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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. the dems actually started the KKK.. it was because they wanted blacks and poor whites to come together and rid the republicans from the south..
  2. obama is a muslim terrorist? really, did not know that.. did he or the navy seals get bin laden?guess i must have gotten the wrong info..
  3. who really cares about gay marriage? i worry for my children, grandchildren and the debt this guy has run up.. BUT.. i will beat you to it: IT WAS BUSH'S FAULT!
  4. yea, bill maher, he "gets it".. ann coulter is just a "idiot".. for crissakes! you serious? convenient for you to label.
  5. nice dodge! seemed like you wanted to blame racists for questioning the obama birth issue..
  6. well, you do not have to be an american citizen to run for governor.. please.. stop the nonsense ..
  7. may have "zero impact" but he would be an illegitimate president.. lol.. you HAVE to be born in the USA to run for president..why do you think people are making an issue of it! i think it is stupid, but your premise that republicans are doing it because of race is wrong.why do you think people want him to release his college transcripts? rumor has it he applied to get in as a "foreign" student
  8. unlike myself, issues like gay marriage, planned parenthood, govt dependancy, PBS are more important than jobs or the economy to many... i see where the stock market is plunging! what a "shock"!
  9. easy choice for me.. it was a distinct pleasure having my vote mean something today.. moving to p a, it was refreshing voting for romney, unlike ny state where your vote means nothing in a presidential election if you choose to vote republican.
  10. i left for family reasons, will return to stay ASAP..it is a special place, warts and all..
  11. thanks for sharing! great video.. miss it everyday.. a special place , and you are spot on about the bills and the relationship..
  12. well, if in fact he has nothing other than the" highest bidder", bleed every cent he can , then all the hope and speculation of a "secret plan" is out.. either scenerio sucks, if there is no succession plan or there is one and no announcement.. thanks ralph..
  13. my feelings exactly! just makes me dislike the man.. total disregard for the fans.. que the 'ralph owes the fans nothing comments.."
  14. well im from that "era" but i was only 16 at the time, in hindsight, i guess i should have been partying..
  15. i remember it like it was yesterday!....still miss that stadium.. the atmosphere..pure BILLS football even though they stunk that year..
  16. i pretty much feel the same as the poster.. i am a life-long, die hard bills fan, but this year i am losing enthusiasm for the first time ever, which i attribute to the crappy bills product year after year, and the greed of the NFL(as epitomized by wilson) . pre-game shows are almost unwatchable, commercials during the games are tedious .. sick of all of it.. i used to hate bills bye weeks, now i could care less..
  17. the NFL just gets worse and worse, i know, the game is more popular than ever but actual football and it's traditions are taking a back seat to glitz, pop culture, whatever.. victoria secret store in texas stadium, or whatever it is called, crappy domes, .. sucks for me
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