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Everything posted by JPDontletthedoorhityourars

  1. I wouldn't do that because even though I don't agree with you, I'll defend your right to disagree even if you call me names until you turn blue. Unfortunately my "side" owns more guns than yours' so i can't say what they might do to you and others if this sh-- continues.
  2. What are you talking about---We've had that land since the turn of the century and have been using that compound since the 70s for holding prisoners, illegal immigrants and other sub-human species there. Just because Bush "expanded" its use doesn't mean it wasn't being used for other kinds of punishment before. Yes, please defend Mr. Bill-the aspirin-company bomber and ethnic cleanser for me. Keep calling me names..I like it--it makes you look like the tolerant liberal that you all claim to be.
  3. Take deep breath...sorry got a little carried away.
  4. Typical liberal nastiness. Can't even humor me in jest.
  5. Darin, who did you learn your history from--Bill Ayers, and all those 'wack job' college professors MSNBC trudges on their lunatic broadcasts? Wasn't Gitmo around for Bill Clinton too? I didn't hear the libs worrying about detainees then? Why does it become a problem only after 3000 dead New Yorkers and few hundred others in PA and DC? Is it because your ilk likes terrorists and you want America destroyed? That's why you hate Bush! Because he protects Americans...you fukking traitor! Breshnev was right..the enemy is inside America--it's the fukking liberals and their alien (as in pod people) thinking!
  6. sigh...what a hetero middle age christian white man to do? The gays are getting more radical and relevant, the blacks are getting the jobs, the atheists secular progressives are running congress. Does anybody own a time machine to take me back to say the... 1890s?
  7. I thought it was clever. Although not exactly like how you made fun of the last president for the last eight years...you know in that vindictive humorless way that your kind breeds. I was not a huge supporter of Bush..but I respected the title and the position.
  8. Sigh... 12/21/2012 is looking good to me.
  9. Ooops...there goes the revolution! First they keep me from working, now I can't join an insurrection. They have it all figured out. The white man is dead. Seriously, first step to martial law. Not only are we going to become socialist but we are going to be fascist too!
  10. That's what i said...but I'm the friggin' idiot. Maybe every lib who wants them freed should have them stay at their house as one of them European student-nanny types--you know those pretty 19 year old girls visiting for a few months (what do you call them?). Mother: So Ahib-ALi Kalil, I'm going to run some errands, would you watch my twin two-year olds? I should be back soon. If they cry, just sing them Yankee Doodle Dandy...they like that song. By the way, do you like snacks? People magazine? I just have to say, it is so nice to have some one from another culture sharing my home with us. It's so enlightening! (Mother leaves). Ahib: DEATH TO AMERICA!
  11. You're right. I am a friggin idiot for thinking I would get anywhere talking to someone who worries about detained terrorists. Yeah..let's all be humanitarians (violins playing) and release them. Those poor prisoners--they did nothing wrong..I'm sure they're completely innocent. I know...let's give them those construction jobs and full benefits the whites can't have. Maybe we can have one of them White House balls for them..I'm sure the Hollywood ilk will show up and want to party with them. The theme--Hate Bush and love my terrorists! Yup, I'm an idiot.
  12. I'm not concerned about the health of these "people." I'd be more worried about your family than our so-called image and some silly Geneva convention... there is nothing conventional about this "new" kind of war.
  13. Correct 'most' and 'should not' because there are no absolutes in life. My brother doesn't plan to or intend to fly planes into skyscrapers and if he did I expect another country to look for him halfway across the world and put him away for life. And whatever consequences befall him whether it is torture or tea-time at noon will be his problem. I assume you expect America to provide tea time to appease the savages. Are you liberals from another planet? Are you pod people--is your body just a shell for something else that exists inside? I really really don't understand you. Not trying to be insulting I just don't understand you.
  14. The only thing flawed on this thread is your typical disrespectful liberal attitude. I didn't read the website because I saw the interview so reading comprehension was never the issue. And AGAIN he said he hopes he fails if he wants to go the route of socialism. I do too. But I hope he doesn't..but it doesn't look that way.
  15. First of all Rush's ratings are VERY high--through the roof--highest in the country. Secondly, Rush is the smartest guy on the radio and TV no matter what you think...love'm or hate'm. If you listen to him, you would know that. But people who hate him do not listen to him. Thirdly, he did not say that. He said if Obama gravitates to the very left he will fail becuase socialist policies never worked. He also said if he works from the middle he hopes he will succeed. Funny, how we like to hear only what we want to hear. I saw the interview on Hannity last night so don't tell me otherwise.
  16. Darin, here is the problem I take issue with you...and please no insults. The problem is that these are are not traditional POWs that are fighting for a country. Most soldiers fighting for their country should not be tortured or treated inhumanly after all most soldiers were drafted or were just part of a process. But we are talking about terrorists...fanatical savages who want you, me and every US citizen dead dead dead...and willing to die to kill more of us which makes them more dangerous. There is nothing that we can say or do that will make them act more civilized towards us. To them, we are the "devil" and need to be destroyed. We are Allah's enemy. This is why closing Gitmo and removing ALL torture has exposed us and weakened us today. What image have we tarnished in the world by conducting torture to gain information that saves lives? What do I or sensible people care what socialist panzy-ass Europe thinks or the other savage Middle eastern countries think? They hate America whether we stop torture or not. The true democracies in the world look to America to lead them against terrorism and we failed them today.
  17. It's too bad he didn't take out Pelosi and Feinstein with him.
  18. Agreed--I use to own one. In this kind of dismal economy, this might be the worst investment one can make. BUT--there will be desperate people looking to unload very cheaply if you must have one. Try Craigslist? Go to the pitch, enjoy the three days or whatever many days they offered to you and when the sales guy talks, tune him out so you don't put yourself in a position to agree. They are very good at it.
  19. When you have ex-hippie college professors who hate America writing textbooks and William Ayers' teaching political science they are not going to tell the truth. Their books will be filled with hate-spewed historical themes such as the KKK rather than the glorious cause of the revolutionary war.
  20. That is your opinion. A little bit over the top..but still an opinion. There is no one in the AFC East I would want over Lynch including Brown. Lynch was one of the better backs in the second half. I think you have a little bit of bias against him for whatever reasons. He was terrific in the Browns' and Jet games. The guy you should take issue with is Lee Evans...he is truly an underperformer.
  21. No..maybe Polian knows better and he is not worth it. My point wasn't whether I thought we should get him...I have no clue. My point was that no matter how much money we throw at someone, free agents are no longer motivated coming here after three mediocre seasons and the dismal state of affairs surrounding this franchise. In the future, please don't tell me what I think.
  22. All I know is he is damn hard to bring down and gets a lot of yards on his own. He's top 5 back in this league...no question.
  23. The guy played well because he played next to the greatest safety of all time and the greatest middle linebacker of all time. I got tired of watching him when he was here getting bowled over by 200 lb running backs. No thank you--move McGee to safety and resign Greer alongside McKelvin.
  24. Therein lies the problem why the Bills will remain mediocre at best. Even if we provide a better compenstaion package, players will not come here. We are irrelevant, and a running joke of a franchise, face it.
  25. The elitist globalist bankers love when people fight over party--repub vs dem. They know that most Amercians have vapid little minds and are easily controlled by the media bias. Bush I/Clinton/Bush II/Obama...it doesn't matter....every administration is taking orders. Obama is just an empty suit with zero qualifications other than being black.
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