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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. thats great! makes ralph look good nationally, but what about the fans , the people who have supported this franchise despite the bumblings . but OK , we should be glad he kept the team here.. .. and so it goes...
  2. wouldnt it be nice if ralph had a visit from his past, like scrooge. wakes up, tells nix to go get a left tackle, says to hell with littman, the bills are sold to jim kelly and remain in buffalo forever.
  3. in actuality,this board is for people to express their frustrations, joy, whatever. why critique the posters.. we are all die-hards, impulsive, so we express ourselves.. let us unload, praise whatever..
  4. my feeling is this, the league and owners love having the threat of "greener pastures" being out there so they can squeeze local municipalities . my best case scenerio for the bills would be this: let L A build two stadiums, or just one, whatever. lets say the vikings move, then, their market becomes a chit an owner could play to threaten the locals . i say if the chargers move to LA, that market would not be in play, that market is done. then, if the greedy basta-ds want another team in LA, let it be the JAGS, that market will not be a threat. st louis and minny will always able to be played if their teams leave. hopefully, its the chargers and jags, i could be missing something, but from a buffalo perspective, i think that is how i would want it to play out.
  5. i kinda feel the same way. it was hard watching ESPN and the NFL network the past week. it was all about the jets, eagles, cowboys etc, was nice to hear someting, ANYTHING, about the bills! the fact it was positive was great. i do feel that they will be in it every week, lets just hope breaks come our way. excellant post!
  6. as someone who lives outta town, i truly appreciate you taking the time to update what happens out there!,again.. thank you!
  7. i certainly would like him. according to chris brown, he is taking a physical this morning. lets hope..
  8. kinda sucks, living in philly and watching what they are doing is torture!. the band just keeps playing on at OBD.i am a die-hard bills fan, but it is really disheartening watching all that is going on around them.the glazers in tampa are probably as tight with the buck as wilson, spent less last year, but still ended up 10-6 i think. "what the hell is going on out there"?
  9. i agree!, it is a bit frustrating watching the pats and jets actually try to get better. its just the culture that permeates OBD. it is the ralph "bottom line" mentality. pegula is the "anti ralph" and since his arrival on the buffalo sports landscape, it seems to spotlight even more the bumbling and losing mentality of the bills. cue the "ralph kept the team in buffalo crowd".
  10. i really do not think one single FA player made a particular team a super bowl contender. it is obviously a process, but the steelers picking up farrior, saints picking up sharper, indy grabbing vinateri were all vital contributors to their respective teams.keep in mind, those teams did not have the horrible drafts that the bills have had, they had their foundation, thru the draft. i agree it takes patience, but you can win right away, it no longer takes 5 years.
  11. my comment(s) about building thru the draft and having patience were more of a general nature about the culture of the bills personnel dept , not specific to the nix regime. sure patience is required if that is the avenue, but when there is nothing to build on, it is frustrating. i actually like what nix and co are doing and do hope they build a foundation.
  12. i agree, but it also takes a personnel dept that has a clue. watching the yearly draft debacle from this front office has been tortuous the past 10 years, or more, if you include the erik flowers pick, and subsequent picks after him. it would be nice to "hit on" a few each year, then compliment thru free-agency. you cant continue to pass up quality players in the name of whitner, mccargo, chris ellis, etc, or completely wash out like what happened in 2007.
  13. i hope i am totally wrong, but they will do the usual, try to plug obvious holes with players they can justify as to why they signed them. they wont go out and sign a burress, or anyone pricey. we should just be glad we have a team dammit!
  14. i wish the bills did have an owner who would have the wherewithal to make the BILLS somewhat relevant. you watch the goings on at NFL network, ESPN, nary a mention, glimpse of anyone associated with the bills. it is sad, really.
  15. deepest condolences, scott. nice article by bucky gleason about her. time will heal..
  16. totally agree!.. as how it applies to ralph, reference lou saban and chuck knox, somehow, the "wheels fell off" with those two.. how about bill polian? yea, let him walk ralph!.. but hey, you got 9 mill from toronto, who cares about giving up home field advantage? .. makes my blood boil..
  17. i hope you are wrong about this season, but your point about ralph is well taken. i feel the same way and would submit i have seen it all from ralph over the entire existence of the franchise. watching pegula over the course of the past few months just really put into perspective of how ralph has screwed around with the franchise over the years in the name of dollars. i am as capitalistic as the next guy, but his actions over the past 50 years are mind-numbing. sure it is great he kept the team here, etc etc.. (its tiresome talking about it), but his commitment to winning is, and was not there. as i have maintained , if he doesnt like his situation here, as an NFL owner, sell the G-D team!.. QUIT BITCHING ABOUT MARKET SIZE, ETC..but no.. why would he? must be that he is doing well .. invest 50 grand in 1960, turn it into 750 mill.. nice..
  18. why would the NFL "insist" that he build a new stadium? i have never heard of this mindset or practice done in the NFL.. it would be his team , sink or swim.
  19. well said !, sick of the "small market" complaining..sell the team then.
  20. i think you may have an agenda, i do not. casey anthony, mendenhall? .. you totally lost me..
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