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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i always liked the idea of billick, if for nothing else, he would show some emotion on the sidelines. watching gailey, jauron, and to an extent, mularky, all looked totally immune to expressing some passion. i am not saying that rah rah, in your face , ditka style, but for crissakes, 10 years of watching the aforementioned, i need to see some spunk.
  2. nice sarcasm! actually that wont happen.. to each his own.. ill take them over the present regime any day..
  3. bottom line, they are going to the playoffs, we are watching them for the 13th straight year.. i think the polians would be great here, not solely because how well the colts did, but because bill has a history of winning, also, they arent nix and gailey.
  4. yea, ok, your right, all those "experienced" guys like donohoe, nix, worked out well.. forget it, lets go get an experienced guy, is scott pioli available? jeff ireland? again, forgot about the "stanford" education, and kelly went to the "U", case closed!
  5. what is your basis for saying that?? these rush to judgements on here are tiresome! sure, you could be right, but WTF, 13 years of this.. why not?.. he will not be running the business side..
  6. again, how do you know that? did elway get pursued right away? again, forget it, lets just keep brandon, littman and co deciding what is best.. ok, tell us your choice! love the judgement passed on this board!
  7. ok, forget it then.. you guys win.. lets not pursue a football guy who has a passion for the bills.. because it is not a bar/ night club?
  8. why do you believe that premise to be true? polian was a matter of fact hire by the bills, there are no sure fire hires, it is a roll of the dice. was elway part of the front office staff when they drafted tebow?
  9. well give him a chance to be in a position to deal for a franchise QB as elway was, stanford had nothing to do with acquiring manning..
  10. so what you are saying is that if you go to stanford, you are automatically deemed "smart", and if you do not, you arent as "smart" as someone who does? i realize kelly will never be confused with einstein, but to label someone as smart based on what college they attend is very elitist, to say the least..he may not be completely aware of the effects of global warming as i assume most stanford grads are, but i think he may have some football acumen..
  11. is that because he went to stanford? does he have a degree in "football mgmt"..that is a ridiculous assumption..
  12. i agree, compared to what we have had recently, how could it be any worse? jimbo could work, sure there are reasons why he he may not work, but so what!, give it a shot.. elway is being hailed as a genius, that works when you get a chance to deal for manning.. the bills were never in that position..
  13. +i think people are frustrated with the toronto money grab and brandon is the face of it, rightly or wrongly, hence it is on him.. who else could we blame? littman , ralph, overdorf somehow are invisible..
  14. well, that sure doesnt make sense then.. think about it, "the last two minutes", well when you are in overtime, it is essentially the same thing.. you are playing like it is the "last two minutes" i really dont care, but the NFL sometimes just out thinks themselves..
  15. fantastic! just the rustic, as even they said "woodsy" look, makes me have second thoughts about a downtown stadium, dont think the tailgating will be nearly as good.. hope im wrong if it ever happens though!
  16. i think you are pretty much on target, but i have to respectfully disagree with you on the"domed stadium" desire. i am in the minority, but i like an open air stadium, like the elements, i think what seattle did would be perfect for us to emulate.. cover the stands, but no dome..
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