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Everything posted by rackemrack

  1. thats funny because i probably will B word about somebody we missed out on
  2. sad part is, we probably could have drafted levitre in the second, and got byrd in the third, but i'm not complaining.
  3. hangartner is probably just there to start at C until wood is ready which may not take long. and hanny can start at G if needed, Mckinnie is camp fodder...
  4. as long as byrd is better than ko, it will be a decent pick
  5. i didn't think anybody would draft pat white in the second...
  6. the raiders are a fun team to pay attention to just because of all the dumb moves they make
  7. 'ol dick will be around until the end of the season at least.
  8. picking pat white in the second reminds me of the tedd ginn pick a few years back
  9. probably could have had this guy in the fourth, seems like a reach for denver. they would be smart to keep scheffler
  10. i posted before i realized the bills traded their third for levitre... my bad. but i wouldn't miss any of the three players you mention.
  11. drafting byrd is questionable, but not a real suprise, but i think they done good. there's still goot TE's left, we can get a good one in round three
  12. well son of a B word... hopefully sanchez sucks...
  13. we'll see in the pre-season, worst case scenario is hamdan gets his chiseled face mangled and bell sits on the bench another season...
  14. 7-9 is almost a guarantee... any better and i will be happy
  15. if you're lucky, walker, chambers, and kelsay will all be starters in the first game of the season!
  16. possibly, i was thinking more along the lines of preparing for jackson's exit or in case he holds out for a decent contract...
  17. so you guys think tennessee is gonna take another RB in round one?
  18. i don't care what that bastards status is... he hasn't accepted my friend request yet and its been weeks...
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