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Everything posted by drf1835

  1. I feel Beane is safe regardless how well Allen does. Allen was apparently also the choice of Mrs. Pegula and Mr. Pegula, too, from reading the gushing and positive statements and suggestions after the selection, so Rosen lovers can root against Allen and Beane all they want, but Beane will be here regardless if Allen is a hit, neutral or a miss. Also, there are no guarantees of any 1st round qb chosen. Its like playing darts sometmes. College success and projections often mean nothing. Sometimes you hit, sometimes you miss as unexpected things can come into play, that one did not forsee or as what you saw in colllege is not what you always get against the bigger boys with different systems. At least Beane had guts to move up and select the somewhat less popular choice, and the smarts to know this franchise needed to take a reasonable risk now, not a few years later. Beane and company should be judged on all their selections. Already he has surpassed Whaley in his moves and vision, and Whaley had been around the organization awhile. The Pegulas thus are going to give a fair chance that Beane and MCDermott deserves. They started to turn things around in Buffalo their first year. I think their draft was pretty good. They focused on improving mostly defense this year, and the qb position, and my bet is the focus will be on offense mostly next year. Their attitude and process seems positive and rational to me. None of the 1st round qbs were perfect. Each has upside and risks. So, I am supporting Beane, the Pegulas and McDermott for trying something risky and new, by trying to get better in the mentioned ways, by giving up things, but with hope that by doing so it will lead to a brighter future. Those at the top who succeed are not afraid to take risks and go against the grain. i can see why they picked Allen, and I feel he has just as much chance to be the best based on all I see and hear.
  2. "Be Big, Think Big, Play Big"
  3. Regarding "Josh Allen Easily beats Darnold and Mayfield in a passing competition," that is nice, as I am rooting for Allen and have high hopes for him. He can easily out throw them by distance, too. So, I do not disagree we have the better qb, as college stats are for losers. A PRO competitive competition like this seperates the contenders from the pretenders. But, Peterman can Easily beat Allen, Darnold and Mayfield with accuracy, as he can throw foofballs off bridges and over water fountains and hot air balloons & into garbage cans. He is more precise than them all, including Cool Joe. That game against the Chargers was an abberation. Peterman will be our starter and thread more needles than Old Mother Hubbard. You will see,.
  4. Let me see. "Caspar Milquetoast" sums up everything you ever need to know about Dickerson. He was a loud mouthed, overly sensitive, jealous and unempathetic bully that liked picking on either nice, smarter or more successful persons that he thought were better than him, persons that he felt he could tame or where he dreamed of doing such, or those that did not stroke his large butt and oversized ego, or who fired him. Did he provide entertainment and humor, and have some insight to some things.. Yes, and that is why I listened to his show for awhile. But, he was driven by his own insecurities and failures, and I eventually got sick of his personna and negativity, as learning about the Bills and hearing open minded or intelligent views was more important to me eventually than being entertained his way. The last thing we need to hear now is a hateful, negative person to try to unrail the progress the Bills are trying to make. I am fine with hearing some fair critiques and the truth about the Bills, but much of what he said was fiction and with intent to brings others down to his level. He was the comic book character, and not those others he belittled. He knew that. So, when he called often another Dudley Doright, Caspar Milquetoast, That Little Pimple, etc., he was actually talking about himself, as he knew he was the one doing wrong, talked with a loud mouth and bullied others, and as he knew was far from being a little guy. If I want to be entertained that way, I would go to the circus, or listen to those political others, that are doing much of the same.
  5. Heck with the retirement question. I am wondering if Oprah will try Brady's special diet, or if Tom jumped up and down on the couch professing his love for Giselle.
  6. "If you say you plan to retire in two or three years, you've already retired," says Marv Levy. So, if Brady says he will retire sooner than later, what would that mean to Marv? "When it's too hard for them, it's just right for us."
  7. We're in it to win it.
  8. I hope it wasn't a Buffalo chip.
  9. I am finally out of the closet. What a relief.
  10. I was wondering if Tony Manderich might be prompted to un-retire and join the Bills. He was freakishly strong an an olineman, and still may have gas left in his tank..
