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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. You sure about that? ..Is it a legally bound ? "agreed" ok. anyway why all the BS .. ? about him ?
  2. I am sure a suspension will be forthcoming , as usual, but why the negativity on Beasley for exercising his right to make his own decision? . Taking the Vax been made mandatory ?
  3. Baseball-Luke Easter, Basketball-Bob McAdoo, Football-Jim Kelly, Hockey-Gil Perreault. nothing earth shattering about my picks.. be interested in hearing others as well..
  4. ok.. i misunderstood , thought you said it was the first MNF game. sorry..
  5. LOL!you got that right .. and yes Niagara Mohawk! , a true blast from the past!.. i was at both games too.. The Raider game , a true classic.. and have never seen a replay of it.. again.. Thank you!
  6. With all due respect Chandler, i believe the first MNF was home against KC in 73.,.l regardless, thanks for the post..
  7. Thanks.. nice read.. interesting..
  8. Little harsh on WMS, and the Fans, but could watch that all night.. No glitz, no politics, just FOOTBALL , what we grew up with.. again.. thanks
  9. Really , really enjoyed this! Thank you ! Keep em coming!
  10. IMHO, Too many sacrosanct issues enveloping sports. I am old , but dont need it. There are enough forums to mingle the two, if one so chooses .I understand the need to post about it. God i wonder who it was!!!!
  11. Very nice to hear.. changed the way Football highlights were shown . Previous to him, it was an uptempo , quick version with a marching band soundtrack . I believe the Sabol's (father and son) revolutionized the way the NFL presented highlight films. Using John Facenda was a stroke of genius.
  12. Remember WMS, 1960, big time, My father took me there .. was 8 , but remember it like it was yesterday.. Early 60's not too productive until Saban . Just going , all the memories ,nothing compares. Thank you for sharing!
  13. Not sure, but IMHO, the Blue or White Throwbacks from the mid 60's , rank up in the top 5 of classic uni's.. in no particular order, the other 4, the Chicago Black Hawks white , obviously the NY Yankees, GB Packers home, and the Chargers royal blue of the mid 60's
  14. Totally agree, i like the standing Buffalo White helmets even better. but OK, wear the Reds if they so choose once in a while
  15. Hopefully he will go on to lead the league in sacks..
  16. Didnt read thru all.. JMHO,It is still a free country , although, not sure of how long, Beasley is within his Constitutional rights to decline the Vax. Move on..
  17. I think you got that right!!!!!LOL LOL
  18. If Bug Howard signs, and Xavien Howard somehow signs , lets bring back Derek Fine..
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