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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i agree totally.. but it sometimes gets lost when 40 thousand show up in december.. when that happens it seems to give brandon and CO fuel for the fire in the grandiose "small market" .making the team "viable" rhetoric.
  2. they are, but my point is that buffalo gets hit hard for not selling out games in december due to them essentially sucking for the past 13 years. let somebody else other than the usual suspects get a bit called out.
  3. i will take anything that will take the focus off buffalo "having trouble" selling out games in december.
  4. yea, let them join the mix! i just thought it a bit of a reality check ..
  5. jeez.. the "revered" small market team....http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/12/07/packers-tickets-available-for-sunday-cheap/
  6. it just sucks, always has, always will.. it is embarrassing actually. we are considered one of the most loyal fan bases in the NFL( some have us at number one). the usual bulls#$$%t about expanding the market rings hollow, at least to me. either we can, or cant , support an NFL team.. screw the market size etc.. i have heard it all.. just in a bad mood after watching how the game unfolded and totally agreeing with jerry sullivan today..
  7. i think buffalo is on the "way back" if there is such a thing. the only thing that separates it from the "charlottes" ," san antonio's" (outside of the weather) is the economy. but the politicos seem to finally get it.. people B word about things in every town, but buffalo is fine.. the negative press was overdone due to the snowstorms over the years, but the people are what makes an area and buffalo people are the best.
  8. count me in also, the crowd needs to stay in the game after the initial pre-game intros, letting the D go and hopefully stop them, get T/O, whatever, gets the crowd amped further. taking the ball has obvious advantages, but the crowd effect will subside if we do. we can all analyze , but my concern is having the team feed off the crowd.
  9. brady on his a$$!.. crowd into it.. brady bitching to the official.. crowd rockin.. kiko pick.. i can see it..
  10. nothing wrong with the hoodie and that pompous owner looking bad, cry me a river..
  11. appreciate you clearing that up. just hoping marrone exerts some gamesmanship regarding the situation.
  12. the very fact of helmet gate probably answers it, there is no hard rule about line-up announcements i would think now.
  13. i guess i started thinking about this because i am not quite sure if there are rules regarding line-up announcements and if they can be changed right up to kick-off.i am thinking there are no rules(such as in hockey). misdirection was what i was thinking about.
  14. im hoping so.. after having such corpses like mularky, jauron, and gailey, would be refreshing if marrone does have an edge, an ego..
  15. yea, probably right, but was just wondering about marrone's mindset, does he have a big ego, like belicheat? im sure we will find out.
  16. it was a just a thought, sorry for wasting your time.. just thought i would throw something out there, didnt realize you critique .nice caustic response.
  17. just a thought, belicheat prepares for tuel, maybe marrone is trying to out think the "genius".
  18. IM outside of philly, comcast blacked it out! unreal.. said it was the NFLN 's decision, but thanks anyway
  19. my prayers are with you.. my late father was responsible for my life-long devotion to the bills.. we need to keep it going!
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