  11. So, let me get this right? There are plenty of positive things said about Allen, including by real media experts, and so that is wrong or misleading, as we can only talk about the negative things over and over again, and as the negatives supposedly have been less said, from others here and from all those less known or unknown media people. We should just dig up or focus on flaws, skeletens and concerns about all the qb draft prospects, so lets be just pessimistic and worry, and not be happy we have a chance of having a great qb here.. All those qbs went in the top 10 because of something great, or great potential, despite their risks. There are only so many college qbs that may succeed in the nfl, and when one is there with lots of talent or potential,, a qb needy team needs to roll the dice and go for it, especially when losing so much for so many years without a top 10 rated qb, despite any naysayers, as projected better stars can turn into busts, and projected riskier but talented players can turn into stars, eventually flying above those ofhers. Of course teams can minimize risks by analyzing stats, intangibles and behaviors, or hope good luck is involved, but sometimes it will be a smart team going against the grain or consensus, and trusting their gut feeling after analying all the good and bad and whether that player fits their team the best. Each of the other 4 qbs in the top 5, could fail because of their stated flaws too. Many thought Luck would be a huge star. He has not been, and has not matched lofty expectations, and has had bad injury and supporting cast luck. Many thought Goff and Wenz would fail. They have far exceeded that, and have exceled.. Stats in college can sometimes can be misleading. Smarter persons can sift through that, and not assume things, as other factors can be involved, like very poor olines, a system or qb that focuses on getting the ball mostly downfield, and poorer receivers, and sometimes the sample size of games played can be smaller. Some stars in college get worse in the nfl; some semistars excel, when supporting casts and systems use their talent better, or when more learning, experience and effective teachings occur. My opinion thus is: We cannot change what we have now, nor would I necessarily want the other flaws from those other qbs, who were abd are far from perfect, too. The gm, head coach, AND owners seem to all agree Josh Allen is their guy. I will support them, JA, and focus on his abilities, and hope his coaching and Joshs hard work and dedication to be the best and prove the naysayers wrong will make this all work out. Nobody has the answer now what will happen. I just know I am on board with the Bills decision, and will give Allen time to grow as a qb, and not panick by the end of the first year regardless of stats. I will focus on his improvement, as the team also hopefully builds the offense around him, as this is a team game, without tons of supermen in this league who can lead the entire offense on their back.
  12. I partially agree with this. I mean, I agree with your suggestion that Rex and Rosen seem to have confidence that can be seen as unhealthy, fake, over the top, and that can be viewed differently than like McDermotts confidence. I think lots more is involved than "understanding who you are" though. Let me explain. Firstly, confidence that is gained or seen through either belittling others, irrational thnking, taking advantage of others, or elevating onself is in my opinion very unhealthy, unattractive and fake. Often that extra confidence looks greatness, a feeling of superiority, intelligence, or assertiveness, but in reality that person often either hates himself or hates certain things sbout himself, or with disorted opinion or thinking based on poor environment, upbringing, genetics or combined, so the reason they either mask themselves in trying to be more confident than they are, or come across as jerks. Some of these persons may even have undiagnosed conditions, or some traits of such, like with a need to boast, show off or show dtama, like from histrionic personality, possibly in Rex's case, where some others with excess confidence could for example have a need to put forth tons of effort, be perfect, seem very detailed or analytical, or seem to need to be in control, like Payton Manning, and who knows, Rosen, as he shows some past signs.. Regardless, there can be a fine line between healthy confidence and arrogance, and a genius. versus insanity, in my opinion. There can be likeable persons with strong confidence, like McDermott, Bean, etc., and these persons often have or can show modesty and/or empathy, and/or they can admit imperfection, wrongs, or have strong and realistic values, and they can have the ability to show much character good, and to change, if need be. For those who want to be their best, that is great, but do not try to get there by controlling environments and others, as they may see the world differently, or need to do things, at other timing or in anorher way, and as these persions may be better persons or with even greater insight. If those players with large egos are superb players and help the team win often, and win big, then of course other players and coaches will try to live with that abrasive personslity type as best as possible, and with those disruptions, by trying to work with him, too, but if that player either is not as great as he thinks, causes much team disharmony, cannot change, does not contribute much to help the team win, then the team will likely move on from that mistake.
