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Everything posted by thurst44

  1. I hear you, but I don't believe the supporting cast is as weak as many make it out to be. The OL is questionable of course, but it's more of an unknown than a definite bad. Benjamin and even Jones have high upside (and the former is looking like he's ready to show it -- he does have over 900 yards in the seasons he's managed to stay healthy). The tight end unit looks like it could be a standout which would give Allen some outs when pressured. Allen has legs and played effectively while the OL was just brutal last week. If he wins the job, he is simply progressing way faster than anyone expected and they should jump on that.
  2. I don't have any specific statistical expectations. Two strong drives culminating in at least 10 points in the first half along with minimal turnovers --- and if there is a turnover, the ability to show poise on the next drive. Peterman was looking pretty promising in his no-good, awful game and even the first interception was a savvy play and the turnover was wholly on DiMarco; however, the way Peterman fell so completely apart has made it hard to regain any confidence him as a potential starter. It might be even better if Allen does have a rough drive or two and bounces back, Kelly style (anyone remember that one game where Kelly had 3 ints in the first half and looked awful, and wound up leading the team to victory in the second half and threw some ridiculous amount of yards -- i might be conflating a few games into one even). In fact, I'd be ecstatic, and maybe even prefer game manager stats with a solid game from McCoy/Ivory/Murphy/Cadet. If this team can get their run blocking back on track, that will allow for Allen to not have to do as much and take the pressure off him and I'll feel fairly confident about a .500 or better start for the tough-looking first half of the season.
  3. It's a fair point and not laughable. The logic would be that taking him at his word that he really wants to play here and the fact we have the second most cap space in 2019 means if we trade for him we know we're going to re-sign him. If you trade, you get him one year earlier and it's much easier to sign your own players than other teams'. Plus, we would be striking when the iron was hot...maybe in a week Oakland cools and does him right and signs him to a long-term contract or he goes to the Jets and decides he loves it in New York and he wreaks havoc on Dawkins & Allen twice a year for the next few. Best case scenario, he plays reluctantly in Oakland with one foot out the door, comes to Buffalo on the first day of 2019 free agency, signs, and we take a top player in the draft. However, securing him now would be a good use of that first round draft in my opinion.
  4. Why in the world would that be "too rich" for Mack? What are you hoping to get with that Top Ten pick? Likely, a player who will one day be close to as good as Mack is already. Mack is one of the top defensive players in the league, if not the top. The only argument is cap space and we have massive cap space after next year so we could afford a future HoFer who actually wants to play here. Would I trade Tre? No, and obvs I wouldn't trade Allen or Edmunds (yet), but that's about the extent of it.
  5. Wait, are you really calling Tremaine Edmunds a failed pick after two pre-season games (which weren't even as bad as people here are suggesting)?! Matt Milano is a 5th rounder who after a season is looking very good. A.J. Tarpley was an undrafted free agent. Shaq Lawson and Adolphus Washington have a bit more logic to them, but the book has hardly been completely closed on them yet (Lawson has played bits of two seasons). I'm very much pro trading for Mack and the thought that trading a 1st even if you think it's a top ten (which i doubt) is not worth it is insane as with a top ten pick you hope that guy will become close to as good as a Khalil Mack in a few years. Mack could make this one of the top Ds in the league, if not the top. However, by stretching for too many names, you dilute your point (and the piling on 20-year-old Edmunds before he has played one meaningful game is getting tiresome and really needs to stop).
  6. It's a small point, but a big distinction. Everybody's been talking about him playing with the "two"s and that WAS how it was framed beforehand. However, for his first half drives, wasn't it still the first-string offensive line and wide receivers (or is my memory faulty)?
  7. Ah, the pre-season paradox: everything we see that is bad in pre-season is meaningful, all we see that is good in pre-season is meaningless. (Admittedly, it can also manifest itself in the other direction )
  8. Wow, Dawkins has one bad pre-season game against a guy who might be one of the rising superstar pass rushers and he's "trash"?...yikes.
  9. Yet they still somehow managed to mention O'Leary's grandfather. They are brutal. Crawford could not even be bothered to look up who #15 was.
  10. Gotta feel for that kid -- he's having an awful day...at least he got the kickoff in bounds. Nice of them to give him a chance for some redemption.
  11. Agreed. Give him the ball with the starters game 3 and if he plays well, then he's thoroughly won the starting role. I'd be shocked if he does not start next week. It was telling that they kept the starting line and Kelvin Benjamin in with him.
  12. Any information about what the injury is? I'm watching in NYC with the Browns announcers (oh, man, are they awful!) and they'll never mention it. Tim Couch clearly had no idea who Kyle Williams even is.
  13. Wow, it's amazing how quickly we can turn on players sometimes. I've been particularly watching him today and most plays I've noticed he's taken good angles. Hyde's 64 yards is disturbing, but I wouldn't pin that all on Edmunds. Also, it's pre-season.
  14. I've seen him in on most plays...are people gunning for him or something?
  15. It makes sense to be concerned, but I'm a bit assuaged by the fact that the blocking seemed consistent whoever was in there (in the first half at least). I was particularly impressed by Teller, though, who opened some gaping holes when in there.
