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Posts posted by rackemrack

  1. no mention's of youboty? He was coming on strong last season before he got hurt. He'll be kept as a RFA, and I think Greer is out, which is sad. But the bills should be fine with McLovin, McGee, Youboty, and Corner


    youboty can't seem to stay on the field for more than 3 weeks... otherwise he would be great

  2. Culpepper is terrible but then again so is John Kitna, Dan "run out the back of the endzone" Orlovski, Drew Stanton & any other QB that Detroit has played in the past two years.


    Other than Megatron is there a single player on that roster that we would realistically want on our team?


    calvin johnson ;)

  3. So... I pulled up Marshawn Lynch this morning on the site and it was case number 9999999, which certainly looked odd to me. Also, I enter Marshawn Lynch now and nothing comes up. I think maybe they saw the extra traffic to the site and removed this bogus record.


    I suspect a hoax from either a hacker or someone on the inside who just lost their job.




    Can someone else verify the info they saw earlier does not come up any more? Maybe I'm just a spelling-challenged dope. But, even if I am, I don't put much stock in this until I see verification from another source.


    it worked for me, and the case number was not 9999999

  4. I just talked to Marshawn's mom, we worked together on a Big Ted's Used Tires commercial, and she told me Marshawn's agent has confirmed Marshawn was arrested after yelling, "I'm Marshawn Lynch of the Buffalo Bills! I'm worth millions! Beef Mo'e!"


    I drive a 1988 Ford Taurus with a green door.


    what color is the rest of the car? if the rest of the car is green, your sources may not be reliable...

  5. I think I'd come down in favor of picking one scheme and sticking to it, because I think you have to consider the fact that changing schemes likely means hurting the performance of most of the players on your roster, and you should expect to return at least 8 of them from year to year.


    The other benefit to base-scheme continuity, I think, is that the more familiar your players are with your base package, the more able they'll be to spend time working on throwing different looks at the opposing offense. Look at the Steelers again here - they play a 3-4, but they spent a good chunk of the game in a 2-4-5 nickel package, and even played some Cover 2 (albeit with three down linemen instead of the Bills' four). That flexibility gives you the best options, I think, and other strong defenses familiar with their base sets can do this as well (look at the Patriots flex back and forth between the 3-4 and the 4-3).


    I think the Bills' problem right now is that even after three years of the Tampa 2, they STILL don't have enough talent to make it work, due to very few of their choices landing. They have one good defensive end in Aaron Schobel, and despite a lack of pass rush from the ends, the player they've added in the Jauron era who's made the most plays from that position is what, Copeland Bryan? Meanwhile Kelsay plays like an Arena bowler and Denney shows why he's a backup. Inside, they hit on Stroud and whiffed on McCargo, leaving them starting a depth DT in Kyle Williams, who plays with heart but not with the skill they need.


    The LB corps suffered due to some injuries, but still, they have an average LB in Poz, and some promise in Mitchell, though his strength seems to be as a blitzing LB. I've lost track of what I expect from Crowell, but he's never been a star player.


    Then in the secondary, you've got Whitner playing more like Jim Leonard than Bob Sanders across from Ko Money Ko Problems, and neither providing the run support a Tampa 2 needs. And somehow, they've put together a solid corps of cover corners after telling us they didn't need cover corners


    So what I'm saying is that while I'm all for sticking with a scheme to try to really master it and suit the talent you've already got other than pipe-dreaming about copying some playoff team's defense, the Bills have failed to acquire the talent they needed to run their own damn scheme. I'd say we transition to a base 4-3, trying to take advantage of our ability to blitz from Mitchell and Whiter, and get solid coverage from Greer, McGee, and McKelvin.


    i couldn't have said it any better

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