  13. Hey dude. I thought you were drafted by Arizona at #10
  14. Hey Josh baby. You may have the strongest arm in football, and be able to get my chick soon, but I will always be able to dink and dunk in my trunk, you hunk. I look so manly don't I, working on my suzanne somers tummy master.
  15. Reminds me of Paul Ryan. He sleeps in his office every night/day, and the government is still corrupt.
  16. 5/7 right, when I posted in the early April thread titled "What are your bold predictiond about the NFL Draft." I mentioned they were not the boldest of predictions, but they were my predictions nevertheless... Predicted Commisioner would be booed...Yes, was a no brainer. Predicted Mayfield on couch with phone in hand smiling, laughing or crying when picked...Yes Predicted we would be either outraged or giddy at our selection...Yes Predicted Rosen would say something dumb on draft day to stir up some feelings here.....Yes Predicted Kiper would either eat pumpkin pie or use hair spray during 1st round...Yes, as I have proof as he disappeared a second. Then looked at his face/hair. Predicted Bellichick would draft Lauletta, White or Rudolph...Wrong. Did not prectict his senility would happen this early Predicted Bean would stay at #12 and say they were thrilled their pick was still there. Wrong. He was feeling the heat to move up. He likely was not thrilled at Allens tweets.
  17. Lots of things will come into play, as to who will become King quickest, if any become Kings as all. Sometimes luck can be needed, and the supporting cast can be important too. And when the team wins, a qb can get more credit than deserved, and when the team loses, a qb can get most of the blame. Some persons will judge the new qbs based on stats early on, but that does not necessarily mean the one with the best stats early will be the best qb over the long run, as some qbs may just take longer to develop, or as their team could be better or worse right now, or may currently have better o-lines or receivers. Injuries can factor in, too, as can the way the coaches use that player, and how quickly they play, with some more ready than others, or others who could lose confidence if used too quickly and they needed step by step development. Regardless, I think the storyline involving each of the top 5 qbs are interesting, and will continue to play its course as things develop, and time will reveal more things and will eventially lead to judgments made regarding which team was right and wrong in their picks. Nobody really knows now which of the 5 will be seen as the best over long term, but I'm not disappointed in the Allen pick. I think his chances to succeed are at least equal than the rest, and he seems to fit this team. The fact 5 qbs in the first round were drafted will obviously lead to comparing each against the other, and creating rivalries in the process when those teams play. I think Lamar could be really exciting, but I worry about him being another Vince Young. Rosen losing to anybody, especially against the other 4 qbs could be interesting seeing his reaction.. Seeing if Allen can develop into a star despite his mediocre but short college career should be fun. And Baker, I hope he continues his thing in the NFL, like he did in college. Darnold, will he be another USC failure? Hopefully not. He seems like a good guy.
  18. The haters are easily to recognize, in my opinion. They often have very brief messages about a player or person that spews only negativity. They do not talk or have not talked about any positives of that person that they dislike, despite their being positives in that person, or despite others bringing up opposing or valid positive arguments. The haters may have little or no facts to back any of their claims, or resort to total fiction, half truths, or generalizations to support their position. They can make either wild accusations, seem not open minded, follow other opinions like sheep, and seem to be saying things out of just strong emotion, and without rationality, logic, research or reasoning. It is fine to have opinions, as we all have such, but those others who I am talking about and not you, as you seem to back up your opinions often with facts, healthy debate, and with a desires to learn and listen, I am asking the ofhers to show some fairness, lack of rigidity, and some balance, and then persons will not think of you as a hateful persons or dummy with some agenda. Also, for those posters who admit wrongs, or show a desire or willingness to listen to opposing opinion or to change their position or attitude, once more compelling evidence or facts are learned, those are the persons I relate most to, and will reply most to. Not everyone on this board have opinions I agree with, and that is fine, but at least I will often explain my opinions in detail, and be open minded to change my opinion if others provide info that makes more sense. In general, I think pessimism breeds negativity, and optimism brings out more of the truth, but there are always exceptions to rules.
