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Everything posted by rackemrack

  1. i'm down by 7 right now, i won the first 2 games because brees put up so many points, but today i'm double screwed, my only hope now is if ronnie brown can find the endzone in san diego
  2. i have brees on my fantasy team, its bad enough that the bills are losing, but they're actually keeping brees from scoring many points, so i'm really f##ked today
  3. its funny, the raiders are like the harlem globetrotters, except much less talented. and in the post-post 9/11 world that crap don't work
  4. difference is, brees became one of the best in the league after he left san diego, after JP left buffalo, he's no longer in the NFL. brees is one of the best in the league
  5. i happen to enjoy my labbatt blue bills hat, i'm dissapointed they're not giving them away this year.
  6. and the skins really suck, paying hanyesworth all that money for what? 5 tackles? I hope they don't make the playoffs
  7. kelsay actually has stepped it up so far, in fact the entire D-line has, I really like the way kyle williams has been playing
  8. AVP sucks, and what were they thinking cutting dominic rhodes? he's obviously the better back than no-name fred jackson...
  9. the pats and the fins are seeming to have a down year, and the jets really turned it around, and they have a QB that won't get tired in november so right now i would pick the jets to win the AFC east and the bills second (wishful thinking)
  10. he hasn't proven much yet, lets at least wait until the end of the season
  11. i got brees on my fantasy team, and he's been the difference in me winning two games by putting up amazing numbers, that being said, i don't give a sh** about my fantasy team as long as the bills win!!!
  12. i was happy to not see him clapping after the opponent scored... he was pimpin today though
  13. what about nelson? i bet they've already made the call to stupar
  14. i'm still pissed, but you can't change the past, so i'm getting ready for the next game
  15. i've been ignoring all pregame, i just can't wait for the game!
  16. this is a given from tedy, but no respect from dilfer either? well he can suck it too then, no way that douche wins a super bowl without that incredible ravens D
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