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Everything posted by rackemrack

  1. maybe they'll forget about the quick slants that killed our defense last year... and hopefully their qb's will forget they have forever to throw
  2. someone has alot of time on their hands...
  3. he did an amazing job in his ten years in the league holding a clipboard on the sideline, but did have a good 5-6 games...
  4. Collins did take the redskins to the playoffs a couple seasons ago...
  5. no, that won't work either, it might make the players sneeze, it will have to be a suit made of bubble wrap
  6. I bet this would have never happened if she did what she was supposed to do
  7. before camp, but at least its warm outside...
  8. thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life with that sh#tty cartoon
  9. i bet he still goes in the top 10, buffalo won't have a chance to pick him
  10. that won't work, cutler is much too old for michael jackson
  11. i sat in the rockpile for the giants game last year, got barf on my jacket from a drunk girl sitting a few rows back, she was a giants fan of course...
  12. we? your talking the exact opposite way a bills fan would
  13. me neither, i personally don't trust him...
  14. thats great to hear, hopefully he can step in when TO leaves and provide the same impact
  15. haha they might as well add rex grossman and byron leftwich to that list while they're at it....
  16. i don't think holt would come here to be a 3rd reciever...
  17. Tom Brady is poised for a big year every year... unless he blows out his knee in the first game
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