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Everything posted by thurst44

  1. Not to shift the topic back from food (mmm, food), but I'm glad, and in many ways it can be a good quality to be able to ignore it, and sometimes wish I could avoid getting upset at some of his acts of buffoonery -- especially, considering that plays right into what he probably wants anyway. However, it's become harder for me lately as some of his actions would impact me specifically or people for whom I care about in a potentially catastrophic way, so I'm sorry if I get a bit strident sometimes (and am also not sorry in a sense).
  2. No, it very much is not, but if it were, how is it any different from all the people here who are saying that the football players should not express their opinions> He is doing a job, and it is irresponsible of him, in that powerful position, to call for others to be fired for expressing their own opinions. But, hey, through 70 years plus, that's how he's run his life, and that's how he runs his presidency, so I guess it's par for the course...but speaking of par, at least he's not playing golf all the time...oh wait.
  3. Ok, here's something on which we can heartily and totally agree! Oh my, when I think about moving back to the WNY area for the less stressful living, I worry that I'll balloon to 300 lbs. because of all the comfort food, particularly Paula and her donuts. I started going there when I worked at Worldwide Records on Main St. and I would stop at the Kenmore Ave location, apparently right about from when it opened. So glad to see how well they are doing, and have to get there every time I visit Buffalo. You can't get peanut donuts in NYC (well, artisan shops occasionally have something, but it's not the same and they are three dollars). We had them at our fantasy football draft this year and I had to stop myself at three (and i was supposed to be eating healthy while recovering from pneumonia, but Paula's, dam). Let's make this thread about doughnuts!!!!!
  4. He's allowed to say it, but as the holder of that office, he SHOULDN'T say it. Calling for people who work for a private entity to be fired for protesting is the sort of action dictators take. It's using his power in order to try to quash dissent. There is a threat in the backing of the power of his office. I get your argument, and can understand why you're making it, but disagree in that I don't think most who are upset with him are saying he should not be allowed to say it, but that it is, at best, beneath the dignity of the office, and, at worst, a misuse of the power with which he has been bestowed by 25-26% of the populace.
  5. Man, for the embodiment of a Jimi Hendrix song that is also a slang for reefer, you are really hitting it out of the park.
  6. What is the protest disrupting? Also, Trump isn't 100% right and didn't say what you are implying. He CALLED for them to be fired. If Roger Goodell or Terry or Kim Pegula said a player will be fired if they protest, that's a different story...it would be unfortunate but not illegal. However, the most powerful person in the country calling for a private entity to fire a private citizen is different and to me it's disturbing. If Obama did something like this (and as someone pointed out in this thread, while calling me a profanity, Kaep has protested Obama too), I would have been reconsidering my vote. Also, all businesses are different. At my first real job, one employee wore a Dennis Kucinich shirt all day and politicked for him throughout the office, and he kept his job and no one thought he might do any different. Then again, at that same company, an entertainment company, the CFO sent out a letter in early 2001 to everyone to protest Bush's "illegitimate" presidency, so it might not be representative. I don't think I've worked a job yet where I would be fired if I stood on my desk and said something like "I am protesting this country and will be giving a speech at the beginning of every work week to convince the rest of you that we should do more to prevent police brutality, especially against one group of people."
  7. Kanye West might be more likely (although if it's Diddy v. West for a leadership position, I'd vote Diddy -- or write in Talib Kweli). Why are you bringing Corey into this ? He once bought me and my partner popcorn at a midnight screening of the second Apes movie, so he's got my vote in my book. And if McCoy can get rebound to get 1500 yards and we get a playoff berth, I could get behind this ticket.
  8. Um, huh? Trump just said that they should fire players for taking a stand, and I've seen some say the Bills should drop McCoy for his tweet. The protest is not all about Trump, but he made a comment that is very dangerous for a democracy. Fair enough, the protest isn't just against him, but it is about the politics he (likely blindly) embodies and supports, and considering his m.o. he is surely so vain, he probably DOES think these protests are about him. Either way, it still is pretty crazy for the President to call for private entities to fire its employees for protesting to try to change the country. You're the one who is full of asterisks. Also, nyah nyah and some other childish retort.
  9. I'm scared of what he could do now. I'm baffled that we've come to this and keep hoping I wake up to find out this was all a bad dream (and that it's Super Bowl 52 Sunday and the Bills are about to do something which will earn a visit to a president whose name is not Trump). I grew up in NYC (my family was from Lockport and i wound up going to UB during the SB years) and it was that ad that cemented him as, well to paraphrase the man himself, someone who was "not good." I wish this thread didn't exist and that McCoy would never have felt any need to respond to a man who made it very clear he has zero respect for people who do his job (seriously, who's against the NFL trying to figure out ways to make sure fewer players die young). Not sure how to end this...just saying I agree.
