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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. ok, i get it! very sorry for bringing this up
  2. why so cranky?? was just throwing an idea out there, sorry if i did not "fact check" it first.
  3. i agree, never hurts to have a guy with SB ring in the room.
  4. regarding working for the sabres, you must have at least 15 years of unsuccessful accomplishments.
  5. i wonder if the bills are considering him?nice red zone size, i think they should take a chance, give a look..
  6. i do not recall it happening on best street. it might have, but i was about 15 at the time and thought he was walking up delaware, could be wrong, but regardless, he was attacked after missing the field goal.. true story.
  7. absolutely..could not agree more! negotiations are negotiations, but the bottom line is WNY, the county, state, etc, are negogiating from a position of weakness, right or wrong, i sure hope they get it done and let the loudmouths have their say after the deal is done. i realize its taxpayers money, but my reality is that the bills need to stay whatever the ramnifications, tax dollars spent be damned, they waste enough as it is, let me have the bills.
  8. i think it just boils down to whether one wants the bills to stay. i have said many times on various other posts that who in their right mind thinks it is right to subsidize millionaire NFL owners? in theory it is ludicrous, but the reality is it has to be done in the bills and WNY 's case. i think seeing a tangible return on tax dollars i e: stadium improvements is a no brainer. again, people can piss and moan about needing bridges, roads, all the happy horsesh-t you hear when the this comes up, but i think erie county and NY state are already grabbing their ankles because they all know it is politically expediant to keep the bills here. and i totally agree with the premise.
  9. yea!, if you sat up in the "new" section, you had to look thru a forest of poles when gazing at the game.
  10. it is truly amazing thinking back to those AA bison games. sitting among a crowd of 500, always had a ball! earl of bud!, he is an icon , i guess ,now !, but i knew the earl of bud and conehead when they were nobodys!.. "cold paaaaap"!.. Lmao! remembering that puts you in an elite club!
  11. the rockpile was awesome, but at the time of its use by the bills, it had a lousy reputation, but as a kid growing up with the bills in the 60's, there was no bigger deal than be taken there for a bills game. i started attending AA bison's baseball games in the 80's just to be able to go there again.there was something about those hot dogs! they were just fried on a greasy looking rectangular skillet, but grabbing one, then going to the big mustard jars and squirting it on, yummy..
  12. that is an interesting thought! mine would be jim kelly, billy shaw, jack kemp, and cookie.
  13. sure does make me feel older! remember watching the 4 o'clock games in the late 60's before i would leave to watch the hockey bisons play in the aud at 7-15. big ben was a monster and always wish the bills were that mean. as the old guys on here will remember, by 68, the bills were terrible.
  14. i remember him well, as a matter of fact, he stayed in buffalo during one off-season and he substitute taught gym at south park H S while i was there. very nice, humble guy, as i recall. too bad about his career ending so early.
  15. i agree nucci! i am in monto co, heat is brutal, i will take buffalo weather . i have been here 4 years, while it is nice, i miss buffalo . the people are just different here, buffalo people are one of a kind . quick example:in buffalo when 2 different people are heading to the check out lines in a grocery store in buffalo, both look to see who has less items and you offer them a chance to go ahead. here in the philly area, people, head down, go right in, i happened to let a guy go ahead of me, he looked at me like i had two heads. hard to explain, but anybody from buffalo knows what i mean.
  16. very very sorry for your loss.. time will heal, but i do want you to know that my father was responsible for exposing me to the bills and your father's art. i was 8 years old in 1960 when my father took me to my first bills game. as i am sure your father was, my father was a huge bills fan as we both jumped on board in 1960. as we entered the tunnel gate on best street , he would buy me the program, sorry for your loss, but your dad was responsible for me having so many great memories and helped establish my long lifeblood to the bills.
  17. i respectfully disagree! i think buffalo people are one of a kind, salt of the earth! being a "buffalo guy" is a privledge, proud to be one! wearing my zubaz on special game days ,i do feel special! wherever i go, any chance i get to say im from buffalo ,makes me feel good!
  18. i paid my fair share, for about 35 years till i moved . so, you would rather not have the county, state assist in improving the region's biggest asset? extremely well said!
  19. in my opinion i think they are keeping it quiet until it is firmed up, which is good. have all the fiscal responsibilies in place. that way, it is kept out of the public eye and not talk show fodder for all the "not with my tax-dollars " loudmouths. watching what happened in minny, now st louis, just get it done without all the hullabaloo.
  20. do people really care? get into madden that much?.. wow, im totally out of the loop, not saying i have a life, but makes me wonder about those that care about madden to this extent..
  21. he did not sell though did he?? and keep your comments confined to the subject . "miserable", "whiny fans", hardly!
  22. if your premise is true, why doesnt wilson sell then? rid himself of this "small market".. it couldnt be that he is making money hand over fist could it?
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