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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. "eye witness full of judgement"? i wasnt at nicole brown simpson's house, but i know OJ murdered her..
  2. i totally agree, i am sick of ray lewis, his bull$%^^t dancing during his intro at his last baltimore home game was unwatchable.. he epitomizes what the NFL has become, a bunch of self-aggrandizing jerks..
  3. when i lived back in hamburg, rusty jones lived in my development, what a genuinely nice guy,and for my money, the best strength and conditioning coach the bills ever had. i think it became obvious as the years went by,
  4. with the way the league is, cutthroat, to say the least, i think the owners would climb over the graves of their mothers to hire the best guy they feel could win, regardless of color. i think the rooney rule is a joke, an insult to african -american candidates.. if a guy is qualified, he will be hired.. to believe that the owners are consciously not hiring african- americans doesnt seem plausible..
  5. another good idea! i know a few years back they utilized rail service for fans coming in from downstate, not sure what happened with it.. but i am quite sure there has to be rail lines from the north that can be used.. even it means a drop off a little ways away.. incorporate shuttles, seems worth it.
  6. i agree there also.. cover the fans, just like seattle, but please, no dome! so antiseptic.. sterile.. atlanta already wants out of the georgia dome.. wants to go open air..
  7. excellent!!!! i have been suggesting that something like that be done.. i prefer your idea much more than a new stadium.. if its good for lambeau, why not us?
  8. exactly, not to sound like an old fogey, which i am, but 20-25 years ago, the pre-game shows were watchable, stuck to the match-ups, weather, etc.. now it is pop culture B S.. totally unwatchable.. like someone mentioned, standing on a fake field, is really tough to take..
  9. i know, i really think that loss stung me harder than the loss to the giants in the super bowl.. the 4 super bowl teams have overshadowed that team, but at the time, they were possibly the best team .. would have hosted oakland at rich the following week.. beat them.. beat the eagles in the super bowl..
  10. the team that lost to the chargers in 81 would have won it all had not fergy been hurt.. played the entire game practically on one leg.. also, if only bill simpson had stopped ron smith.. still think "what if" ..
  11. "i gotta do a better job!", i have been exposed to too much andy reid..
  12. i agree, i would keep dumping money into, it worked for KC, green bay.. i am in the minority, but i think the idea of a new stadium kinda sucks.. whatever ambience or "character" that the ralph has is better than those cookie cutter stadiums in cincy, baltimore, and, cleveland. not sure if it is realistic, but i say, keep the ralph..
  13. i grew up in south buffalo but certainly knew where ernie's burger place was.. when i played high school football, all games were played at all-high stadium, right near bennett and ernie's place.. i also ran into ernie at a buffalo bison's hockey game at the aud, he was there because he was doing sports for channel 2 at the time, i just , (like the guy in the story) approached him to sign my bison's hockey program, he not only signed but asked me my name, seemed like such a nice guy, not some self-consumed, phony jackass that seems to be prevalent today..
  14. i will second that! i have lived here 4 years, their fans are truly very fickle.. to put it mildly..
  15. be that as it may, i think the poster had some decent points, right now everything is conjecture.. no need to be overly critical..this IS a discussion board..
  16. i dont like to be a "fact checker" but i do not think arians ever coached peyton.. he was in cleveland and pittsburgh most of his career .. but i could be wrong..
  17. same to you! and i hope you are correct!
  18. i think he would be an upgrade over williams, mularkey, jauron and gailey. however, he is not much better in game mgmt than gailey, that being said, he would attract the cream of the crop in assistants.. living here for a few years, i have seen him take lots of unfair shots by the most fair-weather of all fans..
  19. i heard the same thing.. nick bakay is coming in to formally introduce them at the anchor bar on tuesday.
  20. one other thing that both have in common is that both are of the jewish faith.not trying to be glib, but the comparisons are uncanny.
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