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Posts posted by rackemrack

  1. I am not a huge Lindell fan, but I think he will be back. In my opinion, while he has improved over the years, the coaches really don't put him in many low percentage situations. He is solid enough though, and I would say he is way on the bottom of the list, of the Bills needs...


    exactly, we don't really need a kicker, why waste a draft pick. maybe we can find an unsigned free agent after the draft for competition and keep the better one.

  2. Mr Cartmanez: How do I reach these keeds?

    The reason that you think you can't get into college is because you haven't been taught... how to cheat properly! How do you think white people always get ahead? Because we cheat all the time- I mean because they cheat all the time. [holds up a picture] This is Bill Beelichick, coach of the New England Patriots He's won three Superbowls. How? He cheated. He even got caught cheeting, and nobody cared. Bill Beelichick proved that in America it's okay to cheat. As long as you cheat your way to the top.

    Student: Hey, I don't wanna be called a cheater!

    Mr Cartmanez: No no. If you cheat and fail, you're a cheater. If you cheat and succeed, you're savvyyy.


    everything i know, i learned on south park

  3. A lot of free agents to consider? Jabari Greer should come back, and Crowell is a decision. They have TWO UFAs who are even worth talking about. Whittle and Chambers are unsuccessful as backups, and Duke Preston might be the worst center in the league.


    WRONG... melvin fowler is the worst center in the league :flirt:

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