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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. it really doesnt seem like that much when you consider the odds of that happening. 50-1 seems doesnt strike me as 1000 -1, which i feel is more realistic. a safety on the first play?? only 50-1??
  2. i actually read a while ago that he did play football in high school and was a linebacker, no joke.
  3. i never liked him for that very reason(and the fact he was good and wished he played for the bills). but really, how can you be from WNY and be a miami fan? i am sure there are good reasons, but i personally dont get it..
  4. who cares!the best response to this is to ignore it.(which i obviously didnt)
  5. i can see them possibly taking a corner , i believe there are two "cant miss" types..but i agree, BPA..
  6. just mine?? so all the posts about this topic, you feel that mine should be on ppp? wow.. the others arent?
  7. thanks, just wonder why i was asked to do so, unlike the others who offered comments.
  8. i am totally anti - PC and i do not go up to strangers , shout racial slurs, etc.. "god given right" you say? sounds a bit like a bigoted, or at the very least, a judgemental statement.
  9. the genesis of P C is a mindset that was put upon the populace by people who had too much time on their hands . i think the country is more polarized than ever as a result of P C. i am quite sure a great majority of people on this board have told, or heard, jokes that were politically incorrect, and went on living and did not become scarred as a result.i think the tired expression of "get a life " applies to the people who concern themselves with slurs or insults that may be hurled at a sporting event.
  10. curious? how do you feel about ny state giving millions to subsidize the bulding of yankee stadium and citi-field for the mets? i wonder how many of you "govt should not subsidize sports stadiums" complained when that happened?
  11. ok, you win, do not upgrade the stadium, let it deteriorate , if the bills stay, fine, either way you will have those "tax dollars" not used for upgrades to build more roads, maybe a bridge, re-furbish a school, or, maybe create a job for another politician, or his kid.forget about maintaining a taxpayer owned structure.
  12. i am not a taxpayer of ny state, was for over 35 years, what is your point? .. ok, then forget the upgrade, take your chances, see if they stay without them..
  13. i hear ya! i have posted on this subject many times. again, giving millionaire NFL owners tax dollars for stadium upgrades or construction seems totally insane on the surface. however, all those loudmouths saying that "we need roads, schools, bridges, etc" ,THIS JUST IN:that doesnt happen! if one thinks that 100 million tax dollars that wilson may want for stadium upgrades should be spent on the aforementioned , it wont. the politicians are experts at pi$$ing away tax dollars and i say give me something tangible, i e: stadium upgrades to keep the bills in buffalo. it is a quality of life issue and an obvious positive economic assest.
  14. i like the idea of signing finnegan, could give the D an attitude. i think the D needs one and quite honestly, i think with a few upgrades, could be decent. i think there are things in place for them to build upon and be good.
  15. nothing, i guess, if you do not live in st louis.who needs home field advantage anyway? i know i "love" the bills giving it up once a year!
  16. how much greedier can the NFL get? the allure of watching a game is about rooting interest, tradition. apparently none of that means anything, just max out the bucks, anyway they can be gotten.
  17. if snoop dogg can get busted for pot, then i dont know! what is this world coming to! never saw that coming!
  18. i think our current V P would love the JAGS owner...
  19. i think it would be a huge addition, but at this point one can only hope. i would think the law averages says that the bills fortunes should change for the better and getting avril starts the process.
  20. just saw on PFT that the lions may not be able to afford cliff avril, he sounds like just what the DR ordered for the bills.
  21. i am ONE-HUNDRED per-cent in agreement with you regarding wilson and his money-grubbing persona. there is no point to rehash history about the treatment that he has received from the region versus what he has given back . we both know what that is, let us hope that a fair deal can be achieved somewhat, for the taxpayers, but again, i am not holding my breath, the NFL is the "deal" and the region cannot lose the team. it is just essentially bend over , grab your ankles, and let ralph has his way. do not agree, but it is what it is, unfortunately.
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