  19. Its called having a pulse, being real, having fun, having a sense of humor, and not being some politically correct bore, with regards to his comments about AJ's wife. I am sure jiving, ribbing, and high fiving such locker room talk amongst even teammates, much less those who were not teammates at that time, about wives and gfs have never happened before? Everyone instead just talks about bingo, Brady Bunch, Beaver Cleaver, milk and cookies, and such.
  20. They asked you to Trust The Process.. And Josh is part of that process.
  21. I was going to say the same. No wonder Rosen unscrambled is Noser.
  22. Here are my positives of Allen,, twisting any negatives to positives, to offset some of the pessimistic hysteria seen of Allen on other threads: (1) You say his completion percentage in college was poor? Ever factor in that this was partly because he threw more longer 15+ yard passes each game because of the system he ran, and focus on his strong arm and getting the ball downfield, with less dinking and dunking 0-4 yard passes, as a website breaking down those stats of the top 4 qbs showed. In the NFL, a smarter coach will consider more shorter to medium range passes, realizing his arm strength and very fast release could be used there too. Also, understand his receivers on that team may have been much less than ideal, with them not getting open or not being able to catch bullets in their direction, as that was not a great bunch of players. (2) You say his footwork and timing sucks? Are we asking Allen to start immediately? Many great qbs take 2+ years to develop, if not more time. He says he has been working out with professionals rec3ntly to help him in those areas. And the Bills staff has much time to help him with that too. This guy is not a football IQ dummie. He had a very high Wonderlic, by far highest of the four. He is very logical and has the ability to learn and change bad habits. (3) You are pissed with those tweets? Absolutely. They were very improper, and he has said so and apologized and wants to prove that those remarks are not him. He knows he was dumb then. He seems now very motivated to prove to his teammates and the Bills that he is a good guy and made the right decision, and in trading up, if you listen to what he had to say after being drafted. Let him be a better person by learning from those wrongs. There are numerous persons who say hateful or untrue things that never admit wrong, and pretend they are someone else. Give the guy credit ar least for not being like that and denying things or keeping the hate, but instead admiting he failed there. His tears to the Bills staff when talking about such likely tell me he was being genuine in feeling remorse. (4) You say Rosen would have been a better choice? Because of accuracy in college, yes. Decision making in college, likely. Foot mechanics, yes. How do we know that will equate to the same in the pros, under different systems and coaching? Allen perhaps has a higher ceiling because of his mobility, arm strength, rapid release, pleasant personality and durability. Rosen is just as equally to fail as Allen because of limitations or deficiencies. (5) You say we gave up too much for Allen? Many experts had him rated number one for the quarterbacks, if not predicting he would be picked #1 off the board. We picked him at #7, after trading up. There was no guarantee he would have been there at 12, as teams can trade picks with other teams. Of course, if Allen fails we will have given up too much. But, how many times will the Bills have a chance to pick a top 10 qb? If he succeeds and has a 15 year career with the Bills, BB and company will be seen as geniuses, for having faith in Allen, and not assuming college stats and foot issues could not be resolved. If he fails, the top people in the organization will have to deal with the repurcussions. At least they guts, in going with their guy, despite any naysayers.
  23. Agree. Since when does Allen's racist high school tweets that were just revealed demand a late rush by the Jokers to get Allen. Only a moron would not see this is a trick to fool others. If anything, teams would want to distance themselves from such supposed Allen considerations, after that news broke.
  24. He will likely say, "We are happy to have moved up to #12 as there will be a great player there to help our team. We will certsinly listen to other offers, but it has to be a fit for us and make sense for us." So, no need for many of you to listen, unless you want to be amused at or twist and spin what he says, or if you want to pass time, as he is a smart gm that will not reveal any specific draft plans, but be general or standard in his replies for most questions. For questions that are controversial, he will find a way to move on from those to not take away from the draft. That is the nutshell of what Brandon Beane will say or do, in my opinion.
  25. I'm convinced, too. You cannot admit any wrong. Even when the mods find the different IP, your head will say you were right. When you get some proof, post it. I will be waiting...
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