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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. grow up?? seriously? your posts get old! no, actually i am quite aware of the off-season, i was referring to community ownership and wilson's overall track record of bleeding every cent he can out of the area. missing the playoffs the past 12 years and basically having a team that is irrelevant, probably forced the bean counters to get off their collective a$$es, as they periodically have done the past 50 years when they bottom out.
  2. i wonder if we had community ownership like green bay does, we would farm a game out to toronto? please.. if we had an owner remotely resembling one that wants to win, the toronto series would be a non-entity, nothing worth talking about..
  3. correct me if im wrong, but the chances of getting the HIV virus through hetrosexual contact are slim and none. so he is either worried about past drug usage or ..... ?did he get a blood transfusion?
  4. ralph is cheap, how else do you explain forfeiting home field advantage for a money grab all in the name of "regionalizing" Securing the bills future in WNY", YEA RIGHT.
  5. i hold ralph wilson totally responsible for the bills overall record. sure, the early nineties were great, im old enough to remember the mid-sixties championships also, but, more often than not, ralph has a tendency to shoot himself in the foot. everyone on here is probably familar with his misteps, so i wont go over them again. he has become a rich man as a result of owning the bills and we in turn should be grateful to him for providing the team, but winning comes in second, bottom line first and foremost.
  6. i could not agree more! i hate giving up home field advantage as a trade off for a money grab. that is all it is, i know all the naysayers will say "home field" has not been a difference the last few years, but it is the principle, the team is making enough or wilson would sell right?..
  7. i said on a similar thread over the weekend that hopefully there may be a succession plan in place, but, why the silence? why not announce it? is it because they want as much as leverage as possible in the lease negotiations?
  8. why? what makes you wonder?? who cares.. as long as the bills play there and we have an NFL TEAM..
  9. i am hoping that in fact, the negotiations are taking place and once the deal is done, it will be announced. it does take the emotional element out of it. hopefully, all parties realized in this fiscal climate that going public with the details would have brought a firestorm of emotions, pro and con. and you are right, providing a vehicle for a private entity to get richer off the taxpayer is hard to reconcile. but, as i have maintained, losing the bills just cannot happen .
  10. i am hoping that there is something behind the scenes taking place that will assure the bills stay put. whether it is wilson wording it in his will, or a sale that is on the Q T.. i do not know. i have read scuttlebut on here that something like that is in the works.sure would love to know.
  11. it is a bit shameful that there is not one reporter who has pinned wilson down. if his health is failing, who is making the decisions?, is it littman?, overdorf?, brandon?somebody , possibly brandon, has to step up and let the fans know what is going on. all the flowery bulls-t about keeping the market viable, great fans etc rings hollow. i want to know what is going on regarding the succession plan.regardless, the stadium needs to be upgraded and then we go from there.
  12. i agree with you in theory, but unfortunately the area has no trump cards to play. i would love it if the bills contributed a fair share for the upgrades,maybe they will, who knows?, my position is that whatever it takes , it needs to be done, i am thankful that the stadium can be upgraded and they are not asking for a new one or else. the amount that is wasted by the state is huge, 200 mill is a good investment as i see it .
  13. i think the WNY region needs the bills regardless if it lines "a 93 yr-old owner's"pockets. i am quite sure that if the stadium has the necessary improvements and upgrades, which, in turn will be part of the lease agreement, it would solidify them remaining here.i want to see a tangible return on my tax dollars rather than just blindly saying they cant afford it. politicians routinely pi$$ away tax dollars, but in this case at least we would see a result.as for your comment :"how stupid is that", i would say you are entitled to your opinion.
  14. so, does it still count as ny state taxpayer money if they took it in whatever fashion?? please, the state owes us , we are in fact, the only NFL team that plays in the state. if wilson does not contribute a dime and they left,the loss would be monumental in the region's identity and quality of life. that in turn plays a part in people, or business's coming here. unfortunately, wilson has the region by the short hairs, face it.as for a domed stadium, why?? we are buffalo, we play football in the snow, cold, a domed stadium will never be utilized in the fashion all the proponents think it will. i would love to hear one use , and how that would be cost effective to build.
  15. do you mean just like WNY was taxed to build citi-field and yankee stadium? a huge chunk of state funds were used for both.
  16. you know, that is an interesting point. bergmann was person-non grata and wilson made no bones about it. boy, today, who knows?? heavy fine i am quite sure, to say the least.
  17. well my friend, it can be a tough ride being a bills fan . the "just give it to them " game has probably been discussed on here quite a bit and the sting just never goes away. the only other agony that was not referee related was the fergy playoff game in san diego in 80. chas romes drop a sure pick just before fouts connects with ron smith for the game winning TD.
  18. i remember it like it was yesterday. i was watching the game in the bar off the terrace entrance of the aud before a sabre game. the whole place reacted in total disbelief. as a life long bills die hard, i can remember where i was, and who i was watching the game with, throughout my lifetime. two things strike me as slightly worse, "home run forward pass" and "just give it to them". but that call certainly seemed suspect at the time .
  19. ok, you win, let the bills leave so you can see "your " tax dollars go for "bridges and schools"..our region, like most, have no leverage when it comes to the NFL.. accept it..
  20. nice, when you have a weak argument, just name call... that cool, i will not analyze your response because im too lazy, but go ahead, talk about a domed stadium, after that, ressurect and propose a new peace bridge, perhaps bass pro.. all i know is that tax dollars are pi$$ed away on a regular basis, forgive me for being realistic..btw, i did not give a damn about citi field and a new yankee stadium, but the used "my tax money" .. you may want to cut down on the pomposity a bit.. huh???
  21. i cannot fathom how anyone in buffalo could complain, even if it means the taxpayers have to pony up. the stadium is fine, needs upgrades,and is more than adequate for the bills. totally glad we are not in minny's situation. now, its up to the politcos to deliver the funds and try to temper all the loudmouths who will complain about "their tax dollars"..
  22. i agree, cannot say it enough, that money grab is hideous. giving up the home field at the ralph is huge. could never see an owner like kraft, jerry jones doing it. i know the markets are bigger and all that bulls-t, the need to "regionalize" , just do not like it!
  23. to answer your last question, in the case of ralph and the NFL, that is what they do, as obama said, "how much is enough", while i get maximizing profit, i also know what a disadvantage, FOOTBALL WISE, losing a game at the ralph is. i see your point, understand completely what you are saying, just respectfully disagree. i just wonder, in the event kelly does have a purchasing group and say it is lead by pegula, do u think he would take a game to toronto? i just think ralph is a greedy guy, sorry all you ralph apologists, just how i feel and his record speaks for itself. ok now tell me we would not have a team if not for ralph keeping it here!
  24. number one, we will never know if taking those first 4 games out of toronto meant a difference. AGAIN!, i get the financial reasons you are trying to use as justification, squeeze every cent out of the region you can, my point is forfeiting a home game at the ralph for X amount of profit just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. instead of realizing 40 mill in profit, 30 mill is not enough if you do not go to toronto? ( those figures i used were general ones).
  25. i get all the economical reasons ok??? my point is that giving up home field advantage for one game to make more money is not right, in a pure football sense. you can argue all u want about how much is enough.
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