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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. well, if one reads what is being reported in the media i e: the buffalo news, both the county and state have gone on record as being on board with keeping the bills here. the state will sell bonds to pay for the improvements.in addition, common sense would dictate that the bills are the one's playing hardball and it was stated as such by a cuomo rep in the news today.
  2. well my daughter is 30! and is a bills fan, but because of that says i did not raise her right! lol..
  3. that is exactly how i feel, i cannot believe the lack of concern , not just on here, but within the political circles . hopefully somebody steps up, a one year lease does not bode well for the region, but it certainly does for the bills..
  4. the only raiders game that cold that i remember was a playoff game , the tasker run back game to turn the tide, is that the one?
  5. i i thought so too, but after reading the NEWS today, sounds like the bills are the one's dragging their feet. i am by no means a cuomo fan, but in this case i happen to believe it is the bills, just trying to squeeze the county and state all they can and exert all the leverage they have, which is really all of it.. nobody but the bills has any leverage..
  6. i think it stinks! it is bad enough we have been basically hostages over the years, but to have it end this way sucks.. never truly believed they would leave, but it sure seems like they are positioning themselves to do so.. if not, why the big secret then?
  7. i totally blame the bills, they want it both ways, they want most of the improvements paid by govt funds, yet refuse to be forthright about a succession plan (if there is one) . brandon's spinning is maddening and the lack of the media not questioning him about it plays right into their hand.
  8. i hate to be an accuracy police guy, , but both of those games: foreman being hit with a snowball, and the miami streak ending were at rich stadium. i sincerely mean no disrespect, but thought i should point it out..
  9. im 60, went to my first game at the rockpile in 1960, against the vertically-striped socked denver broncos. i guess i am a guy who likes to be tortured by my football team.
  10. easily jack kemp, no comparision to fitz, kemp belongs in the same category as fergy,
  11. good business sense? yea i guess, but it still sucks based on the fact the bills do not sell widgets, realize an enormous profit partially as the result of govt subsidies.
  12. i have no use for the local or state politicos, but in this case i do not blame them. it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on, the govt wants a commitment or, more specifically a succession plan! why should they fork over the funds if ralph and co remain non-committal about a succession plan? the bills playing coy is probably pi$$ing off the county and state, and rightfully so..
  13. i kinda feel the same way, the only thing that has stopped us from being a steeler or packer type franchise has been ralph and his penny-pinching minions . i hate being irrelevant year after year, especially with the passion the region has for the bills and has backed them consistently, just plain sucks..
  14. i think that this has come to the forefront is very disturbing. i know the bills have us all by the nads and it sucks. i hate being so beholden to littman and co, what bargaining chip does the state or county have? if in fact, the bills are waiting for wilson to pass makes it all the more despicable.i know it is cliche' to bash wilson and lots on here take offense to it, but why no succession plan? or if there is one, for crissakes let the fans know! again, wilson owes us nothing, we rightfully should kiss the ground he walks on ( i guess), but as a fan from the team's inception, i am a bit disgusted and totally blame the bills.
  15. nice reference! "hi , im archie bell and the drells and we are from i from houston texas"
  16. i agree with you, it is a tragic loss obviously, but who knows how dareus wants to deal with it. maybe playing will be his way of coping with the loss, but there are people on here who are quick to judge.. regardless
  17. just go and get plax!, they need a receiver,this front office is maddening..
  18. i know, very difficult this morning. i am not watching any of the shows, i just want yesterday to go away.
  19. so, if my opinion does not jive with your definition of "razzing", i should just be quiet unless i fit your niche'?
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