps, OTA'S start, whatever, i thought maybe everyone starts equally or is equally behind. but talent level is the key and the bills arent there yet, i guess.
  9. at the risk of being verbally "beat up" for bringing this up, i was wondering if the lack of OTA'S, off-season prep etc, will allow some teams (the bills)possibly a chance to catch up to the other's?
  10. well, that certainly seems like something to wonder about... as speculated on here, kelly and co buy 49 per-cent, wilson's family remain involved? those options do give hope and it sounds like you know more than your letting on.. lol.. but your insight is much appreciated..
  11. i know, it is just hard to face, i guess. i mainly look at it from the on-the-field perspective. they are essentially forfeiting home field advantage , but, again, economics and market size drive the league. my thought is , would someone like pegula, or kelly live with a smaller profit margin in exchange for not giving up the T O game(s)?
  12. so, left unsaid then is that we will play an additional game in TO, OR , maybe split the games?, both options are not my favorites. hopefully , the new owner will just sink or swim at the ralph.. in my opinion, it is hardly a losing proposition if they choose to do so. of course, if they are greedy, it is moot.
  13. while i agree with your points about WNBA, ETC, i kinda disagree about the NHL. sure im biased about my love for hockey, but the NHL did strike a lucrative deal with versus/NBC, and just maybe it is taking some baby steps into some real growth. i think it wasnt that long ago that the NHL had to pay to get their product on the national airwaves.
  14. then why is he on in buffalo? buffalo is a rabid hockey town as we all know and the fact that he doesnt like hockey, and even ridicules it, baffles me. for that reason alone, he should be off in buffalo.
  15. ok, i am not going to turn this into a sabre's post, but letting drury, briere and campbell walk for essentially nothing in inexcusable, not a way to operate a franchise.i would expect the same mindset if he took over the bills, "just break even" is golisano's mantra, not win.as for vanek, that whole contract situation was a total case of mismanagement 101.
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