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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. anytime i hear buffalo not in any mix for potentially moving, i am a happy guy. however, i do feel a certain amount of sympathy for minnesota. they have a loyal fan base and really should not lose their team. the rest of the cities mentioned, have no problem. jacksonville is obvious and it would be appropriate and just, if they moved.
  2. i did like this year's draft , it seemed like nix was not trying to outsmart anyone, just went ahead and focused on making the team better. as for those crappy drafts during the levy GM period, it almost seemed like they were trying to be too cute, "avant-garde" , because all those picks you mentioned that they did make or that they passed on, did not make sense to any rational bills fan.
  3. that does make sense.just makes you madder, even though you knew at the time, they were drafting stiffs and we kept scratching our heads. who DID make the john mccargo call anyway!
  4. the ralph did not make the top 10. it rec'd one vote in the "also ran" category essentially. how times have changed! i used to love hearing how tough it was for visiting teams to cope with the noise and elements of the ralph. when your team has been a punch line for a decade, this is what you get, a legacy tarnished.
  5. agree with him. his caveat of giving the fans kudos did it for me. i have been a wilson non-believer for years, a bills die-hard since 1960, sometimes the truth hurts.
  6. just "old school" i guess. the throwbacks were fantastic at the original time they were worn, have never looked better recently, nothing better than tradition, classic, and that is what the white helmets represent, at least to me.
  7. here here !, i have tried to appreciate ralph over the years, but more often than not, he does something that just pis-es me off. i will not enumerate all of them, as most on here know of them going all the way back to his demanding the city expand war memorial or else. (perhaps it was justified at the time). be that as it may, its been constant whinning to being a "small market" and all his knee-jerk personnel decisions over the years that has generally hamstrung the franchise. the toronto game seals it for me! he has no business grabbing money by compromising home field advantage. i do not buy into the "needed regionalization" of the team. they are making money , if he isnt, sell the G-D team then!. but he wont!.. he is printing money over at one bills drive
  8. i agree, i think any pub for the bills is good. nationally, we are irrelevant, as we all know, but just yesterday i was talking to a guy that works out at my gym here in philly. the guy , a native from philly , could not have been more gracious regarding his comments about the bills, after he found out i was from buffalo. he went on and on about how he and his dad loved watching the bills during the early 80's with fergy and company. he loves watching games from the ralph, seeing the passionate fans, the weather etc. he made my day. this guy was glad they were changing back to the white helmets and was unhappy about them playing a game in toronto. the guy knew his stuff and i think alot of us on here suffer needlessly when we hear some shot taken at the bills or buffalo from some national blowhard. in spite of so many miscues made over the years by the mgmt(lead by wilson), knowledgeable fans appreciate the franchise's proud legacy. the team should embrace any opportunity it can to recapture its place in football relevancy, despite, what i am sure will be howls of laughter nationally, if the bills did do hard knocks.
  9. i respectfully disagree about the need for a new stadium. in my opinion, the stadium is fine as long as upgrades are made as needed , much like lambeau. in a pure football sense i think the ralph works fine, however, if one is looking for that panacea for the area (bass pro)in the form of a stadium, i think that is a different issue. building the retractable dome on the waterfront seems impractical based on the economic realities.
  10. ok, i feel a bit better, only exposed to the printed reports from the internet, did not see any quotes visually from him.
  11. does the populace really want a major league baseball situation in the NFL?, boston, yankees, philly.. just a handful of the same teams year after year being relevant?. i know the answer, but just feel it is inevitable if things play out the way the lawyers for the players want it to.
  12. anyone old enough to remember the infamous john y brown could maybe see a correlation with this guy.. lots of rhetoric, but an agenda to move the team.
  13. has anyone seen a quote from him saying he wants to keep the team in buffalo if he does purchase them? all i see are quotes saying he loves the bills etc.. nowhere is there a direct intent to buy them and keep them in buffalo.. guy kinda scares me..
  14. i sure hope so!, but just want to hear him utter the words "keeping the team in buffalo" .. he is based in L A.. kinda makes me nervous.. thats all.. sure hope you are right!
  15. it is because i didnt see anything about his "wanting to keep the team in buffalo". i hope that statement turns up!
  16. i think simply, that we have been conditioned to be "glad we have a team" mindset. buffalo is small-time, dying, etc, easy for an owner to have a ready excuse that we should be quiet and if a championship happens, well OK. with pegula, it seems like we have been rewarded for all the heartaches, etc, associated with being a suffering buffalo sports fan.
  17. somebody tell what i should think about him.. this situation.. have no clue..
  18. so so true. it gets old after a while. i have been around since the inception, and during the 'long haul" wilson has been frugal, seems to cry poor mouth, etc. while we all appreciate his keeping the team in buffalo, his investment turned out ok. i realize NHL hockey and the NFL distinctly are different, but ralph did OK by the region. i think the poster's point is well taken. it sure is nice to have a buffalo sport's owner go full bore , totally into WINNING!. paul snyder literally sold players away for money, and while i always admired the knoxes, they tried, were bound by financial constraints to an extent and never seemed to "go for it". the obvious point is that buffalo seems to have a bona-fide, sincere , championship chasing owner in pegula.
  19. just more of the "same old same old" with wilson. it is tiring, has been , with few exceptions, over the past 50 years.. but we should all be glad he kept the team in buffalo, yada yada.. but , the franchise's laughingstock status is because of him and his advisers and i am quite sure all of us take it personally when the franchise gets dumped on . the perception of the team nationally sucks and it pis-es me off..like everyone else, i grasp at any positive thread of hope, but in the end, we have witnessed a team run around in clown uniforms the past decade as they bore the ever-lovin sh-t outta of us..
  20. why "grey", why not just reality?. the more i read about it on here, the more i think about, it has to rank as one of the most assinine assumptions i have heard.. "crime will increase without NFL football!".. again.. one just has to look at it from a perspective of what people of rational thinking, being, will do. anyone that goes out and holds up a liquor store because there is no NFL football has problems TOTALLY UNRELATED to the NFL.
  21. what, prey tell, is wrong with his wife??? are you kidding?? she is hot, to say the least.. oopps! just dawned on me.. duh! she is not a liberal.. ok i get it..
  22. "it was gay pride day today at the water park"
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