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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i agree about snyder, classic a-hole, but there have been varied opinions about the" redskin" and if it should be changed. i do not know the answer, but , was "buffalo bill" an indian(thats what they were called in his time) hunter of some sort?
  2. for crissakes! i cant quote publications, maybe you should get out once in a while, read, whatever, there is a life outside of being a thread accuracy policeman
  3. so be it, but to compare kikes to redskins is a stretch to make a point. why?
  4. me? i have asked none! but, get this, i have actually read articles, stuff in publications, that said that, difficult comprehension i know, but if you look, you might find that.. stick to shooting your mouth off
  5. just by the fact some native americans have gone on record as saying it is not offensive, i have yet to hear a person of the jewish faith endorse "kikes"
  6. you compare that term to redskins? there are different opinions on whether "redskin" is offensive based on a cross section of surveys , but the term you referred to regarding jewish religion is very offensive, in my opinion.
  7. i would think so, i saw them there quite frequently during the heyday also
  8. i didnt realize he hated the game either. i certainly remember him , thought he was maybe different in the sense people were in the rebellious stage of the 60's but not to that degree. hope he died with peace of mind.. shame he could not have reconciled his feelings with his corresponding natural ability.
  9. nothing better than getting one of those skillet fried hot dogs and then going to the big mustard jars, the guys older than my generation would bring lotsa of beer in. it has been said that one group had a season ticket seat for a quarter keg . obviously never fly now, but certainly says alot for how times change.
  10. i truly love reading about everyone's memories of the rockpile. so many, too numerous to mention, but wonder if anyone remembers that small band that used to play before the games? it was tucked in the corner where right field would be. it consisted of about 10 people, just was great background music.
  11. ABSOLUTELY! walking up the ramp the anticipation was awesome.. great way to grow up
  12. this board can be tedious , i know there are fact-checker police, but now spelling??? on a friggin football talk site! please.. stop.. stick to content!
  13. he was charged as the result of a DUI checkpoint. no one condones drunken driving, but it remains to be seen if DUI checkpoints pass the constitutionality test.
  14. the best thing , i would think, is to almost ignore the thing. wouldnt that somehow show acceptance? bringing attention to it seems to undermine the whole objective.
  15. it was in blasdell, at the regency motel. i used to ride my bike from south buffalo, saw O J, all of them close-up.. really cool, but certainly something from days gone by.
  16. i like dansby as well, possibly pollard. add some nastiness.
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