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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. that works... ice cold beer, in my chair, snacks, grill a victory steak after the game!
  2. i loved marv as the bills head coach, but obviously not enamored with his time as GM. i agree with the poster that his drafts during his GM tenure set the franchise back, as covered numerous times on here, the trading of pick(s) to land mccargo has to rank as one of the all-time draft blunders of the bills(and there have been many). again, while liking the guy, he projected a persona of being consumed with wanting to be the "smartest guy in the room". i am in no way saying that fans have all the answers, but he seemed to make decisions that ran counter to common sense just to show the fans that he knew better.
  3. wow! you are good! i will suggest that you become the official fact checker on here. cracks me up that so many on here are so concerned about jumping on somebody's A$$ about minor inaccuracies. who cares? most on here are expressing thoughts, opinions, and most that read them get the gist!
  4. nix has been ok, but the bar was low to begin with. dareus was there, but picks like carrington, troupe, leave you wondering. it would be great to hit on them all, or even more than a few, but those drafts under levy and, modrak were brutal. i think the combo of free agency , stability with the coaching staff has helped. nelson, jones, were great finds. it is just a crapshoot and anybody that thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.
  5. it is an obvious reference to the lynch trade.. please.. we all know the pick number wasnt a sixth, do you get off correcting people?
  6. for all the people in the philly area, the bills vs jets game will be shown .i have come across lots of transplanted buffaloanians since moving here in 2008 and this is great news for those of us without direct tv. just thought i would share.
  7. i liked coach dickerson's "turd in the punchbowl", the visual is kinda funny...
  8. easy PTR!, i got the gist of what he was saying. why the angst? i do not agree with you most of the time because of your wilson ass-kissing, but realize you are informed and respect that. but you are quick on the draw to criticize, not sure why you must do that, but i think sheppard has been a bust, got the point of the "franchise" thing.
  9. what is about ESPN and the jets anyway?, i was sick of the ryan-jet worship two years ago, now, it is the same thing, jets, jets this, jets that.. obviously this year it is all about tebow, but on paper, the team is not anything special.
  10. i think the fact that the bills went back to their classic colors and if they start winning, it will fall into place for them regarding merchandising.
  11. as soon as the bills win, thats when you will see the merchandise, hard to shake off the past 12 years of being essentially a joke team.
  12. i would have picked flutie over johnson and drafted brees, it all should , and could have happened. that was donohoe's and williams beginning of their end.
  13. my thoughts exactly, i have posted on two other threads what a disappointment sheppard is, not sure how long they should stick with him, if at all..
  14. i think sheppard is someone we should be concerned about. i think he is not the player i expected, and i am sure the bills are feeling the same way. only excuse could be an injury, but if not, i have real concerns about him.
  15. being an "old guy" on here, i was at alot of memorable games, but i would have loved to have been at "hit heard round the world", i was a regular at the games at the rockpile as a kid, but missed that one. also, as a runner-up, as someone mentioned previously, the "roland hooks" catch game in 81..
  16. i know they probably wont cut him, but sheppard seems like an enigma at this point. he came in with lots of fanfare. at present he is barely a blip on the radar. not sure how much that is injury-related. i guess i expected more from him.
  17. i think schumer is a total blowhard, to say the least. i disagree with his politics, but will say this, if he can do anything in securing that the bills remain in buffalo, i become an instant fan of his and i will admit to being a totally shallow , unprincipled guy.
  18. man, thats cold.. sure hope you dont have to go through what reid and his family are experiencing.
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