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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. much better feeling after reading those updates, hopefully they fast-track now..
  2. be careful.. "LITERALLY"..?????, im with you, but that word can be toxic on here..
  3. i think that division is actually tougher now, look at arizona, seattle..
  4. exactly i get it, but you dont! because i LITERALLY think ray lewis got away with murder! like O J..
  5. hey, good post, it is exactly the way i feel, but somehow i got called out for it, one must be very careful how one phrases things around here..
  6. communicate? if you say so.. i did not know that this site had people who critique how one communicates?? i kinda figured it was message board type of thing where people expressed opinions.. sorry
  7. ok then! do you have a life by the way?? watch out! people on here are a bit testy if you infer RAY RAY could have been implicated in a murder..
  8. ok chief! thanks for your critique, was just offering an opinion..
  9. i did not see it, will probably watch it, but lewis literally got away with murder.
  10. i cannot fathom the obvious, all the money these guys make.. if you are going out and hoist a few, rent a limo ..
  11. you know, you make valid points, but think about what you are saying, fans leaving early, whatever, but why should we have to have this discussion? i know we , as a fan base are scared sh-tless that we may loss the team.. but we dont deserve the angst..
  12. i know, i have been with the team from the beginning, going to games with my father, anyway, lots on here did not live thru the city ponying up for 7200 hundred seats in 1965, ralph threatening to move to seattle in 1969, i know, he stayed, that is what the apologists say, but again, like you say, when is enough enough for him.
  13. i read that, isnt ironic that wilson has cried poor mouth, yet will not sell the team. he has played the area, and right or wrong, we are the victims because of our passion for the bills.. obviously there are numerous threads about wilson and his actions over the years and i dont want to re-hash rehashed stuff.. but the man is greedy.. not saying he owes us anything, but that is plain as day..
  14. my feelings, also "who cares about the competitive advantage" the ralph represents. the mere fact they would rather make a few million more in lieu of winning says it all about wilson.. case closed.. ever see or about tampa, san diego, miami PTR?..
  15. i hear ya.. im interested also.. i think it is very important and relevant right now
  16. i hear ya, there is a reason why the bills are not like the packers, the steelers, two smaller markets with outstanding traditions. we all know what that reason is and i will not address it here, only to say it is a shame because the fans in buffalo have suffered long enough with a team that is looked upon as "irrelevant" . the fan base truly is like no other, (maybe im biased), and always wonder "what could have been".
  17. do whatever they did to lambeau with what they have to work with, money wise, never hear any complaints about lambeau..
  18. ok, sorry.. .. and by the way, im older, but i agree, some of the best games i went to were with my dad in the early years at the rockpile..
  19. i am glad the buffalo news took the bills to task today on the editorial page, they deserve to pressured and quit doing the song and dance "about being committed to wny".. i say nonsense, then tell us the plan if there is one! wanting it both ways sucks..
  20. i have simply stated that the bills have all the leverage in the bargaining process and that the state and county "APPEAR" willing to put up, the bills seem to be balking, again, this is based on what i have read, not by hearing rumours or tin foil on my head.
  21. well again, common sense would dictate that , yes! are you being obstinate or do you really not pay attention? or logic would dictate that you are a bills employee.
  22. well. has he said that? all i read (and that is all i can base my opinion on) is that both the state and county are committed to keeping the bills here, of course that does not translate into a concrete "yes" they will pay for the improvements , but technically you are right, but in reality i think it is the bills driving the hard bargain approach.
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