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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i feel so bad for andy reid obviously. he takes a beating down here from both the fans and some of the press. i really cannot imagine the pain he is going thru. if there is anything positive that could be garnered from this is maybe they(press and fans) will lighten up on reid. i realize sports are fun and games, being an NFL coach is hard enough, balancing all the substance abuse problems of the sons, the legal stuff, wow! lots on one's shoulders.
  2. i will just sit back and watch it play out. i sure hope there is some sort of succession plan, but lots on here missed my point and i will no longer re-hash the same sh-t.
  3. i am actually 60, your "16 yr-old girl" comment aside, to each is own.. i am enjoying the team as much as i did in september of 1960 when i went to my first game. that being said, it is MY opinion that wilson is being disingenous.
  4. again, not living there is a moot point. i am totally alright with the taxpayer dollars being used(having paid said tax dollars for over 30 years there ) to subsidize the franchise in all ways. i am totally on board with it. my problem is that the fan's deserve more than the lip service of the team being sold to the highest bidder upon wilson's death, case closed. what is the problem with questioning why he cant be forthright about a succession plan? why do the fans have to continually have to worry about it and have dialogues like this?
  5. i like him, obviously thought it was a mistake to let him go.. if he is healthy, they will sign him, im sure.
  6. "STFU"!! nice.. i think you may need to take a deep breath , maybe hold hands with a few people, suck in some air.. try to be at peace ..i wasnt aware steve jobs took taxpayer dollars to subsidize his business.. thanks for the insight.. wow.. you learn something every day
  7. well, lets just say the new lease is signed , the state, county, whatever, puts up the money for the requested stadium improvements(which i am TOTALLY in favor of), ralph kicks in two years, no succession plan in place, "the highests bidder" comes in, as ralph is on record as saying it will play out(unless otherwise some secret plan is in place) , the new owner buys the team, buys out the escape clause in the lease, moves the team... fan base is left with no team and a refurbished white elephant in O P ok, i take back ralph is a pri-k.. he is just not a nice person, ok?
  8. huh??? are you serious with that statement? i could care less about the eagles. my allegiance is with, and always has, been with the bills.how does not living in buffalo have anything to do with me expressing my frustration with wilson and his shabby treatment of the fan base? i applaud your blind allegiance!
  9. ok! you win, all the public money, support enabling the franchise to prosper all in the name of "allowing" us the privledge of having a NFL franchise is fine. no problem, how foolish i am thinking that after the region supporting the team for 50 years , we should just be grateful, no harm, no foul, ralph owes us nothing.. i get it why should i just "enjoy it while its here"! i , like most of the fans deserve more.. that is weak..
  10. i never said ralph donates money to charity for a tax write-off, be that as it may, my basic frustration is directed at all the ralph ass-kissing that goes on here. sure he has kept the team here, know that , can recite it chapter and verse, my problem(s) with him, and there are many, is holding us in a hostage situation . it is insulting! IT IS DEGRADING, why is it such a big deal to keep it secret? but, if we are to go on what we know, YES, the team will be sold to the highest bidder, case closed. that is the epitome of a shameless pri-k.
  11. well at least you do not pass judgement on anyone!! the name calling certainly hurts your cred, i e :'idiots".. some of us "idiots" on here have a different opinion of wilson than you do.evidence of a succession plan, or lack thereof, reinforces my point by the mere fact it should be out in the forefront.what is the point of making the fan base squirm?
  12. i was thinking the same thing while glancing at the list. curtis martin?, hardly, cortez kennedy? decent, but not HOF material,same with doleman, strikes me as average. i think biscuit should go in if doleman does.
  13. "the guy in philly" was born in buffalo,lived my first 55 years there, attended my first game in 1960, so i do have a bit of history regarding the bills and feel i am more than credible in offering an opinion, just like anyone else on here. not living in buffalo is a moot point in this discussion.
  14. if he has, why the secrecy?, if he hasnt, then he is a pri-k, just as i maintain..
  15. im not angry, just not into the "ralph worship", why he didnt leave?? easy, because he had the community by the balls and knew it. he made lots of money obviously in wny, so....you believe he stayed out of some un- dieing love he had for buffalo? i think it was easier for him to play the public against the politcos and stay here than to pick up stakes and head for , LA??? when would he have done that? while the rams were there , the raiders??, where would the team play.. that is a croc..
  16. there was a plan in place to build a stadium either in downtown or in the suburbs. by then, a dome was out. the buffalo news favored a suburban location because the original plan was for the stadium to be built right around the news bldg, the "crossroads" site. the courier express favored the city site. the news won out, but wilson was on record as wanting the suburban site. not much corruption, other than usual buffalo politics. the lancaster domed stadium was mired in poltical corruption, it was unrelated to the actual "ralph" being built.
  17. why didnt he just leave then?.."commited to buffalo"??? that is such bullsh-t.. we , as a community having been taking it up the a$$ for this guy.. he didnt leave because he preyed upon our inferiority complex! used us like a bunch of fools..
  18. i remember back when wilson had to have more seats in war memorial stadium, he strong armed the buffalo common council resulting in 7,200 seats. the threat was there. around 69-70, he is going to move to seattle unless he gets a new stadium resulting in the county building him the "ralph". there was a huge groundswell to build the stadium in buffalo, but wilson insisted on the suburbs. i am quite sure it was because the parking would be all his. he has done a great job of making the loyal fans beholden to him, for this, i dislike him, AND, the lack of not allowing a succession plan to be put into place just further pisses me off.
  19. well, just being a "victim" of living with the inferiority complex lots have due to living or being from "buffalo" has made him a fortune! i do not begrudge him for playing on those emotions, but it sure doesnt make me like him, sure he has not moved the team, i wonder why?
  20. a stopped clock is right twice a day. giving the hall of fame a gift is nice, i suppose, but having a succession plan in place to keep the team in buffalo is much more of a priority. all the ass-kissing on here for ralph amazes me. he has made a fortune in western new york and his constant threats of moving the team since the 60's makes me not really like the man. if owning the team in "small market" buffalo was, and is, so bad, why doesnt he just sell?
  21. i could not agree more with you. i cannot believe that there is not one single member of the media that will challenge him, brandon, the organization to provide some insight into the team's future. all this nonsense of "respecting mr wilson" why? he has made a fortune as a result of the western new york community and to just let us sit on the sidelines and await any info makes all of us look foolish! i realize we are not NYC, chicago, but we deserve a response as to the long term future of the team, succession plan..
  22. i disagree, not every owner is like ralph wilson..
  23. i agree, no way does that city again, lose its franchise. i think it is a simply a guy who wants to sell and have hopefully, provisions in the deal assuring the team cannot move. i know anything can happen, but if the NFL does not look upon tradition over money grabs and "the L A market" the league will eventually implode. the game is slowly turning into just another form of pop culture instead of the traditional game.
  24. i always liked his dedication to the area, glad to hear it.
  25. no prob nucci! but did forget about rob johnson having that ring, did chuckle and realize one must be on their game !
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