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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i am at the point where they should just go and get rob ryan. screw it!, the franchise needs some life, and ryan will be as big a blowhard as rex, but at least it will be entertaining and i suspect they will be tougher at least, more representative of the city. i am sick of the two franchises in buffalo being so freakin soft!
  2. sure, the draft blunders were not because of the "bean counters", but letting "personnel" people leave i e : polian, butler, after saban and knox, was because of the frustration each experienced with dealing with the littman's and co.
  3. huh???? you are kidding .. right?? "evidence", try looking at their record since 1999! they let phillips go , then , he either had to fight to get his salary, or ralph tried to stiff him, do not recall exactly. so , the fact they traded evans for a 4th round pick that reeked of overdorf's involvement, cutting hangartner. the total lack of an aggressive approach to free-agency is another. sure they hide under the guise of "building thru the draft", but please, T O, ????that was brandon pumping up season tickets. i am not going to go further, but since 1960, the team has made some horrific decisions and 99% of them were made due to the "bean counters", and that mentality. personnel decisions based on "bean counting".. remember chuck knox?? do you know why he left??? THE BEAN COUNTERS!.. he became agitated with the constraints put on him in conjunction with the personnel dept.
  4. your points are well taken, for sure, but anyone who does not reconize that the "bean counters" rule the roost is delusional. it is the "bean counting" mentality that permeates throughout the organization, hence a lost decade and counting, and a reputation as such.
  5. well, doug whaley just purchased a home on middlesex rd, a pricey neighborhood. maybe he got the word , nix stepping aside.
  6. as one who keeps abreast of the NFL via PFT, ESPN, like most on here, it seems like people in cincy are always complaining about owner mike brown and how cheap he and the organization are. cincy has made the playoffs this past decade , bottomed out, and are now on the cusp of being good again. it seems to me that they obviously draft better, but why is the bills organization so inept in comparison? all facets of the bills organization seems completely a mess. is it because mike brown is younger than wilson?, just cant figure it out.
  7. i honestly think overdorf is smiling, kept expenses low, maximized the profit,figures he gave the fans a month of good times, he sleeps well at night. littman is in detroit, so he just counts the money. the rest of the employees, well, brandon is either giving buddy nix a foot massage or polishing the apple on ralph's desk. nix is asking whaley if he wants the job yet, and gailey is scratching his head.
  8. i gave him a D also. i think the troup pick looks absolutely horrible , obviously. i thought his picking up urbik , pears, drafting of hairston was decent. but just too many negatives, lack of agressiveness in free-agency and allowing gailey to continue with edwards as DC are my primary concerns. i realize the appearance of him getting involved with gailey over coaches looks bad, but he is the GM, and it falls on him. it would not be the first time a GM got involved in coaching decisions. finally, not standing up to overdorf and littman is troubling.
  9. that would not bother me, but i can see kelly and his group(if it ever came to fruition) keeping a lackey like brandon on board, if nothing else, he could be stashed in the marketing dept, where he belongs. but the rest, you are right, sweep them out!
  10. i am older and without a doubt, the worst game i can remember is when daryle lamonica came back to buffalo in his first game as a raider, he lit the bills up big time! started the bills on one of the many slides into football "hell" that we have all grown accustomed to.
  11. it sure seems like the bottom line is all that matters.winning, if it happens, ok, but hiding behind "small market", is so transparent, it is insulting. i wish SOMEONE in the media would hold brandon's feet to the fire. do not let him get off the hook with comments like" i am not discussing the team's future after wilson passes".. WHY??? someone ask him why! somebody ask him if he thinks bills fans are that gullible that we settle for what is being presented to us.
  12. tell brandon that the community is waiting and deserves comments from the "braintrust" on an ownership succession plan.
  13. it just allows for another t v timeout. they are gradually sneaking more commercials in , now with the new t v contracts, expect more.
  14. i think joe buck is good. i feel he gets a bad rap, for whatever reason.
  15. i hate to agree with schopp also, but unless wilson comes through with a succession plan, then screw him.. the team.. i have had enough. the abuse of the populace of buffalo has gone on too long. i am an original, so i am not offering up these words lightly. i was there in 1960 as a kid, never been a basher of the team per se, wilson, yes.. but this is it for me and i say that because throughout, i have been afraid of them leaving, but, i honestly have had it. the last few weeks of this nonsense has jarred me , but it did take me 51 years to get to this point..
  16. yep!, that could rank up there with the mccargo v-mangold, now that i think about it! tuttle instead of mike quick.
  17. yea, i know, makes you wonder what they( national draft media) think of the bills "braintrust". i remember the reaction to the fina pick, you are right, was not greeted with much positive buzz and he did turn out to be decent. in addition, despite the fact maybin is functioning with the jets, it was another horrible pick. i think the point of all this is that more often than not, the bills have gotten it wrong.easy to say that i know, but the frustration level with the organization is reaching a point of no return for me.
  18. i guess the reason it sticks out more than others is that i watch the draft and i am not an expert or draftnick by any stretch, but when they traded to get the pick, then take him, it was maddening. i never heard of him ( which means nothing i suppose) , but i think most of us know enough of the first 1-2 round players that mccargo was not among them.
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