  16. Maybe I missed something, but what in the world did Shaq do wrong. He was disruptive on three of the first five plays and looked good whenever I saw him the rest of the game. Yeah, it did sort of look similar to the way they used Watkins in pre-season debut last year. However, unless he can get a 3rd or higher, or package him to get Mack, I don't get it. Murphy is coming off an injury and thrived as part of a three-DE rotation.
  17. I don't see the two things as related. None of these players should seriously threaten his spot on the roster. Trent Murphy may take his starting role, but he also thrived off the bench in a three-DE rotation two years ago. Fede is a journeyman, Owe O. is a flyer on a guy people once thought had upside, Ryan Russell has half the tackles and sacks of Shaq in one more year. Is Shaq's Bills career on shaky ground? Well, based on McD's comments and history, it clearly is, but these pick-ups and visits simply show a commitment to turning over stones to stop the run and get a better pass rush. Here's an outside-the-box, but plausible thought: our defense was very good last year, but was beleaguered by having to be on the field so much (statswise, they were also skewed by a three-game total team breakdown of a near historic level, but that's neither here nor there). At this point, it doesn't look much like it will change (but who knows if AJ or Allen step up and line is not nearly as bad as expected). Perhaps they plan to keep extra defensive players to have depth to weather the low-scoring games. Back to the Shaq: I hope they give him every possible look. As much as some people here want to re-write history and pretend his pick at 19 was a stretch (i've even seen people who suggested he would have been a day 3 pick if not for rex's clemson connecion), he was a top 15 talent by most expert estimation. Some have also suggested he was a one-year wonder who lucked out, when he was a four-star, top 100 recruit going into college. And with injuries, he hasn't really got that much of a chance (and hasn't been terrible when playing, just nowhere near first-round-pick level). His value is at its low. If he truly isn't giving the effort, fine; I'll trust McD/Beane's judgment. However, it's worth seeing how he comports himself in the rest of training camp and how he plays in pre-season before giving up on a third-year first rounder.
  18. Buffalo will be Top 5 in sacks, with someone surprising hitting double digits. I'm gonna go with Eddie Yarbrough.
  19. I've had the same thought about getting a Thurman jersey. One of the Bills all-time best, yet still seems to get slightly below the national credit he deserves. How he was not a first ballot HoFer still eludes me. Also, at that Reed HoF ceremony, was looking at phone, trying to set up meeting with friend, looked up and saw Thurman (walking with Kelly and their wives) with his face about a foot away. So, of course I said "oh, hi, Thurman Thomas" in a very weird way. He turned around amicably, while his wife gave me a very amused smile, so it would commemorate that ... moment(?).
  20. I've never really been a jersey guy, but in 2013 I went to the Andre Reed HoF induction and in my excitement decided to get my first one there. They only had two choices, Manuel and Watkins, so obviously (h/t then coach Dougie) I went with the latter. Knowing I can be a bit of a jinx, my friends razzed me, but figured Sammy was a sure thing at that point. Oh well. One of the friends from that trip has a picture of his two kids wearing jerseys of JP Losman and Fitz, with him wearing CJ Spiller. He calls it the "Timeline of Bills Misery." Another friend has a host of these, but he's a comic and has a tendency to send away for jerseys of pre-season stars like Arthur Moats and Jordan Mudge. He bought one of Eddie Yarbrough last year, but it turned out to be a t-shirt. Although two of the three I named here actually exceeded expectations, so...
  21. Agreed. Was just watching the replay of the playoff game and that D stepped up and was simply dominant (as i think we often forget it mostly was during the season), and love the tactical way they approached upgrading it ... add a space eater, stock up on pass rushers with high upsides, bring in a rookie middle linebacker who many experts think could be an all-pro for over a decade. However, I also agree with the OP that I have few expectations either way (due to sooo many questions/wild cards), other than I doubt this team will go full disaster as, well, after pulling out of the latest 5-2 and finally making the playoffs in a season when we seemingly had no business doing so, I have to feel like McDermott is something special. A lot of the last place predictions seem to be predicated on the idea that Allen will start and the brass won't care what happens. I'd bet if Allen is starting it's because they see his progress as quicker than anyone could anticipate. If I were pressed, the best I could narrow down would be between 6-10 and 11-5 with Shady's case, Zay's rebound, the unfamiliar names on the O-line holding up, and whether Star is who they hope he is in the defense being the determinant factors.
  22. Or...just hear me out: Lawson was a highly rated prospect who was a four-star recruit who played lights out in the season he made it as a full-time player in college. Facts to back up this "hot take": every mock draft I could find online had him going between 8-19, Bears fans outside the Chicago draft were chanting his name for their #11 pick, the NFL.com scouting report had him with a Round 1 grade. Personally, If he's clearly not giving his all, I could understand McD giving up on him as depressing as it would be to sell low. If he plays hard and isn't a total mess, I'd love the idea of a Hughes/Murphy/Lawson (on his initial contract)/Yarbrough rotation with Star taking up the middle and seeing if they can now dominate. Sorry, I'm just tired of the revisionist history. He's turned out a bad pick if he doesn't turn it around; however, he was not a stretch who was only drafted b/c of the Rex/Clemson connection.
  23. The Triple Tre Defense. (and, yes, our Williams reserves, once proud, are depleting)
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