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Everything posted by drf1835

  1. Yes agree. Allen has ‘it’ factor. And I feel Darnold has the ‘that’ factor, Mayfield the ‘this’ factor, and Rosen the ‘what” factor.
  2. Packers to Rogers: Stop drinking!
  3. Botterill says, “Did you see our winning streak? Bet you were proud of us being in first place.” Bean says, “I didn’t see that as I was busy with football stuff. Did you see it Mr. Pegula?” Mr. Pegula shrugs and says: “Last I checked you were losers. Why are you here?”
  4. Partially true. I play scrabble with my child.
  5. I’d give him a beer, but don’t need to, as if he gets tipsy again he can stare at the five letters in his first name, throw out the k, shuffle the rest up, and drink that.
  6. Trent Edwards was at one time ranked #1 in the nation in high school, as a qb. Projections do not guarantee anything. So many things can happen for athletes between high school and through university, and from the jump from university to pros. Competition, attitudes, supporting casts, systems, and pressures can make or break persons. Injuries, changes in priorities, and being rewarded with lots of money also can ruin drives and careers. It”s often survival of the fittest, having good luck at times, and proper mentors or coaching on your side too, and wanting to persevere and not give up when things get tough. These players must continue to work hard and be self-motivated when they get to the next levels, and want to fight daily to be the best, as talent and size only goes so far. At higher levels, nobody will be handing out silver spoons or I’m the biggest, strongest and fasted awards. That slow, short, skinny little turtle kid beneath you in high school that you beat up playing wiffle ball and soft ball can suddenly become a super athletic ninja because of his attitude and smarts were in the right places. Athletes that succeed for long duration know these are not races but battles that must be sustained and won over time, with battles not just on the field and in the weight room, but occurring too in their own mind. It does not matter if one is quiet, outgoing, narcissistic, empathetic, short, tall, heavy or light, one can succeed if they daily strive to be their absolute best. This requires internal strength, self-motivation, and an admittance of wrongs and a desire to listen and learn something important, for each and every moment, on each and every day..
  7. Agree. BB Wins 41 Lose 55, prior to Boy Wonder..If BB is a football wizard, he could have worked his magic when coaching the Browns those 5/6 years they failed under him there. And the 1st year he coached Patriots, he failed as a coach there. It isn’t coincidence that he started succeeding regularly when Tommy Boy became starter. This does not mean I think BB is a bad coach, but just not as great as everyone thinks. Yes, he has more control now with the Pats, than with the Browns, and thus perhaps better players for his system, but they say BB can get the most out of average Joes. Well, he as coach did not prior to Brady.
  8. Like in June/July 2009. The garbage kept piling up. It stunk.
  9. Is that Dexter or Darnold? Sorry, they look so much alike.
  10. Here is my concern: Metcalf likely does finger, palm and knuckle pushups too. His hands likely may be too bulgy, such that Allen's thrown darts would bounce off those hard. rippled hands. On the orher hand, Jerry Rice seemed thin as a skeleton and used to catch bricks, to put his hands in shape. Not sure if the other way around, soft ball, in muscular hands work.
  11. The only wall we need is the Stadium Wall. Now, if Josh could throw a couple of darts to the southeast at certain person's orange and turtle heads, I would be his fan forever regardless how he plays in the future.
  12. As soon as I knew his family had a barn so his errant passes could hit that, that sold me. Really though, prior to the draft I first wanted mayfield, then convinced myself on rosen, then allen when I guessed the Bills wanted him, or when I knew he would likely be available to the Bills.. I trust the process. I rather have Allen than Mayfield now. I do not like Mayfield's ego. Prefer the more coachable, likeable and down to earth player. I think Allen has far more potential to be really great than the others.
  13. Not a rainbow. Looks like either a vapor trail from one of Josh’s halftime football throw practice launches out of the stadium, or TP’s new design concept for a dome over the stadium.
  14. I think lots of the optimism we are seeing here is also because of his work ethic, smarts, attitude, leadership skills, and personality. That lessens any of the few concerns, and gives us more hope and willingness to be more patient. I mean, it is hard not to like him for those other untangibles. So, when you see his huge arm strength, elusiveness and running ability, the fun rarely seen before superman plays, and when we see some progress, one would have to be a real dope or biased to not have some optimism. I replied to this post as our two sons relate. It means you likely are gifted in some wonderful way.
  15. a. True, many many years ago he said he hated football and was not a fan, and liked other sports instead. His hatred of foofball shows by his idiotic comments, poor analysis, and his desire to talk about himself and other garbage instead. b. Partially true. He hates his job when he has to talk to all of his perceived idiotic callers, and when he has to talk football stuff. He seems to only love the part of the job where he is talking to himself, and trying to show how brillant he is and how dumb listeneres are.
  16. Go get Ramsey in the offseason some...... Bills logo muzzles
  17. So, there you have it op. I guess that is the breaking news
  18. IMP's trick shots, as this year all of KBS threads are boring me. Yes, many think KBIFS, but KPWTBAL, so give it time please. I do not agree with those who say IHTTUWW. TTP (Trust the Process) please. Let's enjoy TT. No, not CL (crazy legs) Tyrod Taylor, but TT (Tool Time) JJ (Jumping Josh) Allen. Yes, TAGBFF, and yes MSBIBU and WDOT, but JJ TT Allen is our savior mow. Let er rip please. No CD (check down) charlies all day BD (Brian Daboll) , ok?
  19. Nope. My sources say Chucky has been on the phone with Nate’s agent working out a deal. My sources have been wrong before though, as I consider an educated guess sometimes as a reliable source.
  20. Now you know why I dislike elitist red elephants and entitled blue donkeys.
  21. Hannity only wishes. Fake news!
  22. I would bring in Foles to be our team preacher, as he says he always wanted to be one. The only time I would play him is if we went to the Super Bowl. Then put him in for the Beef on Weck play, which is far more innovative than his Phily Phily Special.
  23. Billie Jean King against Bobby Riggs.
  24. Brady is seen yelling at his teammates at halftime, throwing his helmet at the water cooler after his 4th INT, and after the game ends he is on his knees crying with cameras in his face, muttering, "Bills Mafia, you spanked me."
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