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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. what does wearing a university of alabama baseball hat have any relevance to this?? . what are you trying to infer? if it is what i think you are, then does that mean it is offensive to wear a southern school's paraphernalia ?
  2. well, you tell me when it happened and i will answer! but your attempt at making a point is a tad feeble at best. i dont think one has to be a rocket scientist to realize that my point was not about a specific hitler reference by the "wussie media" . it was about the typical reaction that is made by the said media when it does not fit their agenda.
  3. huh??? it is not the "employee" making comments, it is the response that follows when someone does.where is the outrage over obama telling the CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS last week to "quit your complaining".. and generally scolded them! if bush would have said that!! one can only imagine the outrage. as it was, the mainstream press did not make much of it. anyone that cannot see the double standard must have the proverbial blinders on .
  4. i am not a big country music fan in the least, but there is a great percentage of those that are, (and those that make the music) who lean toward the right. the late liberal ABC commentator, peter jennings, threatened not to host a july 4th capitol show because toby keith was on the bill. apparently jennings didnt agree with keith's song about " putting a boot in their a$$", in reference to muslim extremists. the point is, because the media leans left, controlled by a bunch of old 60's hippies, that is what you get. the double standard is obvious. after jimmy hoffa jr told a bunch of union supporters to "take out the bastards"(referring, i am assuming to the tea partyers)i wonder if ESPN will cease taking advertising revenue from GM because of that inflammatory rhetoric?
  5. it is obvious in this country when a liberal makes what could be termed an outlandish statement, it is called "freedom of speech", when a conservative utters the same, it is "hateful", must be immediately addressed. the wussies that run the media outlets in this country are such hypocrites. the transparency is actually hilarious.
  6. i am in limerick and go to my daughter's in collegeville and watch it on the sunday ticket. mcfadden's does look awesome though!
  7. i loved the article, and like others, posted it on my facebook page. i left buffalo after spending my first 56 years of my life there. i miss everything about it every day. i am content here in a suburb of philly, but buffalo is who i am, it defines me and i get overly defensive when i hear it put down, and probably too high when i get something to grasp on to , that is positive. i would like to commend that author of the article for capturing the essence of what the bills mean to the town and it's people.
  8. i think belicheat is one cold pri-k.. i know the object is to win at all costs, I GET THAT!, but wow, it is almost too calculated , like maybe trying to maintain an image?
  9. i think they would have, had the game been played in the ralph! crowd noise would have upset their O LINE, it sounds like a golf crowd in there.
  10. i could not agree more with the poster. i have hated that toronto money grab from the get-go, and give up the home field advantage that the ralph provides is just wrong! i do not need to hear the justification for the bills to have to "regionalize" to remain financially viable. it is utter nonsense, they turn over a profit about 30-40 million..
  11. HUH! HE AINT EVEN A ROSTER PLAYER! they should pay jackson first!what kind of a moron are you???? i get it.... sorry.... i should have said 'is not".. again.. sorry
  12. i do love hearing about that! as a former resident and season ticket holder, i cant read enough about how the 12th man helps the team. it makes my blood boil when i think of giving up that one game a year to toronto.
  13. i think new york state owes us. they committed funds for the mets in the building of Citifield, and also assisted the yankees somewhat, we should have no problem getting state funds to upgrade the ralph if the local politicians get their heads outta of their a$$es. i know all about the public's distaste of govt assisting millionaire NFL owners, but in this case it is elementary , in a business sense, the bills help support whatever economy there is left in western new york.
  14. as we all sit here in anticipation of this afternoon's game, i read in the NEWS this morning that ralph is anxious to get lease talks going. it was a pleasant surprise reading his comments and over all attitude that was expressed. i am not a ralph lover, usually bash him for the usual reasons, but in this instance, i could not agree with him more. he stated people want a place to watch football, not a place to have a luxurious dinner. the bills want structural improvements , which is reasonable. i truly feared that the bills were going to make all kinds of outlandish demands. i am truly impressed, being L A out there AS A BARGAINING CHIP.
  15. the playoff loss to san diego in the 1980 season playoffs. fergy was hobbled, the bills lead most of the way and would have hosted oakland the following week. was a horrible feeling to see ron smith break bill simpson's tackle for the TD. i am totally convinced the bills would have beat oakland, then philly in the super bowl. wide right didnt hurt as much for some strange reason.
  16. thanks!, interesting read, i do not think many fans, including myself, did not think the trade would turn out out so horribly. it was the beginning of a typical bills downslide.lamonica turned into an AFL icon, the bills were just a season away from the first part of the harvey johnson "glory years".
  17. one less team to compete for a wild card.i always watch games from a perspective of " how will the bills benefit " mindset. i have the utmost respect for manning and it sure is sad, the colts are in trouble, to say the least, but it just reshuffles the wild card deck a bit.
  18. i thought that was a reach by 3rdnig , just trying to be too clever, that is an ongoing problem on here, too many kings of glib wannabees..
  19. i did much the same except its for my 2 granddaughters. hated to leave buffalo, but with NHL center ice and the NFL sunday ticket , life is good! 23-13 BILLS!
  20. i share the same enthusiasm and i go back to 1960, as an 8 yr old.. totally identify with your anticipation and passion. as for the alleged "football insight or humor" on here, i still come to this site regularly in spite of it!
  21. im glad you mentioned a place here in philly to watch the games if need be. i moved here in 2008 and watch the games on the dish at my daughters. like lots, we have a family get to- together with as much "buffalo food" as we can get our hands on. fortunately wegmans has moved in to this territory and we have access to sahlen's , webers mustard, so all is not lost. just an fyi for people in the northern va , dc area, there is an excellant place called "jimmy's " maybe " jimmy's old time", in herndon va. it is excelllant, shows all the bills and sabres games, true buffalo bar. he even serves beef on weck , highly recommend it!
  22. i actually think gannon is decent. his observations are usually on the money. he is not flowery or bombastic, just critiques what he sees. that is all i need, it is hard enough to watch the NFL now with all the non-stop commercials, video inserts, etc, not having to deal with an over the top jack-ass analyst is somewhat comforting.
  23. i think thigpen gets cut only if a better option is presented by other teams cuts. baltimore is looking , so it should prove to be interesting the next couple of days.
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