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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. sorry he is hurt, like i feel about any player,as a bills fan, i can certainly relate to injuries screwing up a season, but at least i will not be subjected to his pre-game ra-ra speech before a game that the networks love to show almost to the point of nausea..and of course , that is just my opinion..
  2. when does a word or term become politically incorrect?that term was used for generations, then all of a sudden it becomes "off-limits" and some new P C term is invented. i agree with you, so many people have so many things they wanna get upset about.
  3. well, there is two distinct views, im hoping beyond hope that there is a plan in the works, but why not be forthcoming if there is?
  4. that is that is what frys my behind.. no info whatsoever from the F O on the teams future.. unacceptable!
  5. i respectfully disagree, the only "curse" has been ownership and what is transpiring off the field with a lack of succession plan just adds fuel to the fire.
  6. that argument gets tiring , we all know that wilson could have moved the team.. yada yada, but for cri$$akes, he is the reason the franchise is in the state it is in, was always in, with 4 notable exceptions the past FIFTY years.. the 60's two championships, the knox era, kelly-levy era, and a toss-up between the wade phillips-saban-OJ era.. we are a laughingstock , but "at least we have the team" .. must be nice to just settle for that
  7. well, i have been a fan since their inception, my family's sundays are, and were , always built around the bills. in the days in the sixties when they played on thanksgiving, up to recent thanksgiving games, the meal was structured around the game. in essence what i am trying to say is through thick and thin(mostly thin) i have stood by them , but i think i have reached my breaking point. i live out of town and yesterday for the first time i did not go where i usually go to watch the game, a real first for me, i have the "RED ZONE" and figured i could see enough of the game. i think i may made a wise decision, but in addition to being numb, i feel empty and that is a sad commentary on me.. to allow a team to affect me that way..
  8. i definitely think sheppard has to be a contributor.. and certainly chandler has been money, hopefully continues.. i think the LB's have been the achilles heel.. maybe morrison needs to play..
  9. i feel it.. really feel it, but 69-to- 71.. worst i can remember, just horrible, mid-80's sucked, right now . it is right up there
  10. i feel the same way! having your a$$ handed to you like the way the bills did sunday is mind-numbing. year after year i try to stay optimistic, but this is ridiculous. i realize we are 2-2 and could go 14-2, but really, who do you point the finger at? they spent money, i give up.
  11. i agree with you about sabol, hands down, slam sunk.. but modell, i agree with you to the extent of what he did to the cleveland fans, but i think we all feel that pain due to the uncertainity of the future of the bills. for every cleveland naysayer, there are probably an equal amount of pro-modell supporters due to the fact he "righted a wrong" about the colts leaving..
  12. i have been watching everyone weigh in today about what happened in the seattle -green bay game. i acknowledge that it was an injustice to green bay fans, let them share a part of our pain! the national media, both in the sporting world and mainstream, have been focusing on it. remember, when the "illegal forward pass" happened to us, there were no replacement officials , and it did not garner the attention. the reality of it all is that media coverage has changed, i guess my point is that i think we got screwed then, and i honestly think our situation was worse.
  13. i am there.. i have been very critical of sheppard, but as i watched the game, i felt he was a force, glad i was wrong..
  14. just make sure your facts are always correct, spelling and sentence structure correct and if you dare offer an opinion , make sure it is politically correct.
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