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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. banned? what wtf you talking about! well obviously if you are threatening to ban me means my "razzing" is not acceptable?
  2. agree, everyone has to have the edge, a poster seems genuinely excited about a kelly book and some jackass has to make a predictable comment to try embarrass the poster .. it does get aggravating after a while.
  3. are you saying that "some people dont have to try" are most often funny? i guess it comes down to what one thinks is funny or what one thinks is predictable attempts at such.. and you would probably do all of us a favor if you try hard at not being tiresome.. thanks!
  4. huh?? are you serious?? lighten up.. ?? i cant wait till tommorow, but you just made my case.
  5. i know lots on here try to be the "funniest guy in the room" be the quick wit, but for crissakes it does get tiresome and quite frankly, embarrassingly predictable.
  6. why the sarcastic answer? i think the poster was just surprised about the book, was genuinely trying to find out if anyone else heard about it. is being glib a qualification for being a "global moderator"?
  7. i do not live in the area, but have heard of a place called grevey's that shows the bills game. it is owned by former NBA'er kevin grevey. another place is jimmy's old time grill in herndon va.. it is owned by a guy from batavia, been there, incredible buffalo bar atomosphere.
  8. what as fans, are we supposed to do? we cant change the population size, economy, etc.
  9. that is a microcosm of what our society has become. people with too much time on their hands just trying to reek havoc on anything that is traditional.
  10. not having a plan in place is very troubling, cannot believe he will just sell to the highest bidder and case closed.
  11. i dont recall anyone on here being that cruel about wilson. i am a critic of ralph, but it is never personal and do not recall the vitriol that the browns fans have expressed about modell being said about ralph.
  12. i certainly do not condone the disrespect some clevelanders have exhibited on modell's passing, but as been said on here, pouring your heart and soul into a team that was a historic NFL franchise( being absorbed after the folding of the AAFC) and having it taken from you, one can understand it. it just depends upon a particular individual's make-up as to how they express themselves.
  13. i agree! he should remain above the fray and if and when the time comes, i am sure he will jump in..
  14. you do make a solid case and can easily see where you are coming from. i guess i dont like to think that far in advance, especially with what we had to watch the past 12 years.if the weather is not a factor, i just like getting the ball.
  15. i like to get the ball.. try to take the crowd out early with a nice drive. i realize if you go 3 and out, that theory is wiped out,
  16. doesnt bother me, but some Pc'ers on here got their speedos in a bunch over a poster using the term "DOLPHAGS" , just an fyi, this board is not as folksy as you think. lots of people taking offense to things i wouldnt expect guys to let get to them.
  17. if florence hasnt signed with detroit, i would bring him back.
  18. what is funny to you? sorry if i am not as sophisticated as you., now that i think of it, i need to go out and buy new batteries for my fart machine..
  19. really? you offended? i think it is clever, but then again i am not a politically correct guy.
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