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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. since 1960, i was eight , my father was a buffalo cop and we used to get in for nothing. have been consumed by them ever since.
  2. for sure, so close, yet so far, 75 stanley cup finals, the braves incredible teams around the same time, was a wonderful time !
  3. i am in total agreement with you.. being an old-timer, i get the boston hate very much! watching the celtics and the bruins during the 70's was tough, as a buffalo fan. for my money, in addition to "wide right", and "no goal" , one of the most unpleasant memories is the call referee darryl garrestson called on mcadoo , sending jo jo white to the foul line with no time left allowing the celtics to beat the braves in a crucial playoff game back in the mid 70's.
  4. i anticipate the same thing about the ralph. hopefully it will be like the dallas monday night game a few years back. i am hoping that the crowd truly becomes a factor as it was during the glory run 20 yrs ago! the template for the seaon will be set!
  5. nice! love it! cant wait.. counting down the days!
  6. totally agree, we all know the crowd will be electric and having a chance to get them first, with this stuff going on, brady sacked early, just really feeds into what could jumpstart a good season(forget the lawyer milloy game)from a football standpoint, i truly want to kick this team when it is hopefully down!
  7. i was hoping you were!.. but just observing what is going on in new england makes me feel good, again, no disrespect to the victim,, its like how i felt during the 70's being dominated by miami. in today's world, new england can do no wrong, and, as speaking from a purely football, bills fan mindset, it is kinda good, now i just wanna kick their a$$ so bad i can taste it.
  8. you must be a college prof.. good attitude! i would prefer that the bills manhandle them, but that is just my opinion.
  9. i just feel that the pent up emotion will rock the place like the old days. nobody has any control of what is happening in new england, but as a bills fans it doesnt wreck my day, to say the least.
  10. with ali the turmoil surrounding the patriots , how loud and great will it be when mario, alonzo, whomever, sacks brady! no disrespect to the murdered acquaintance of hernandez and hopefully justice will be served, but after witnessing all the fawning over the franchise by the media, i cant wait for opening day. the arrogance of bellicheat, kraft always looking for a camera or microphone, im loving this. please:TBD PC police stay away, this is just a shout out to bills fans to get ready!
  11. you should seriously consider becoming a moderator on here, you are that perceptive.
  12. besides being the owner of the team hernandez plays for, he is a classic blowhard, a smug jerk. but, that is just my opinion.
  13. sure sounds like he has "less than a stellar" background. hopefully its one less thug in the NFL.
  14. i couldnt be happier! could not happen to a "better team" how does that a$$-wipe robert kraft feel now!
  15. ignoring the story would be best. PFT , which is a great site, sometimes over-reaches, non-story
  16. this is not about domestic violence and the ramnifications of johnson's role in it. i agree that domestic violence is a terrible offense , but in this case, he is NOT being sent to jail for that, he is being sent because a judge has an ego.
  17. i am under the assumption that johnson, his attorney, and the D A had a deal worked out that only needed the judge's approval, which almost 100 percent of the time happens. again, this judge has issues if she sends a guy like johnson to jail after a deal has been agreed upon.
  18. yea, totally agree. of course you dont! BUT SHE ASKED HIM THE QUESTION!.. he just answered it, nothing to do with the plea deal.the judge seems to be in way over her head if something like that throws her off after she precipitated it.
  19. an unstable judge who felt she lost control of the courtroom. i am no fan of johnson, but this judge overreacted, johnson just gave a playful pat on the rear, done in sports lots, judge is a classic a-hole
  20. green bay has some sort of heating system beneath the field that lombardi had installed, would be worth the expense.
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