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Everything posted by JPDontletthedoorhityourars

  1. Agree 100%!! Just today there was some news of a freed Gitmo prisoner under Bush (I missed the details of his release ) is now one of the top AL-Queda leaders. The left is going to get us killed yet. They are worrying about our image with the rest of the world. As if these people understand anything other than 'Death to America'. I'll never forget the vision of those innocent people jumping off the WTC building. What a bunch of pansies in this country. Good Lord!
  2. I can triple and quadruple the amount of liberal biased media outlets over the conservative right. C'mon. I will list if you want me to...it might take me two hours just from memory. The right dominates radio and that is it. All the TV/print and internet is far to the left.
  3. No, what I meant was, from a strategical standpoint, she is a potential threat to the dems because she is a Barry Goldwater kind of conservative that appeals to the 'real' conservative base--something the republicans haven't had. By osmosis, I meant she will learn over time to gain more knowledge and the cultural worldliness she so desperately lacks now...Alaska being where it is located is in a cocoon of sorts. This can only help to legitimize her candidacy. Yes, the media went after her, and she didn't help herself --she clearly was not "press" ready. But she is a determined over-achiever with a resume of achievements. The elitist media certainly did a number on her. I think it was class thing (being a moose hunter and such). That's my take.
  4. Yes I do. Do you really believe the media is not drawn to a left socialist stand or are you trying to get a rise out of me? Refrain from insults--I do not intend to go there.
  5. I agree I can be a bit antagonistic...can't deny it. But even when I have toned it down in response to it, you and DC Tom continue your rant. You're like the LA cops and I'm Rodney King. I admit being flawed, but you can't stop hitting me anyway. I'm worn out. So, let's just call and end to it and say peace out.
  6. Palin failed in two interviews where she was sabotaged by the socialist-minded media and her own unworthy campaign officials. True, her knowledge is narrow in scope (but what she does know, she knows very well) but her determination proved her worthy enough when she beat Biden in the debate. Over the next four years, I expect her, through osmosis and her unfettering motivation to succeed, gain the necessary knowledge to be the force the dems are fearful of--a true conservative woman.
  7. Maybe you are smarter than me. But I didn't start on you, nor did I elicit any response from you. You just dove in and got nasty with me. You call me stupid. You called me other names. I don't expect the majority of posters to agree with me...I am smart enough to know that. I'm also smart enough to know the world is full of differing opinions--some of which I won't like whatsoever. Liberals are tolerant of diversity, but obviously not of diversity in opinion. You continue to mock, suppress, repress, maim, sneer just like your friend DC Tom--somehow providing you some feeling of superiority over another human being. You choose intellectual pretense over respectful spirited discussion. I guess that's why it's so easy espousing atheism or secularism. You get to be downright mean-spirited and live with it at the same time.
  8. You might be more educated than her (or maybe not?) but you'll never get a 87% approval rating--not even on this board.
  9. Oh, I see! If an opinion is the polar opposite of yours, it's inane and inaccurate. Got it...Typical liberal intolerance.
  10. You're smug--I'll give you that. You know nothing. You're just the numb mind with very little capacity to seek out a different perspective.
  11. GoreBull Warming-Another big scam that will get you arrested in Europe if you denounce it...sort of on the same political correctness spectrum as the Holocaust (I'm not saying it didn't exist so don't go off the deep end). The fact is 19,000 scientists have claimed it has more to do with the sun reaching a high temperature cycle due to increased sunspot activity. The arrogance of humans thinking we could actually have an effect on a huge sphere such as the Earth on such an infinite level. Earth to Humans: you're too insignificant to matter. Just look at the universe.
  12. 90% of Americans don't realize the Globalist elitist pigs were around back then, and the New Deal was the Big Scam. It was the beginning of socialization of US. The New Deal didn't work then and it won't now. We are in a hole that we will never recover from. You can thank Rockerfeller and Rothschild families and the other zionist vampires. While we fight over the two party system (yeah me too!) and call each other names, they continue to plot and plan the destruction of America into chaos. These people are so smart, it is scary. Bushes/Clintons/Odumbo are all pawns, nothing else. Have a good day.
  13. "Palin II"-Hmmm.....I guess that means she gets things done, has some moral standards and ACTUALLY has a resume.
  14. I don't know...it kind of sounds like you hate America to me.
  15. So you like Illegal aliens and terrorists....and slave traders and drug peddlers too? God, what is O'Reilly, Hannity and I thinking for hating on those? I don't like country music nor do I own a gun. That would be seriously dangerous to my personal freedom.
  16. I say let'em free in Rhode island. The state is small enough you just might have an encounter with one...packed to the gills with explosives. Wouldn't that be a kick-in-the-ass! Bye!
  17. We got it--you hate America. You hate patriots. You hate God. But you love terrorists and gays.
  18. No, we don't. The republicans have failed us too. True conservatives say let the market crash and burn...it will eventually revive itself through entrepreneurialship which is what the bailout stifles.
  19. The consequences would be far reaching. The government would get the first dividend payouts. So we pay the tax increase for the debt to bail them out plus they make money on any profits the private sector USE to earn.
  20. Well said....and less than 400 words! Bravo!
  21. I don't know if you have noticed--but they have been out of control.
  22. No problem. He's called me a moron three times today. It gives him a sense of self-validation each time he does it.
  23. I didn't read the article. I saw the interview. He clearly stated he hoped Obama failed if his policies went far to the left. But he also said he hoped he would work from the center. BTW, have you heard O'Reilly lately? I watch him every night. He is mildy on the right and moving left every day.
  24. Okay...I've mulled over what you said and no matter how hard I've tried, I can't disagree. Good post.
  25. Uhh..no that's not he wants. He said if Obama goes ALL THE WAY to the left towards socialism then he hopes he fails. If he stays to the center, he will support him. By the way, if we do move toward socialism, there is nothing about America left to love.
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