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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. huh??? not really metzelaars, i just feel the ralph is worth keeping and nary a thought given to any political agenda, surprisingly!i wish the bills could be publicly owned, i really dont give a sh-t about politics as far as the bills are concerned.
  2. why the need to keep the wind and snow out! it is part of the "deal" in playing in buffalo! they do not complain in green bay about it, why should we??? in addition, just go to that sh-tty stadium in toronto once a year if you have to stay "out of the elements"! quite frankly, IT DOES!, not to the extent of the point you are trying to make, but i think it does in its own way.
  3. huh???, i am referring to the historical significance of the stadium!, not the won-lost record or amount of actual championships won. the packers won at dallas, at ny in the sixties to capture the championship, if you want to nitpick , in addition to winning at lambeau in the ice bowl. my point is that lambeau is revered beyond belief .
  4. i have thought the same thing for quite sometime now. the ralph , scene of the "THE GREATEST COMBACK", where O J ran, the 4 in a row super bowl teams of the 90's played, does have some history. lambeau, scene of the "ICE BOWL" has its legacy for sure, but not so sure how much it has on the ralph in terms of historical significance. the packers of the lombardi era are romanticed, but to me, not that much different than the bills, championships aside. i say do it!
  5. i assume martin is on the squad for his special teams work, is he any good on them??, just curious.
  6. i think you nailed it pretty good, but TO nitpick, i would give them a B, not a B+, just based on the fact the D could not make the stop , late, in the two losses. i think it rests on edwards, as you rightfully pointed out.
  7. getting back to the raiders, i will keep an eye on their game with K C. i am seeing that palmer may start, could be interesting, hope K C comes to play.
  8. well, oakland has only miami left to play out of our division,so rooting against the raiders is a given for sure and i do think their remaining schedule is weak, so you have to hope palmer goes flat.
  9. i agree, i do think san diego could be our competition for a wild card, your point about the jets is valid, just want them out and we get our shot at the chargers.. tough call , though
  10. this is an interesting topic, i enjoy watching games during the bye week as how it affects the bills. in the game you mentioned, not sure who to root for, but i think rooting for the titans would be the way to go. we play them and assume we win that game, but then again, not sure , do we want to concede the division to houston? i think rooting for san diego against the jets is an obvious choice though.
  11. i feel uncomfortable when the word sack(s) is used in the same sentence with a 90 yr old something man.
  12. i think they did also, but in the event they win the superbowl this year, then its worth it. i like "not mortgaging the future" as much as the next guy, but if you can win now, i am all in. in buffalo, we are all too familiar with "building for the future", sometimes i think its nice to win now!
  13. i can see it play out that way, but if there is a chance of a different outcome regarding who we beat, and lose to, i see maybe beating dallas, but possibly losing to tennessee at home. but in my scenerio, i see us beating dallas and tennessee. 11-5..
  14. happy birthday, thanks for keeping the bills in buffalo, making you an iconic figure in WNY. ok, now please, put a succession plan for the bills to stay here! only fair, we have supported you, you have realized a nice return on the investment..
  15. i like the idea of acquiring a pass rusher myself. sure it is easy to say the bills arent going to make any moves, they probably wont, but i was thinking the same thing today. a guy like allen would be a great addition because the team itself is not as far away as some think.
  16. wow!, that is news i thrive on! thanks for a nice vibe on the eve of a bills game!
  17. well said! i have said repeatedly that he should be taken off, if for nothing else, his mocking of hockey. buffalo is as strong a market as there is in the NHL.why then, should buffalo sports enthusiasts be subjected to him,on THE SABRES STATION!. for crissakes. his insulting the bills, talking about the NBA(which no one cares about)should seal it.
  18. i moved here 3 years ago and when i first heard him, i thought it was somebody imitating a bad announcer. but i know, he can grow on u
  19. residing here in philly, i am bewildered about the reese "worship"! i think he sounds like ted baxter.
  20. when he goes on the "freedom tour" with nugent, i hope joan baez and arlo guthrie open for them
  21. maybe paul snyder? so he can redeem himself for selling the buffalo braves which resulted in them leaving, just not sure if he has the resources.
  22. i know, but i guess my thinking is that i wanna win the division, but your point is well taken.
  23. with all due respect, i think pulling for the jets is the thing to do. i have wrestled with it, but i figure if the jets win and we do, we are a full game up on both. i think down the stretch(assuming we stay in the hunt), the jets will be less formidable overall.
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