  10. Yes, probably, certainly, even -- but he's still slightly less dangerous than Kim, b/c there are options in place to remove him relatively peacefully. I've felt Trump was the worst example of an American for decades, and really wish we weren't in the darkest timeline. Right now, he's ranting and raving about a healthcare bill he knows nothing about while I'm recovering from an illness that thankfully didn't kill me (yet) but could have bankrupted me (could still from the looks of it) and it's hassle enough trying to fight infections while sorting out billing, yet he would gleefully make sure people would be ruined and/or killed because they had the misfortune of losing a job and/or working constantly yet the employer being unable to provide health insurance. He's both ignorant and mean -- the worst combo. Plus he's trying to deport hard-working students at my job, so, yeah, this has even become personal. But Kim is still worse, not that that really matters, and we probably should be careful about co-opting his insults, especially since there's many other options to call our so-called leader since our vocabularies are much stronger than his.
  11. Yes, I got you, and even sort of agreed with you. It's just that it's too fitting a word for the man that I wish it weren't such a psychopath who used it, and wish we didn't have a president whose tremendous lexicon stretches to reach quadruple digits. That being said, it is a bit unseemly to seem to be siding with Kim Jong-un by using the arcane word he brought to our attention. So, we agree, and let's move on. We're both kind of arguing for stupid, nitpicky points now.
  12. There's a BIG difference between employers having a right to fire employees and the President, the most powerful man in the country, calling for a private entity to fire its employees for having the temerity to criticize him. I'm really not trying to be a jerk here, but can you really not see the difference? A leader who wants to exact revenge on those who criticize him is a weak leader, something that's very dangerous to our democracy.
  13. As much as I despise Trump, and did so decades before I had much of a hint of his politics (save for the whole kill the {eventually exonerated} Central Park Five full page ad), he's still yet to resort to murdering his enemies and we can presumably vote him out if we'd like in 2020, if he is still the President. Kim is a lunatic dictator with absolute power and nuclear weapons.
  14. Dotard is an English word (an arcane one, but definitely our language). Maybe we should be more concerned that a whack job North Korean dictator has a better grasp of the English language than our big league leader does, but that may just be the writer/editor in me. Even a mass-murdering clock...no, Kim Jong-un doesn't deserve the normalizing of that joke. All that being said, yeah, we probably shouldn't be running with that one, when there's a ton of other options to use to diss the man.
  15. I'd usually agree (and generally hold my tongue on it despite being one of those politically effusive a-hols) except when the President calls NFL players "sons of b's" and our star RB returns volley by calling him a name we can't write here (in many variations, apparently), what's a poster to do? The other day, one of the ESPN or NFL Network talking heads (i think it may have been Nate Burleson) made the point that these days, you can't really talk sports without talking politics. They're just intertwined. Should they pretend that the President didn't say anything about the NFL on an opinion show? This is about a comment our star player made after the President attacked players of his sport. How do we not discuss it? The team themselves is having a special meeting the day before a vital home game.
  16. And we know, because he always tells us so. Bigly! "God blessed America for me...." To take it back to football: hopefully, someone tells Shady the Denver defense is all Trumpites and lets him loose. Three TDs will start the impeachment proceedings!
  17. B-I-N-G-O. To quote Mike Birbiglia, "and that's why we're all gonna die."
  18. This comment makes me deliriously happy and feel like there's hope for humanity. Thanks Kelly!
  19. You know what really gets my goat...when reality show celebrities and hosts tell me what to think or get involved in politics! Oh, wait...
  20. We also should remember that they started 3-1 last year and look how that worked out.
  21. After Week 6 last year, they were into the top ten (8 on espn). I'm pretty sure they made top 3 during either the quick start of 2008 or 2011. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/17813507/nfl-2016-week-7-power-rankings-new-england-patriots-minnesota-vikings-seattle-seahawks
  22. - They showed they could close out the game - They dominated the Jets d-line which is probably in the top half if not top 10 of defensive lines - They limited stupid plays and penalties - Humber appears more than adequate - Bilal Powell and Matt Forte are not terrible and they only had two runs over 5 yards all game This win doesn't prove anything, but it offers some hope for a game on the road against a likely middle-of-the-pack to good team. The idea that teams and players don't learn things from week to week, or can't build on efforts, is ridiculous.
  23. No, Bowles is notorious for not going for it on 4th down at that juncture. WFAN callers will go nuts calling for his head, as they have so many times before. The only difference will be that there won't be any Craig Carton obnoxiously piling on. Yes, you might be a bit spoiled considering that if they did this every week, they would have the third highest team rushing total in NFL history and would be just the third team to eclipse 3000 yards. And do Tyrod's rushing yards not count. He had nearly 600 of them last year.
  24. I wouldn't say easily. It's any given sunday and all, but we are a markedly better team than the Jets going in with a better seeming attitude at home. It could happen. McCown could catch a couple breaks on way to a career day. Their defense could get it together and hold it close enough that a freak play could decide it. My Billsy scenario is that the defense dominates at an absurd level to the degree of not allowing them a first down...until the 4th quarter when it is 9-3 Bills, and McCown hits a TD for the first first down to win the game on the final play. However, to say it could EASILY happen...no. They are an almost double-digit favorite for a reason. So, let's go Bills!
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